Cast when Damage Taken

nice ;) @FusionPower

my molten shell is now 20/20 now the enemies (well i prefer to call them victims ;) not only get shocked but also ignited all around me ;) that was worth the 20gcp plus the now maxed temp chains work great together with burning and shock.

elemental proliblabla together with molten and shocknova is awesome.. never thought i would ever use this gem again ;)
Last edited by krassi3000#2469 on Oct 28, 2013, 10:40:45 PM
Fusion_Power wrote:
I now have also "Detonate Dead" linked, mainly for testing. Dominus uses Corpse explosion (besides tons of other mean things) so if I had this known earlier I may have died less at him in destroying the corpses and maybe do some damage with that. But Can't level up much because Detonate Dead nees alot of Dex which my Marauder don't has.

I use one gem as well with detonate dead:
and concentrated effect or with arctic breath and LMP/fork (i am pure evasion explosive arrow, so it helps a bit escaping)
PanzerSoul wrote:
Does anyone know if this gem triggers with the damage you deal to yourself with blood rage / rightous fire? Or blood magic, for that matter.

Seriously, anyone?
This world is full of strange thinking people. At last we got funny to use and usable skills like Spectral Throw or CoDT and forum is full of whinning, that it should be nerfed...

So what you expect from game, to have only barely usable, not funny and hard to use skills?

For me CoDT is fine as is. I don't expect, that GGG had no idea that they were doing adding it to game as is.

It is so hard to believe, that maybe they wanted it to be a little overpowered? CoDT does nothing, what you could not do yourself. And this damage taken thresholds make it proc not so often on properly build characters.

Anticipation slowly dissipates...
PanzerSoul wrote:
PanzerSoul wrote:
Does anyone know if this gem triggers with the damage you deal to yourself with blood rage / rightous fire? Or blood magic, for that matter.

Seriously, anyone?
RF and other DoT's never "hit". blood magic wouldn't trigger the support gem as that isn't damage either but for a different reason.
soul4hdwn wrote:
PanzerSoul wrote:
PanzerSoul wrote:
Does anyone know if this gem triggers with the damage you deal to yourself with blood rage / rightous fire? Or blood magic, for that matter.

Seriously, anyone?
RF and other DoT's never "hit". blood magic wouldn't trigger the support gem as that isn't damage either but for a different reason.

Alright, thanks
Is there a time period where the damage taken must occur?

My level 17 CoDT states it takes 2520 total damage to cast linked abilities. Say I take 2000 damage within a 3 second period and then clear the mobs dealing damage to me. From this point I stand around afk for a full minute and then move on to the next pack. Is the damage counted towards the trigger lost (timeout) or does it keep a track of it forever? I.e will the next pack need to deal 520 damage to me or full 2520 for it to trigger?

I'm kind of hoping there is a damage timeout, at least that would be the best way to use it with Immortal Call, though I guess that's not so great for other abilities.
bigdirty wrote:
lvl 1 cast on damage taken + lvl 1 immortal call (no endurance charges just the base duration) + cold snap + increased duration. nuff said

I recently removed Immortal Call from CWDT to cast it manualy. It's more efficient during normal gaming imho because this way I can hold up my 7 Endurance Charges that also have great phys dmg reduction and IC doesn't do anything else except to keep you immune to phys dmg for a short time.
But 7 Charges have more advantages than one Immortal Call, the charges give you more resists and especialy much mor lifereg, this outlevels the Immortal Call mostly the time.
Of course this only is valid if you use Endurance Charges, for other builds, IC may be the best way. I still can cast IC manualy and it lasts pretty long with 7 charges, even moe if you link increased duration, yes this works with IC. :)

krassi3000 wrote:

nice ;) @FusionPower

my molten shell is now 20/20 now the enemies (well i prefer to call them victims ;) not only get shocked but also ignited all around me ;) that was worth the 20gcp plus the now maxed temp chains work great together with burning and shock.

elemental proliblabla together with molten and shocknova is awesome.. never thought i would ever use this gem again ;)

20/20 Molten Shell? HABEN WILL! :D
No, my Shell is new and has no quality, I first have to level it up because I never used this skill before. I play self found so no GCP's to waste. I guess a 20/20 gem does nice damage, even with low level CWDT support (70% dmg reduction at level 1).
Sadly I can't use Shock Nova because it's Mana requirements are o high for my str Marauder. I'm sure it's fun though.
Elemental Proliferation is also a very nice gem, I used it with my Summoner Witch and Arc to support my Minions. Shock stackings rule! :D

AveiMil wrote:
Is there a time period where the damage taken must occur?

GZ, you overleveled yout CWDT gem. ;) I guess it will bareley trigger with that high trigger value. I recommend to bring the gem to level 20 and tradeit at an NPC for a Level 1 20% quality gem, never level this gem that high again, keep it low, then it triggers much more often.
Last edited by Fusion_Power#0294 on Oct 29, 2013, 9:40:41 AM
Fusion_Power wrote:
AveiMil wrote:
Is there a time period where the damage taken must occur?

GZ, you overleveled yout CWDT gem. ;) I guess it will bareley trigger with that high trigger value. I recommend to bring the gem to level 20 and tradeit at an NPC for a Level 1 20% quality gem, never level this gem that high again, keep it low, then it triggers much more often.

Nah dude, that's intentional. I have another one at level 1 that does enduring cry and molten shell + enfeeble.

Having Immortal Call go off every second is pretty worthless so that's why I put it with a leveled CoDT. Depending on the mechanics (question I posed), I will most likely remove IC though, becasue it's not all that useful if there's no time limit on the damage taken.

Also, remember with Molten Shell you want to link it to level 1, becasue the damage reduction is really great as otherwise it's very dangerous versus reflect. The damage isen't really why you want to link it with CoDT anyway, but a flat 1000 armor is very nice.
Last edited by AveiMil#0732 on Oct 29, 2013, 9:43:40 AM
AveiMil wrote:
Is there a time period where the damage taken must occur?

My level 17 CoDT states it takes 2520 total damage to cast linked abilities. Say I take 2000 damage within a 3 second period and then clear the mobs dealing damage to me. From this point I stand around afk for a full minute and then move on to the next pack. Is the damage counted towards the trigger lost (timeout) or does it keep a track of it forever? I.e will the next pack need to deal 520 damage to me or full 2520 for it to trigger?

I'm kind of hoping there is a damage timeout, at least that would be the best way to use it with Immortal Call, though I guess that's not so great for other abilities.

I just tested this my self.

There does not appear to be any timeout on the damage taken, it's at least longer than a two minutes in any case.

Going to town resets the damage taken counter, however.

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