Cast on Crit
Only viable options with CoC now are:
Cyclone ( have fun desync'ing ALL the time) Barrage (not as crazy desync as cyclone but you also get desync a lot) Spectral Throw Power Siphoon You can take cyclone and barrage out because when you desync CoC won't process. When you desync sometimes you can't life leech and die... other times you do life leech but CoC still doesn't process. So you will end up raging trying to use these skills to activate it, unless you don't have desync problems (maybe the developers with 0 latency don't desync). Quill Rain is a bad bow to use CoC now, not just because its attack speed but mostly because projectile speed bonus which causes all your hits to hit in between that "10 ms cooldown", even the chain projectiles are canceled by the cooldown. Wand users can still use power siphoon with gmp + chain without problem. Due to the increased chance plus high wand critical chance it actually casts more times than before. Dagger is going to be a "problem" to the cry babies in this forum since you can easily get 100% critical with daggers. My build is bow oriented so i have more bow critical chance nodes, nonetheless i get a lot more casts when using "crap" daggers with spectral throw now (more than i get with bow) I already can see a lot of butthurt people asking for a new nerf after some people with crazy daggers (high physical dmg, high critical, high global critical, spell/element dmg %) show up and kill dominus in half a second. |
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I'm having a problem with the changes to CoC. First it was confirmed by other players in the patch note thread that the same spell can no longer be linked to CoC to yield more casts. That in itself is quite a blow to this support. I have noticed another problem using multiple different spells linked to barrage. Base barrage is 4 shots. When I crit with it, I see 2 Ethereal knives and 2 freezing pulses. If I link just freezing pulse I see 4 distinct pulses nearly every time. Here is the strangest part.. this isn't strictly an issue with the cooldown because I can link 3 different spells to elemental hit and they all go off on the same crit at once. Im using a harbinger bow so there is no way I am even approaching the CoC cooldown. It seems like a bug with barrage and multiple linked spells. For anyone confirming this behavior, make sure you are testing on single mobs and you arent piercing it and hitting another behind it. I initially thought barrage was the only usable bow skill but even that got nerfed, or is bugged. |
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" Well, let them cry: This is not crazy daggers, so it took almost two minutes. Or let them watch this and rejoice: Edit 11.01.2014: Grateful feedback. I'm not sure if 10ms CD or graphics optimization is responsible, but I can play in 1920*1080 resolution without lags now. I had to use 1024*768 in release version on the same hardware. Last edited by SunnyRay#1519 on Jan 10, 2014, 4:53:46 AM
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Dear GGGteam
when you look at the time your sourcecode needs to go from line1 back to line1, and it hovers around 10-20ms (guessed) tell me what you want to achieve or calculate with timevalues of 10ms ? Also keep in mind, best physical connection is at a 50ms difference anyway. Peace.
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When will all these people crying for nerfs be satisfied?
Will it be when they have driven the majority of the players away from the game and GGG no longer has enough incoming funds to continue supporting the game? Some people may have found CoC builds extremely powerful but I cant recall any videos of them doing the hardest endgame maps. So is a build to powerful even when it cant complete the game? The majority of people made a CoC build that was workable. Pretty good aoe (certainly no better than some other builds, discharge for example) but also had a lot of drawbacks. One such drawback being to get good survivability and insane damage was only for the mega rich. Mine is one of the builds that seems to now be too weak. I am still only in act2 merciless with it. Do I reroll ? No because my confidence in GGG is such that now i think rerolling or making new builds (which once was fun) is now pointless. I neither have the funds or the inclination to lvl another build whilst all the time living in fear of more nerfs. Will I quit? NO I still like the game. Will I give GGG anymore money? NO they already got $220 of my cash but this source of income for them has now stopped. Am I the only one in this situation? Highly unlikely. |
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GGG's balance goal is to make support skills gimmicky by enabling them to be used only with certain builds/items. I gave up on their balancing design concepts a long time ago :)
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Alright ... I have looked through 15+ pages of this thread and can't find an answer to this question.
I am about to reach lvl 20 CoC and want to know before I use the recipe on it. What is the exact mechanic of the quality of this gem (increased crit chance). Example DS>CoC>Cold Snap 1) Does it give increased crit chance to DS AND Cold Snap? or 2) Does it only give crit chance to Cold Snap since it is the gem directly effected by CoC? I am assuming #1. But without a q gem I can't test this. Check out my Frozen Dagger build in the Shadow forums!!
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" EDIT: Tried it, it applies to both Thats an interesting question. Do you have a gcp to test this with? Just record the crit chance before and after, i think you can see the crit chance for the spell as well in the char tab. On another topic: Ive never had so much fun in PoE, playing with CoC. Now i actually can feel my char steadily progressing via passives and gear upgrades (diamond rings etc.) Sure it can be a bit OP, but i'm currently only running with fireballs, and it feels just right. If a slight rebalance should be needed, just permit only one spell to be cast (randomizing if several are linked). I have a decent computer so it works pretty smoothly, but in parties there is some lag. GGG should really allow us to scle down effects. The Hyperbomber for 2.6: Last edited by Saltygames#3498 on Jan 15, 2014, 4:02:49 PM
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" Thnx for the test. I was probably going to do it no matter the outcome. I just wanted to know what to expect once my CoC hits 20 and I roll a 20q at the vendor. " No doubt. While I have always loved this game the CoC gem has given me that feeling of true ARPG play - Feeling so powerful by wiping things off the screen but still with that lingering knowledge that you can be brought down at a moments notice.. " CoC is only overpowered compared to other builds because it doesn't require AMAZING and stupidly expensive/elusive gear to be viable. But come end game it falls right in line with everything else. Unlike other builds, CoC does not get exponentially better with upgrades after a point. If they limit 1 spell per proc will break the gem. You are required to dump a ton of opints into crit chance/multiplier to make it viable. In turn that means that each spell cast will be weaker than pure spell dmg builds. And your 'attacks' will be much weaker than a pure attack dmg build. So you need to be able to put out all that xtra dmg (from multiple spells) to be able to keep up. " For sure. I can fill my screen with effects from CoC solo and not get much, if any, lag at all. The moment I step into a party I start to lag quite a bit. WTB particle effect scaling plx ^.^ Check out my Frozen Dagger build in the Shadow forums!! Last edited by Juggla1570#0315 on Jan 15, 2014, 6:33:31 PM
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I have linked Blood Rage-Increased Duration-Cast on Crit gems and it doesn't work. Is it possible to make this setup work? I have about 45% crit chance with my Spectral Throw. Last edited by Ryba3310#2139 on Jan 25, 2014, 6:25:26 PM
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