
SigmaBlack wrote:
Just one thing though: please, there is no need to be rude and say "shit" every sentence :)

In my previous three posts there's a whopping two instances of the word 'shit'; this post adds two more, one of which is yours. If you're going to point out my tendency to abuse the English language, at least comment when I actually do that. Thanks in advance.
Looks like Vaal Arc have like over 20 chains ...
^ Well, maybe it will change overtime... (Mine changed, its 1 year from time when i posted first negative feedback for Arc)
SigmaBlack wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
GMP is useful because it increases spread and Damage potential (unless you already fire 4+ Projectiles). For single-Projectile Skills, Chain also increases Damage potential.
Arc actually deals less total Damage when you add Chain.

Sorry Viper, but I disagree. Chain & GMP would provide an equal damage increase for both skills linked. Your own numbers show it:

Vipermagi wrote:
Chain adds two hits, and reduces Damage by 50% -> (3+2) * 100/2 = 250% effective Damage

Vipermagi wrote:
GMP adds four Spears, and reduces Damage by 50% -> (1+4) * 100/2 = 250% effective Damage

Heh, you misunderstood some of his calculations.

He used Arc as having a base damage of 300%, perhaps because it hit 3 times. Chain lowered this to 250%. He used Ice Spear as having a base damage of 100%. GMP raised this to 250%. However, since the base damage percentages are different you can not compare these calculations of Chain|Arc to IS|GMP directly.

If you look at my calculations, I used Arc as having a base damage of 100%. Since I also used IS as having a base damage of 100% it is now possible to compare directly:

Arc -> 100%
Arc w/ Chain -> 83.33%
IS -> 100%
IS w/ GMP -> 250%

As you can see, 83.33% is not only lower than 250%, it is also lower than the original 100%.

P.S. These percentages are not saying that Arc and IS do the same damage before supports - that may or may not be true, but it is not what these calculations are for. We are simply showing the effect of the supports on the skill's overall damage as a percentage.

Viper's initial point was that the supports of GMP-Spell and Chain-Arc are not in the same league as GMP massively boosts overall damage while Chain for Arc actually lowers it. The fact they both lower base damage by 50% is irrelevant as that is not all they do.
Last edited by Aimeryan#0430 on Feb 26, 2014, 10:07:17 AM
Aimeryan wrote:
If you look at my calculations, I used Arc as having a base damage of 100%. Since I also used IS as having a base damage of 100% it is now possible to compare directly:

Arc -> 100%
Arc w/ Chain -> 83.33%
IS -> 100%
IS w/ GMP -> 250%

As you can see, 83.33% is not only lower than 250%, it is also lower than the original 100%.

Fun fact: 250/300 = 83.33%. You're calculating the exact same thing. Relative values and all that.

The reason I list Arc as 300% effective Damage (not Base :) ) is because indeed it hits three times. When you cast Arc, it deals its Base damage thrice, and each hit is 100% listed Damage - Ice Spear deals its listed Damage once (ignoring the Pierce).
But, it's the same thing ultimately. Arc loses Damage potential with Chain, Ice Spear gains (a ton of) Damage potential with GMP. Chaining Arc sucks, GMP doesn't.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Feb 26, 2014, 8:28:29 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
Aimeryan wrote:
If you look at my calculations, I used Arc as having a base damage of 100%. Since I also used IS as having a base damage of 100% it is now possible to compare directly:

Arc -> 100%
Arc w/ Chain -> 83.33%
IS -> 100%
IS w/ GMP -> 250%

As you can see, 83.33% is not only lower than 250%, it is also lower than the original 100%.

Fun fact: 250/300 = 83.33%. You're calculating the exact same thing. Relative values and all that.

I know that, but... well, lets just say that not keeping things like-for-like confused at least one person into seeing an incorrect conclusion! :P
Last edited by Aimeryan#0430 on Feb 26, 2014, 10:04:19 AM
So there are no plans to buff arc yet? Its such a bad skill which could be so great
vajura wrote:
So there are no plans to buff arc yet? Its such a bad skill which could be so great

Not that I have heard.

It was interesting (note; sad) watching Chris try to demonstrate the new Ambush chests in one of the recent vids ( starting about 8:30). He used Arc, 18 monster spawned, he couldn't keep up, dead. He finds it amusing. He decided to use another chest, same deal - can't kill the mobs. Decides to switch to Ice Nova, which killed the mobs pretty quick.

Could he have picked a better way to show how bad Arc is?
Last edited by Aimeryan#0430 on Mar 1, 2014, 2:49:04 PM
Aimeryan wrote:
Could he have picked a better way to show how bad Arc is?

The monsters that spawned had lightning resistance.
Last edited by Sa_Re#3411 on Mar 2, 2014, 7:33:28 AM
Sa_Re wrote:
Aimeryan wrote:
Could he have picked a better way to show how bad Arc is?

The monsters that spawned had lightning resistance.

And what if, dare I say it, a build is *shock* based around arc? What then? Die like that? This argument is moot. All it does is show how unbalanced spells in general are in this game.

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