At what level can I start farming Lunaris, and Piety? I'm at level 68, but I still need to get the rest of the armor/es nodes in the templar tree, and the life nodes after that armor nodes. I also need to get the mana reduction node, and influence. My dps is 2.2k(with Hatred) with hatred(but only level 16 EK). Once I can run determination I can run a lvl 17 AA. What DPS,life, defense should I aim for before being able to solo Piety? This is my first character that has made it to this level so I'm not sure.
I started farming merc Piety at 60 running 3 auras. Took a little dodging but it wasn't too bad.
Would this passive tree work? I gived up some buff on aura and a bit of mana/life regen for Reduced mana and projectile damage (ballistic mastery)?
Ps: No MoM 'cause i'm using
For sure it is! I'm at level 79 in Domination, and I'm having a blast! I took less life nodes over all at this point, but I'll fill them out eventually.
Would this passive tree work? I gived up some buff on aura and a bit of mana/life regen for Reduced mana and projectile damage (ballistic mastery)?
Ps: No MoM 'cause i'm using
I'll quote myself from a previous post:
...there is no reason to go so deep into the Ranger area. I assume you (and many others) really want Ballistic Mastery, but it is in fact not that good of a node even if you've already made your way to Charisma. Indeed, you are spending 3 points from the Charisma ring to get 20% projectile speed, 15% damage, and 20 Dex. First, you do not need the Dex; the 40 Dex you get on your way to Charisma together with the 100 Dex you get on your way to IR/MoM means you only need an Onyx Amulet to run Grace at max level. Second, you do not need the projectile speed; your EK will just reach the left/right edge of the screen with a high level Faster Projectiles, and this is more than adequate in my opinion. So, taking Ballistic Mastery is essentially equivalent to spending 3 points for 15% increased damage, which is clearly not worth it.
(The part about Dexterity requirement still holds because you took a 30 Dex node.) I suggest removing the three nodes to Ballistic Mastery, putting four nodes into the Projectile Damage nodes in the Scion starting area, removing the two Strength nodes connecting the Scion life wheel to Sentinel, removing the two 8% Aura Effect nodes from the Sovereignty wheel, and spending four points to get the Influence wheel. If I did the math correctly you'd end up needing one extra skill point to make all these changes, but you'd get 11% more damage, 10% increased Aura Effect, 5% Reduced Mana Reservation (which would allow you to run three 60%'s and Clarity all off Mana without any fancy uniques) at the cost of 15% Projectile Speed. I dare say it's a good trade.
Basically, are the energy shield and reduced mana reserved (and effect of auras) bonuses at the top left of the tree really essential? Will I lose a lot of tankiness over that lost mana?
In terms of progression, I recommend the following.
1) Scion life wheel.
2) Templar life clusters (Purity of Flesh, Holy Strength, Athleticism, Discipline and Training) and Faith and Steel.
3) Eldrich Battery (by the way, don't waste a point on Doom Cast).
4) Aura clusters (Influence, Sovereignty, Leadership, and Charisma).
5) Iron Reflex and Thick Skin cluster. (There is little point in taking IR early; some chance to evade is much better than no chance to evade while leveling. If I recall correctly I didn't grab it until grinding City of Sarn to Lv63. At that point my Grace and Arctic Armor are sufficiently high leveled to make IR worth it.)
6) MoM. (Again, little point in taking this early. If you take it before you have good mana pool, mana regen, and damage reduction you'd find yourself out of mana most of the time. I took it after grinding Docks to Lv67.)
7) Life and Mana nodes.
8) At this point you should be Lv84, which is my level. I personally haven't found a need for Inner Force, so I plan on dumping the next 3 points into Nimbleness (3-3-6 cast speed near EB), then, when I hit Lv88, refund those 3 points and dump all four into 3-3-3 cast speed and Path of Savant in the Scion area. After that I grab the Nimbleness cluster and the Inner Force cluster in one order or another.
As far as leveling goes I used EK from Lv1 without problems. (It was my first Nemesis character; no Karui Ward or Tabula Rasa or anything fancy -- I was using a level 6 wand until Lv57.) You need mana potions and a paua amulet at the beginning and you'd want a Reduced Mana gem for auras as soon as possible. Keep leveling Clarity. As you start grabbing aura nodes you should be able to run Clarity and Hatred simultaneously. When you grab IR at the beginning of Act 3 you should be able to run Clarity, Hatred, and Grace simultaneously. To grab MoM you'll most likely need to BM your Clarity at first, but once you are geared high level content you would be able to run all four aforementioned auras off mana with plenty to spare. I currently have 710 (~750 with maxed discipline) unreserved mana with relatively low ES chest and shield.
I am currently level 70. I followed the original guide once before on Nem and died to a storm caller (Stupidity) at around 65. I couldn't stand to literally do the same build again and level up so I had to mix it up a little to stay focused. :) I have done my tree using this slight variant on the build as far as order of nodes and substituting Mana Geyser/Charisma for the Body and Soul wheel. It has worked out well so far. Since CounterStyle didn't post links, I sort of have been guessing along the way about his paths, which for the most part were simple to follow.
I have 4100HP and 1950 Mana currently. I run Clarity, Grace, Hatred and have about 3100 Dps with that. I have a dozen or so respec points so if maybe I should change what I have currently i can do that. My current plans are (Charisma at 71, Influence at 75, 2 Aura Nodes NW of Harrier by 77, MoM at 80, 3 Life/Mana Nodes near Inner Force by 83, Path of the Savant at 87) I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I currently have and my planned routes.
Current Passive Tree
If i would get full respec, i would go the north way as well, but atm i enjoy the base movement speed over 50 , 110 with Quicksilver.
I need to craft my chest properly. just spammed 80 chaos on it and no luck. Shield, boots and belt are the next slots for upgrade. I like the EK build, one skill to kill em all, rest can be utility :)
edit: ye, i don't use CwDT atm , i plan to do so, but i kept leveling the gem so i will get 20Q CwDT and try some crazy stuff with dmg.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.
3.13 was the golden age.
Last edited by Marxone#0650 on Dec 23, 2013, 4:52:55 PM
My current plans are (Charisma at 71, Influence at 75, 2 Aura Nodes NW of Harrier by 77, MoM at 80, 3 Life/Mana Nodes near Inner Force by 83, Path of the Savant at 87) I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I currently have and my planned routes.
Lv80 feels way late for MoM and the two 8% aura nodes are generally of very low priority (i.e., you'd consider taking them only after Lv95 or something -- I probably didn't make this clear in my original post). The rest of the plan is good, but do note that even with all the aura nodes you probably will not be able to run four auras off Mana without upgrading your gear. For reference, I have something like 100 Mana, 480 ES, and 60 Int from gear, which gives me 2.7k raw Mana and 4.1k max / 728 unreserved / 300+ regen (only 60% increased regen from gear) after auras. I may have gone slightly overboard as far as Mana is concerned, but I think it's much easier to go for pure ES items and forget about getting Mana regen on gear. Your armor rating will not suffer too much so long as you have Grace running. (I have 6.3k Armour / 41% reduction with 425 Armour/Evasion from gear.)
Also, I'd like to give my two cents on CoDT, and I'd love for those with an opinion one way or the other to chime in. I feel that CoDT is a waste of socket space.
1) You should be self-casting Enduring Cry preemptively, i.e., before you take damage. There is no problem fitting Enduring Cry on your Skill Bar, so stop being lazy by linking it to CoDT.
2) Molten Shell. Broadly speaking, there are two main purposes of the CoDT / Molten Shell combo. One is to gain an insane boost in Armour, the other is to leech a good amount of HP when the shell bursts. The latter is no longer relevant with the nerf to CoDT, so we are more or less left with the Armour boost. But, in practice, I find that either Molten Shell never triggers (because of Grace / IR / AA), or it is triggered and detonated instantly (because the mob pack is particularly nasty). In other words, you do not actually benefit from its Armour boost. Those in doubt can take a look at the first seven and a half minutes of ZiggyD's final guide to EK (where even the Poorjoy boss doesn't trigger Molten Shell) and compare with the first five an a half minutes of ZiggyD's Lv70 recap from the pre-nerf days(where he could keep the buff up for several seconds, thereby actually benefitting from the Armour boost).
Since neither Enduring Cry nor Molten Shell really benefits from being linked to CoDT, I dare suggest dropping the CoDT combo entirely. Gem a four-link for culling; a four-link for three auras; a four-link for Reduced Mana / Aura and Empower / AA; a three-link for Enduring Cry, curse, totem; a three-link for Lightning Warp. Your skill bar (or at least my skill bar) would look something like Move / Lightning Warp / EK / Enduring Cry / Culling (I use bear traps) / Totem / Curse / AA.
Basically, are the energy shield and reduced mana reserved (and effect of auras) bonuses at the top left of the tree really essential? Will I lose a lot of tankiness over that lost mana?
In terms of progression, I recommend the following.
1) Scion life wheel.
2) Templar life clusters (Purity of Flesh, Holy Strength, Athleticism, Discipline and Training) and Faith and Steel.
3) Eldrich Battery (by the way, don't waste a point on Doom Cast).
4) Aura clusters (Influence, Sovereignty, Leadership, and Charisma).
5) Iron Reflex and Thick Skin cluster. (There is little point in taking IR early; some chance to evade is much better than no chance to evade while leveling. If I recall correctly I didn't grab it until grinding City of Sarn to Lv63. At that point my Grace and Arctic Armor are sufficiently high leveled to make IR worth it.)
6) MoM. (Again, little point in taking this early. If you take it before you have good mana pool, mana regen, and damage reduction you'd find yourself out of mana most of the time. I took it after grinding Docks to Lv67.)
7) Life and Mana nodes.
8) At this point you should be Lv84, which is my level. I personally haven't found a need for Inner Force, so I plan on dumping the next 3 points into Nimbleness (3-3-6 cast speed near EB), then, when I hit Lv88, refund those 3 points and dump all four into 3-3-3 cast speed and Path of Savant in the Scion area. After that I grab the Nimbleness cluster and the Inner Force cluster in one order or another.
As far as leveling goes I used EK from Lv1 without problems. (It was my first Nemesis character; no Karui Ward or Tabula Rasa or anything fancy -- I was using a level 6 wand until Lv57.) You need mana potions and a paua amulet at the beginning and you'd want a Reduced Mana gem for auras as soon as possible. Keep leveling Clarity. As you start grabbing aura nodes you should be able to run Clarity and Hatred simultaneously. When you grab IR at the beginning of Act 3 you should be able to run Clarity, Hatred, and Grace simultaneously. To grab MoM you'll most likely need to BM your Clarity at first, but once you are geared high level content you would be able to run all four aforementioned auras off mana with plenty to spare. I currently have 710 (~750 with maxed discipline) unreserved mana with relatively low ES chest and shield.
I am currently level 70. I followed the original guide once before on Nem and died to a storm caller (Stupidity) at around 65. I couldn't stand to literally do the same build again and level up so I had to mix it up a little to stay focused. :) I have done my tree using this slight variant on the build as far as order of nodes and substituting Mana Geyser/Charisma for the Body and Soul wheel. It has worked out well so far. Since CounterStyle didn't post links, I sort of have been guessing along the way about his paths, which for the most part were simple to follow.
I have 4100HP and 1950 Mana currently. I run Clarity, Grace, Hatred and have about 3100 Dps with that. I have a dozen or so respec points so if maybe I should change what I have currently i can do that. My current plans are (Charisma at 71, Influence at 75, 2 Aura Nodes NW of Harrier by 77, MoM at 80, 3 Life/Mana Nodes near Inner Force by 83, Path of the Savant at 87) I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I currently have and my planned routes.
Current Passive Tree
Current Gear:
You should switch your lightning warp to your wand to benefit from the +1 lightning gems...