Map\Zoom hacking in Path of Exile racing.

ZoRoXo wrote:
Outside of the usual cyka blyat stuff I don't think people here understand russian.

Yeah google translate left me baffled, it usually helps quite a bit.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Last edited by unsane#5479 on Jan 13, 2015, 1:02:37 AM
Will the Wookies go back to Endor now?

CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Ban wave is needed, most other online games that have a competitive element issue ban waves from time to time. POE just needs to do a big ban wave, put fear in people, if an account is flagged, it gets banned, they lose all items and MTX, no exceptions and no reversals. The same way Riot and Valve do. A ban won't get reversed unless the rarest of rare cases where the company can 100% prove it was a false positive, otherwise the ban stays. A big banwave like this would definitely keep many people from maphacking in the future. A much smaller number will continue to do it, making new accounts and such, but they can get caught in future banwaves.

I think GGG just need to get over the fear of public outcry of banned people and QQ and issue a big banwave. Once they get over the initial fear and just do a banwave, subsequent banwaves will be able to be implemented easier and better.

One can dream I suppose.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
Last edited by KimchiGirlx3#1331 on Jan 13, 2015, 8:10:11 AM
Chris wrote:
When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P

"When we mass-warn people for running these tools, don't say you weren't shocked"

Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM
"When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P"
easy warning easy life

maybe next time
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.


"Oh you guyssssss... you're not supposed to be doing that, you silly scamps!"
cwu wrote:
Chris wrote:
When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P

"When we mass-warn people for running these tools, don't say you weren't shocked"

Nothing will bring justice to early seasons.

That said, seeing people do shitty now will be all the confirmation I ever needed.

Looking forward to Alkaizer, Choilicious, Bzmode and maybe one other I can't think of displaying their mettle.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Chris wrote:
When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P

I feel that at least the players who cheated to gain an advantage in challenges and/or racing should have been banned since it's been detrimental to others players being legit
cwu wrote:
Chris wrote:
When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P

"When we mass-warn people for running these tools, don't say you weren't shocked"

Chris: The 3.5% of our playerbase that were caught cheating are about to get BANNED!!!

GGG Bean-Counter: Such action may result in up to a 3.5% reduction in gross revenue.

Chris: The 3.5% of our playerbase that were caught cheating are about to get WARNED!!!

Morsexier wrote:
Nothing will bring justice to early seasons.

That said, seeing people do shitty now will be all the confirmation I ever needed.

I, too will take joy in previous cheaters future failures or absence, whomever said cheaters turn out to be- which should be pretty obvious in short order.

Pam wrote:

I feel that at least the players who cheated to gain an advantage in challenges and/or racing should have been banned since it's been detrimental to others players being legit

Id like to see all the players who lost individual event demis to cheaters have their lost demis postseasonally awarded, though i rather expect ggg is either unable or unwilling to do so. Would be one hell of a show of good faith if they did, though.
IGN: KoTao
Does solo demi even means anything? anyone can get it with 0 effort. 100 ppl play races, 90 of them is terrible/died.
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