ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion/Shadow Build Guide - Hardcore (Updated for 1.1)

flask setup please!
AceLegend90 wrote:
Wackofalltrades wrote:
Valentia wrote:
How is IR if you don't use any Armor / Evasion gear. I notice every piece of Armor / ES. I'm not sure how buff stacking goes with flasks and passives and IR- am I okay using Evasion / ES gear? I'm guessing the benefits stack up in such a way that due to the Armor / ES circle by Templar, I am forced to use Armor / ES gear.

I think the sheer amount of dex you get automatically with this build will increase your armor significantly just by putting a point in IR aswell.

Using IR negates the bonus evasion from Dexterity. IR simply allows you the flexibility of using either Armor / ES or Evasion / ES. The true power of IR comes in when using Grace aura, which allows flat that huge flat Evasion bonus to be turned into damage reduction, which also stacks well with % armor nodes.

Yeah, I guess it is worth it to have with just Grace!

Does it matter at all what flask suffix or armor type I have with IR? I mean, will a Jade Flask with +100% Evasion work differently than a Jade with +100% Armor? Will a EVA/ES work differently than a ARM/ES? I know evasion is supposed to convert into Armor, but I'm just not sure of when the passive and flask bonuses stack.
Hey Ziggy (and others)

I've been working on a Shadow version of this build for a while now. It's a little bit harder to balance all the ES / max mana nodes, but I think I've just about got there. The build is based on evasion/es gear rather than armor.


Any thoughts appreciated.

IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
Last edited by Starlight85#5093 on Nov 21, 2013, 1:46:50 PM
Great build for Nemesis! Not ideal for Domination for clearing speeds

I used this build when I first started playing, slow clear speeds :( but it lets you get 100 percent currency because you can go to areas above your lvl. (i went into merciless lvl 47, farm docks until 60). The only thing I hate about this build is that everything pretty much falls together once you hit 80. which takes a while sitting at 60.

The EK damage is a little inflated because it dependent on attack speed, which armor mitigation decreases your overall DPS. I love how this build lets you run 4 auras once you get all mana reservation reduction. I hate how EK makes you a sitting duck sometimes, thank god you're tanky and grace stacks with IR so you can throw out determination if you have granite flask.

I still don't have MoM yet but i'll probably spec it at 70. I spec to EB from the HP nodes near MI so once i reach that point i'll be using 10 regrets to spec out of EB from direction so I can reach the Aura nodes near CI.

My only variation is that i'm going to spend 4 points to get leather and steel, because I like moving through the map quick. (Personal preference) and I didn't spec any Might or Agility Nodes.

ZiggyD as a Great personality, and i Cringed a little bit when you died in one of the races.

My char lvl 39 just died. Should i still stick with this build in standard?

How much mana do you have leftover after all your aura reserves?

I ask because it occurs to me that you do need an amount of excess mana unreserved mana (in proportion to your life total) to deal with great big honking hits. I do notice that you have a level 19 discipline now. (With Clarity. And Grace!)

The information is sort of important to how I'll spec or respec my build. As it may not be practical for me to implement MoM+ArcticArmor if it's just simpler for me to run Determination+Grace. (I'm running IR.)
Last edited by DeviantLightning#7374 on Nov 21, 2013, 8:32:32 PM
DeviantLightning wrote:

How much mana do you have leftover after all your aura reserves?

I ask because it occurs to me that you do need an amount of excess mana unreserved mana (in proportion to your life total) to deal with great big honking hits. I do notice that you have a level 19 discipline now. (With Clarity. And Grace!)

The information is sort of important to how I'll spec or respec my build. As it may not be practical for me to implement MoM+ArcticArmor if it's just simpler for me to run Determination+Grace. (I'm running IR.)

I have about 1,000 mana unreserved after all 3 auras. Recommended minimum for mana shield is around 700 at endgame.
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Would you say the previous tree that went through Hex Master to EB is still viable/strong, or would you recommend respeccing out of it and into the new tree? I ask because I'm at 53 and went through Hex Master, and I'm wondering if I should switch now or ride it out.

Current tree is below for reference.


Also, I'm running on about 800 total mana atm, with Clarity reserving 200ish and Hatred reserving another 400ish leaving me with about 200 mana for MoM, EK and Arctic Armour. My mana regen is over 100/sec so I can handle EK spamming and AA's drain easily, but in some large packs I'll go OOM for a second or two (if I dont pop a flask). Would you recommend continuing to use Hatred or dropping it until my total mana pool is higher?
Last edited by Stealthrider#5426 on Nov 21, 2013, 9:13:22 PM
as i'm currently planing an eb/mom spectral throw scion i allowed myself to optimize your build a bit(not perfect yet, but quite a bit better imho). assuming you use a sword, otherwhise grab the 3 attack speed nodes on the path. what do u think of it?

Last edited by Saddamski#4468 on Nov 22, 2013, 5:52:24 AM
Can this work with Ranger? Looks like it can since MoM is closest to Ranger, but then EB is a trek.
#1 Hillock farmer NA

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