ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion/Shadow Build Guide - Hardcore (Updated for 1.1)
Thanks ziggyd! Greatly informative!
For anyone wondering if the build needs to be changed due to the CODT changes, ZiggyD last updated the thread on the 16th, so I'm sure he either already changed it around, or its good to go still! I'm sure he will state otherwise if thats not the case! " Yeah... I hate the throw time for traps, and I refuse to give it a chance. Im going to go with what I saw on your video, and go with power siphon + culling instead. :) Last edited by emjay2d#7873 on Nov 17, 2013, 10:09:55 AM
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I might be mistaken, but i think i saw you lvl'ing with devouring totem, and in the final build you're running double decoy both on the CoDT setup and on selfcast - did you completely turn your back on devouring?:D
Also - i just switched to EK at lvl 51 - which 4-link would you recommend starting out with. Atm im having to run Iron Will instead of leech both because of the socket colour and because of the mana cost. But what would you recommend startigng out with if able to choose freely, and mana regen wasnt a problem - was thinking Life Leech/Faster Cast/EK/Faster Projectiles or something similar? All the best! Last edited by Wackofalltrades#5493 on Nov 17, 2013, 10:19:48 AM
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" Is there something I'm missing? Siphon is already culling so you don't need to use that support gem. | |
" Yeah devouring was fantastic on CoDT before the nerf but sadly I had to drop it afterwards. I still use it on a manual cast though - mostly in PvP or in necro maps. EK 4Link is: - Added Fire - Faster Projectiles - Life Leech 5th link adds faster casting 6th link adds Iron Will / Empower Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive
YouTube.com/ZiggyDStarcraft Twitter.com/ZiggyDStarcraft PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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Hey Ziggy,
Build is working great so far. Got lucky on my first league character and a Karui Ward as my first legendary while leveling up. All the difference in the world! I am curious when you were able to support AA in your build. I am currently 45 and have been maxing Clarity and I can only run AA at lvl 4 without a massive mana loss. Wondering when it all came together for you. Thanks again. |
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" I'm following a variant of this build, but my biggest question so far is the lack of Fork (or Pierce / Chain). Just hitting the front row of deep packs seems kind of lack luster. Any good reason why they aren't being used? IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
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" It's handy to just reference this: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Arctic_Armour When AA is ready to level or I get a new piece with mana regen on it, I check what the mana drain is on the level of AA (base+mobile drain). If it's lower than my mana regen (defensive stats tab) I upgrade it. If not I don't. | |
Hey, i'm following this build but i have some questions.
I'm lvl 25 right now, and this is my skill tree Passive skill tree build What i don't understand is, in your video you acquired the projectile dmg passive, but in the link to the tree you didn't, you said to use ST early game or till lvl 50, this is what i'm doing, but how can i do more dmg if i'm not supossed to acquire dmg passives? Also, my gear is horrible right now, i should focus on gear with Armor+ES? What kind of stats should i look for? Thanks. |
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" Try to calculate yourself. What I do is: - make sure the AA's "while moving" mana cost is less then my current mana regen. It seems (my personal observation) faster moving will somehow scale that leech a bit. - make sure that your EK mana cost,converted for 1s (for calculation purpose), + AA's "while not moving" mana cost is almost as much as your mana regen. This to ensure you can "spam" EK and not go under. If you are under test it out and use pots, but also NOT level AA until you get some more mana reg. ps: On the later levels, the "Influence" passive node(s) to the top right are so good for survivability, damage and mana regen! Last edited by tavirosu#7864 on Nov 18, 2013, 6:58:39 AM
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Mana leech when moving is calculated as both of the numbers together. It's base leech + additional while moving. So if you're using a higher level you might match the moving number up, and then lose like 30 mana/sec due to the base cost and be at a deficit.