Cast on Crit
How do vaal skills work with cast on crit?
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they don't fire until they have enough souls to cast... or at least this is what's supposed to happen. i still haven't had time to get one and test.
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What about Vaal Double Strike|CoCS|spells? Will your double cast the spells on crits as well?
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Will having multiple copies of the same spell in a CoC chain change anything? Or will they all be counted as the same spell?
IGN: MFBloodWater
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As always, each Gem creates its own copy of a Skill. However, each Skill shares cooldown with other Skills of the same base (ie. all Fireballs share the same cooldown, but are separate from Ice Spear). Cast on Crit adds a cooldown, so you can only trigger one copy of each Skill in a CoC chain.
It will change something, but it will have no effect. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 29, 2014, 7:53:50 PM
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Cast on crit needs a serious nerf imo. In its current state, it trivializes actual casting of skills like fireball/arctic breath. Soon there will be more CoC EK than actual EK. With barrage, this skill is waaaaaaay too strong. (not to mention it kills fps on not great pcs). I understand that you need a bunch of supports to make it work but its nowhere near as expensive to run than other equally lethal builds such as RF.
There needs to be some sort of significant limitation on how often it procs (i know there is already one, but thats in there to prevent double procs on chain i think). If not a cool down, some thing else. % chance to consume powercharge on crit. |
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" CoCS builds require a lot of skill tree specialisation - they generally lack on survivability because of this. Also, gear needs to have accuracy and crit chance (and some spell damage is very nice); this means life, mana (MoM/AA), resistances, and defences become something you only really get as well if you have the wealth. CoCS works fine with 4 link, but lack any survivability. With 5 link you can add some survivability with LL, but it is more to keep you from dying to attrition than to actually survive anything nasty. With a 6 link CoCS becomes very good for dps as you almost double your damage, but you still have poor survivability there (no blind, chilling/freezing, stunning, knockback, etc). 5 links can be a pain to get for your first character for a fair while. 6 links are very expensive for a first character - those who care/are good at playing the econ-sim can do it easily, but then such wealth makes all this moot. Late game (by which I mean, lots of wealth), CoCS is no where near as good as its competition. So, we have a good (but not super) setup for cheap with no survivability. With some time and effort we can add some survivability to it (although it is still lacking in general). With a lot of effort and time (if not a flipper/RMT) you can get a build that beats most at around the same currency in dps, but is poorer than average on survivability. Finally, when you start to play with the rich CoCS gets left behind. Personally, I think it is about right where it should be. Most builds are more survivable, yet will do somewhat lower dps. It is a trade-off. Glass cannon and all that. Wealth makes it better, but lots of wealth prefers other builds. Last edited by Aimeryan#0430 on Apr 6, 2014, 5:48:28 PM
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This support gem makes the game look broken. It lags. It desynchs. It trivializes other spell casters.
Why? Because the spells activated by CoC are not restricted by their inherent cast time, which would make sense if they were. It would reduce desynch/lag. It would make the game look good. If damage is lacking that can be balanced by giving the spells triggered by COC reduced cast time and/or increased damage. |
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So I have that item that says "Cast on crit"... If I put Split arrow on the green socket... Then whatever spells on the other three... Would all three activate? So lets say I put searing bond, molten shell and enduring cry on the 3 sckets... That would work? |
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"its still a chance roll and you have to crit in the first place ontop of that. "sometimes" they'll all cast at same time, but usually at least one will always cast. |
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