Cast when Damage Taken

GGG: Please change this gem to where its more usable again. Maybe some kind of cooldown to when it procs with a lower damage treshold. Maybe max 1500 dmg taken when the gem is lvl 20?

Im currenty so unmotivated to go on with my characters. I notice myself playing other games because i dont want to deal with the current situation, its no fun to me. I used to play this game almost every day since closed beta...

DemJs wrote:
They all proc at the same time

This is not true at all cases.

The game has skills with cooldowns like cold snap or enduring cry.
CwDt gives supported skills a cooldown of 250ms. Its just a property like added radius or incresed projectile dmg.

Equiping 2 enduring cry gems and then using one of them gives both a cooldown.

This is also true if two different levels of enduring cry are used. Both gems get the cooldown if one of them is used.
The same to cold snap, both get the cooldown, also if used in different links and items.

So the cooldown is global for skills with the same name.


If different skills are supported by the CwDt then they fire at the same time. Thats because skills cant start the cooldown of other named skills.

The next question is, do skills with the same name alternate or is only the first of them able to fire if linked to the same CwDt?

This is important because it makes links like this example useless, or less powerful.

Instead of 2 icespears, one icespear and one fireball would fulfill the purpose of Voll's Protector Powercharge generation better.

On the other hand, 2 skills with the same name but on different links(items) would just delay the "collect dmg phase" of each other. I assume that if the first is fired, the others dont lose their "collection of dmg"(like 99% sure they dont).

If thats right, using high leveled CwDt gems is a good idea because low level ones just delay each other more often.

I rly like to know what "The Creator" could say to those thoughts :>

English is my third language, there will be bugs.
Just sharing my suggested feedback and how I think the gem was designed to work.

Cast when Damage Taken Gem Leveling should work as utility for hybrid-survivability and hybrid-source of damage

Reduced Damage. Same value across all levels.
Suggestion: 50%

Damage Threshold reduced. A consistent value that scales with maximum life.
Current: 440
Suggestion: 30%+100 of Maximum Life Missing
-1000 life would be Damage Threshold of 400
-2000 life is Damage Threshold of 700
-3000 life is 1000
-4000 life is 1300
-5000 life is 1600

*Maximum Level of Supported Skills reduced. To limit the leveling process of other supported skills and influence players to level Cast when Damage Taken
Current: 31,33,35,37,39,etc (goes up by 2)
Suggestion: 19,21,23,25,27,etc (goes up by 2)

Per 1% Quality changed. To reduce the limitation of the gems *maximum level of supported skills.
Current:0.5% increased Damage
Suggestion:+1 Maximum Level of Supported Skills

-The damage output will always be less vs casting the spell manually.
-Level 20 skill gems will require a high level and/or high quality of Cast when Damage Taken
Examples below
-Cast when Damage Taken level 5 (27) will not support Enduring Cry level 5 (31)
-I would need Cast when Damage Taken level 7 (31) to support Enduring Cry level 5 (31) OR Cast when Damage Taken level 5 with 4% Quality (31) to support Enduring Cry level 5 (31)
-Players will strive for Cast when Damage Taken leveling and % quality.
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Last edited by darkdraithdoom#3549 on Nov 14, 2013, 9:06:43 PM
hi there, i asked myself if you could some kind of stack CwDT.

let me explain. if you got 2 times this support gem (one lev 5 one lev 15)r u able 2 cast when 800 dmg taken and 2000 dmg taken?! i linked it with molen shell, immortal call and enduring cry.

if someone knows the answer pls post some comment.
Schnellimammi wrote:
hi there, i asked myself if you could some kind of stack CwDT.

let me explain. if you got 2 times this support gem (one lev 5 one lev 15)r u able 2 cast when 800 dmg taken and 2000 dmg taken?! i linked it with molen shell, immortal call and enduring cry.

if someone knows the answer pls post some comment.

You cant apply the same support gem twice to a single skill. It's a general rule, which regards any support, be it Faster Casting, GMP or CWDT, two same supports (even with different levels) wont work if linked together. They should be in separate links to work, supporting different skill gems. In your case, you need two 4-L items, both with CWDT, EC, IC and MS.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Nov 15, 2013, 5:30:58 AM
yeah, i forgot 2 wrote that i use boots and gloves

will this work?! i know, i have to choose a scrouring or 2 on ic...
Last edited by Schnellimammi#0389 on Nov 15, 2013, 12:25:28 PM
Schnellimammi wrote:
yeah, i forgot 2 wrote that i use boots and gloves

will this work?! i know, i have to choose a scrouring or 2 on ic...

You are able to level up the "Increased Duration" on your gloves higher. As I have mentioned (and tested) on page 24, CwDT does not prevent high level support gems from working. It only limits the level of the active gem, not the support gem.

And yes that will work but I wouldn't recommend it. I don't know what would happen when the low level CwDT proc'd 5 times and the high levle one proc'd 2 times. Common multiplier. Might trigger them together?

I would personally stick with casting enduring cry manually. Casting animation is almost instant and you can decide when is the best time to cast it. Its cooldown is only 4 seconds and I doubt you're expecting yourself to take 2000 dmg every 4 seconds to make it proc.
Last edited by DemJs#7912 on Nov 15, 2013, 12:47:10 PM
Can this fire off two of the same spells at once that dont have a cooldown?

Cast on damage taken

Or do i have to put the Arcs in different items on different Codt-gems?
I have seen builds that use Volls Protector and codt + ice spear + freesing pulse + gmp. Why no 2 ice spears?
I feel like Cast When Damage taken is still too OP. The gem slot cost for the good utility they provide is unbalanced.
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mazul wrote:
I feel like Cast When Damage taken is still too OP. The gem slot cost for the good utility they provide is unbalanced.

Well have you tried using it yourself? It looks nice on paper, but try it yourself.

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