PvP Feedback
PvP is the game where 2 players fight and the cold chain witch wins. Have tens of friends, most have quit over this. Of course we can wear a crappy unique for antifreeze, drink a potion only to be chilled the next instant or risk running to the totems to use conversion trap but get chilled before. Or even use complex defensive tactics to avoid chilling, but only delay your death, because you can hardly attack. Or even sacrifice 20 passives and pay a fortune for that unique circlet (irrelevant to your build), to get chill immunity. I kill chain freezers, but from the time my game tactics need to be 10 times more complex from theirs, something is broken. You don't need to make a pvp ladder, all will be crit cold and chain freeze. Perhaps a few with off-screen auto-aim op arc totems too.
Last edited by aryosgr#3381 on Mar 7, 2013, 10:16:55 AM
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" Cold/Freeze + Temporal Chains + Totems. It ends up with people just running around letting their skilsl do all the work. There needs to be some of balance. Maybe make temporal chains/freeze no longer work in pvp while making totems/minions do barely any damage. Currently. its so lop sided. I can only reall enjoy pvp with friends it feels so forced in 5 out of 5 matches. It needs to be Free for all style pvp not timed death matches. Just my opinion anyway. |
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" I play duo totem ice spear and relative speaking cold does bad dmg. There are many ways to just roflstomp my build. Arc witches can pop around corners and instagib my totems before they start to cast or even just outrange the totems. Leap marauders can just pot up and roflstomp us literately because most of us is CI and dont use that anti stun amu. Most times when i win it is because my enemy havent even bothered getting a anti freeze item or simple have bad resistances. I dont even use temporal chains curse, but might consider it once the general public start using their head instead of crying when loosing while not wearing proper gear or just simple bad gear. Sugarpuff level 86 witch default laugue
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As a quite experienced pvp player in many games i must say that its not as bad as it was in d2. But... There is always something like op and what other players not playing that build will hate. 1st of all i would like to say that good pvp system will keep player in this game. few days ago we made a comparison of pvp between poe and d3. WE found poe better but still not good enough to keep us in it for 10 hours constant playing. I have some ideas that may be useful, some ppl have already said about them but still what is said twice will better stay in memory :D
1. Ppl dont like stun lock, frozen lock? ok, make it as it is in WoW every next CC lasts shorter. 2. Totems are proublem because ppl are just putting them on and running away? the farer character is from its totem, the less dmg it does (on pvp ofc) 3. Give us some interesting way of pvp like: a. PvPvE - Big map, good spots for xping, with monsters respawning after some time, but other players in it hunting. b. Point award system for killing other players - points can be exchanged for some items like capes, hats, different weapon images, potions giving extra armor/speed not big ones c. Let the players join 2 sides of conflict, make wars 3/4 times a week the winners get 5% more xp boost d. Capture the flag - let players create their own parties, thing about tactics and prepare special builds just for their playstyle, it will increase social, because sometimes character may be weak on pve but very important in pvp for their team. e. LoL type - map, 2 teams, 3v3, 5v5, some monster, or boosts hidden on map, destroy tower in town, killing some monsters give blesses f. Let 2 sides of conflict fight for joining special area with high item drop rate. 4. Give 5 lvl difference between areas. because its sad that on lvl 74 i wight with player on 62 or soemthing hope, You will take in mind my sugesstions, because atm, i am in love with that game, but weak pvp will be a huge disadvantage IGN: Psycomethabuckdown / Psycomethaviolent
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Kind of rating system would be nice. For example the elo-rating system used for chess or lol. Start at low rating and get higher if you win and lower if you loose. So you dont even need to compare level or Itemlevel. You will always have a balanced fight.
And of course, pvp for everyone, from everywhere, with every level ;) |
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A 5 seconds global totem cooldown would solve most of the issues, balancing problems and forum whining. For dual totemers, apply the cooldown only in 1 of the 2 totems.
A 1-3 seconds cooldown in cursing, would be welcome too. Traps have already gone that way, and it's not a matter of dps or being op, but the way they affect the game PvP mechanics. Converted totems should also not be able to be respawned instanty, but lock in place, for the time the conversion trap works. Exception being 1 of the 2 dual totemer totems, if both converted. Also, in case a totem is converted, a player should be able to attack and destroy his own, converted totem. Crit effects need to be changed as well, for PvP: 20-30% less crit damage and/or chance to freeze/chill/stun/burn, for each consecutive crit, stacked up to 4 times, and bring back the crit chance to max in the 5th hit (and all over again). Today, the impossible hapenned: I got perma-frozen, with full anti freeze equipment, even when not being attacked. Worse, the anti-freeze flask did not work. So, it seems like chill can go up to 100% chilling, being a freezer, in practice. Chill/shock/stun/knockback need to have a 75% effectiveness threshold. Small changes, big difference in "balancing" (overabusing spells and effects), imho. Last edited by aryosgr#3381 on Mar 16, 2013, 4:14:48 PM
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PVP mode is good,but now I think there are still many aspect that need to be design.
1.The Problem of Level--it's not fare for players of different level to fight together; 2.Purpose of PVP--to test the character's ability or just find satisfaction from VS with other player?I think POE can be a better game by offer some extra fun like PVP but it's more important for us to understand why we should do so and what exactly we need to do.I think ask players what they really want from PVP is the most direct way to get the answer; 3.Award of PVP--how to make it interesting for every player to PVP? But this is something about the balance of the game, and I think it's not a easy job to make a good Award System. At last,thank you very much for the game POE, this is the best game I've seen after D2. I think the most interesting thing of POE is fair--everyone in the game is all the same, there is no cheatable way but at the same time, everyone can build the unique character as they like. Thank you very much! I hope more and more players will be in here. 加油啦!嘿嘿 |
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PvP needs to be balanced seriously people play this game for pvp. But no one is ever on. I sometimes sit in the global que for 5-10 minutes than get pinned against a person either 15 levels lower or 10 levels higher. OP Builds/Skills that need some serious attention ASAP. Dual Totems: Ridiculously OP. Two totems that attack for you, while you kite and hide? Throwing traps. No Drawback. No Cooldown. Seriously why is this even allowed in PvP? Bear Trap: (or any Trap in general. EK+ Trap is stupid OP as well) Who balanced the damage for this? Can't even move or attack for 3+ seconds then get crit for 5K damage x 3. Very Unbalanced. Note: Traps should not be able to be thrown directly on top of standing players. They should have to move to trigger them. IE = Trap. EK: Wow? More unbalanced damage, with no cooldown and no drawback I'm seeing a pattern here. Where is the reduced damage effectiveness for this skill? " Temporal Chains: Retarded. Enough Said. Slow your char by 40% in pvp it's recastable with no cooldown? Chilled Effect + Temporal Chains OMG. Why do these stack? They shouldn't stack. IGN: lVlage (96 Witch) Last edited by lVlage#3413 on Apr 12, 2013, 2:46:30 PM
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PvP is great. Everytime in every game.
But not this PvP! 3 Reasons why PvP isn't good. 1. Nobody want to play PvP cause theres no reward for winning. Result: Waiting up to 15 minutes for an opponent. It doesnt make sense to play PvP its only wasting of time. Solution: add an reward for winning in PvP. Then more characters will play PvP cause they wnt to get a reward. A very simple reward is a passive skill refund point for an example 2. I reach the forest on lvl 14 and take part at PvP My opponent's lvl (after waiting 4 minutes) is 28. I will give my best using every flask and hitting my opponent with a critical strike but (nearly) nothing happens. Opponent is killing me with one or two hits. Result: I wont play PvP again. Why I should play PvP when I first have to wait 5 minutes and then I had no chance to win? Solution: minimize the differences between the highest and the lowest lvl and add more modes. Instead of low lvl 3 Groups: lvl 15-20 lvl 21-25 and lvl 26-30 3. I cant play PvP on every lvl. So when I reach lvl 28 I cant play PvP anymore. Result: i dont want to make quests and i will end playing PoE. Solution: To add PvP in every "city" for every lvl Don't fear the death, Don't fear the life. No death no life. ~Standard League Last edited by 14Uhr#4183 on Apr 7, 2013, 10:25:30 AM
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I think GGG needs to change priorities, cause, as predicted, game will become increasingly more and more boring without interesting pvp/race system.
Introducing new spells etc. is nice, but if people are stopping to play - it means something is going wrong direction. Player base should only increase. Now, pvp system is basicly a gear check, it is not based on timings/dodging and other things more than gear, which makes best gear win the game, which makes people who spend more time farming win, and others rage and quite pvp. The main role should be player skill, not gear in order to make game enjoyable by larger player base. The main problem is that GGG does not show clear signs that they do anything positive about pvp in a considarable degree. At least they should clearly state their plans and aproximate dates for new things to come - such as ladder, cuthroat, or openly state that pvp is not priority and people should not have too much hope about it in the near future, that this is pvm game. Being constructive, I will list some of things that will surely improve pvp fun and interest (some are just common sense ones and might reapeat): 1) balancing all skills around pvp, seperately from pvm, making them all to be more or less on the same level in order to increase build variety. Now, some skills are overused and some underused. Some skills too strong as without investment, some too weak even with investment. 2) well though out cuthroat league, preventing large ganger groups stomping over new characters etc. This could be achieved by implemeting order vs chaos factions. When joining cuthroat, you have to choose which side you will be on (order or chaos). Order can not atack order, and chaos - chaos. Also, giving level intervals for each dificulty and area. 3) PvP arena 1x1 and 3x3 ladder, helping to find opponents of similar dificulty. Something similar to starcraft 2 ladder. 4) Races connected with pvp. For example, everyone plays for 2 hours without trading and than enters single or double elimination automated pvp tournament. Winners gets currency or some other reward. 5) Regular pvp tournaments. They could even be automated. Capture the flag, team deahtmatch with powerups etc. That's just my opinion - Any game these days will not be succesfull without pvp in the center. As for start, why not to make 1x1 and 3x3 pvp tournament with steamers playing in it. In this way, more people will become atracted to pvp + strenghts and weaknesses of pvp balance will be seen much easier, allowing to make some changes. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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