<AUSSIE> Oceanic Exiles - Australian gateway


I am looking for a guild to play and Grind with in POE.

Happy hunting

Last edited by Willza#3731 on Nov 11, 2016, 6:39:45 AM

I'm based in Sydney and I'd like to join your guild. I haven't joined a guild in PoE yet, I've been playing since Closed Beta on and off, but I came back seriously in Essence league, and now I'm much better at the game that I was before :) I have a few characters over level 80 in ESC as I'm trying out lots of new things. I've also been watching Norse's stream and enjoy learning from him and the banter with his chat.

I've added klintz ingame, but I have yet to have a chat with him.

My IGN is : DougabyJones

I'm looking for a guild to shoot the shit with, and group up on maps/masters to keep things interesting.

I'm based in Auckland NZ (a 5 minute drive away from GGG's offices actually) and spend 90% of my time playing temp-league SC, with a touch of HC on the side to get the HC based achievements.

Regular global channels bore me with the same old trolling and political "discussion" so I spend a lot of time in 820 chat otherwise.

My personal preference is mapping as a pair or trio as it keeps frames stable and is less visually hectic. I rarely join VoIP, as I spend my days in busy offices and gaming is my break from all that noise :)

IGN: BoundEve (yeah I play way too much the binding of isaac)
Last edited by Sectiplave#3030 on Nov 15, 2016, 7:37:25 PM

Aussie here. I've been in another guild for a while and they've been super helpful when I was learning how to play. However, the lack of Aussies in the guild make it hard for me to find a suitable mapping partner for organised rotas or exp/item runs.

So, I was hoping I could join your guild.

IGN: Sinepgibaevahi
Last edited by SideraMaris#3683 on Nov 16, 2016, 6:33:48 AM
Aussie here and looking to join a guild. Have been playing on and off since Anarchy.
IGN: Atherialz
Aussie looking to play a lot more in Breach. Over 1000 hours played and keen to push some more group stuff early league, support build etc.

IGN: Droppafb
Free bump for my favourite Oceanic Exiles!

Good luck in the upcoming Breach Challenge League.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Hi! I'm a Singaporean studying in Sydney. Just started a few days ago and really like the game, having been a huge fan of D2 and a bit of D3. May I join :) ?

IGN: Tetracycline
Hi, I live in Brisbane and would like to join the guild of possible. I been playing this game since beta.

IGN: dualxxbow
Hi, I live in Perth and would like to join this guild. I been playing poe since Essence league.

Last edited by aduaaron#4680 on Nov 28, 2016, 10:41:11 PM

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