Spectral Throw

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Balance & Design
Last bumped on Oct 5, 2024, 4:00:46 AM
Howdy! I really like the feel of this skill so far. It's a lot of fun to use and it seems like it has potential to be used in all stages of the game, which is great.

One thing that is bugging me is the way it's cast. It seems like the game thinks its range is quite short, so if there is an enemy farther away and you're trying to hit it right with the sweet spot at max range, you'll instead run up closer and cast. I guess you could say just hold down shift, but i think the skill just casting at your enemy no matter where you are would just feel better to me. I dont like having to hold down shift or clicking at a spot closer to my exile.
Really fun skill, though it seems like it might be too powerful as it gives two-handed users a powerful AoE range attack that builds directly upon their main damage stat (and I assume also gets bonus from any projectile passives). Not hard to spam too.

EDIT: Yeah, just tested it and it does get projectile bonuses too.
Last edited by werezompire#4977 on Oct 23, 2013, 9:11:13 PM
Does melee weapon range (like arena master passive or daressos unique) increase the hitbox of the thrown weapon? Thanks for your help, might be a dev question.
llama wrote:
Does melee weapon range (like arena master passive or daressos unique) increase the hitbox of the thrown weapon? Thanks for your help, might be a dev question.
The base range of the weapon affects the projectile's size, but bonuses to melee range from passives etc do not, as it is not being used in melee.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Oct 23, 2013, 8:43:49 PM
it appears this skill shotguns? i thought it was changed not too?
ign = ultrahiangle
Let's say that when i throw my weapon, it goes 5m away from me.

With Point Blank, would a monster 1m away from me being hit from the weapon coming back have it's damage calculated as if he was 9m away or 1m away?

Also, does slower projectile make the weapon go less far? If so, is the damage modification from Point Blank scaled down or is it not related to how far the projectile can go.
Museifu wrote:
Let's say that when i throw my weapon, it goes 5m away from me.

With Point Blank, would a monster 1m away from me being hit from the weapon coming back have it's damage calculated as if he was 9m away or 1m away?

Neither. The projectile has actually two distances being calculated sperately. One time when you "throw" it and one time when it comes back. So the correct answer would probably be 4m.

Museifu wrote:
Also, does slower projectile make the weapon go less far? If so, is the damage modification from Point Blank scaled down or is it not related to how far the projectile can go.

The range does not really matter, I think. Not too sure, but it looked like it doesn't matter.

Sooo... what I wanted to ask is if it's intentional Sprectral Throw is checking if the target was hit by another "Spectral Weapon" about 0.5 seconds ago to prevent the "shotgun" dmg? Because right now it results in Spectral Throw hitting your enemy like 4 or 5 times when at max range, because the weapon stays at that position for quite long. I don't have a problem with that, as slower projectiles is actually a pretty immense dmg and control increase because of that, but, like I said, I am not sure whether that's intentional or not.

Cheers and sorry for my bad english, it's quite late right now.. wait.. it's early in the morning.. dammit..
Mark_GGG wrote:
llama wrote:
Does melee weapon range (like arena master passive or daressos unique) increase the hitbox of the thrown weapon? Thanks for your help, might be a dev question.
The base range of the weapon affects the projectile's size, but bonuses to melee range from passives etc do not, as it is not being used in melee.

Thank you!
I am a fan of Spectral Throw. It feels awesome.

Only thing as Quark mentioned, it has longer range than it think it does. Which is a bit annoying having your character constantly taking babysteps forward for what appears to be no reason at all.

Edit: Shift cast helps
Edit2: With projectile speed I don't have this issue anymore.
Last edited by VeryBrightLight#3674 on Oct 24, 2013, 10:38:07 AM

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