" Does it suck? Yes. Is Spectral Throw a better than average skill even with this handicap? Yes. Is it a big deal if something makes a better-than-average skill less better-than-average? No. Collision detection is a common complaint in games because it really is that hard to solve real-time in tightly constrained environments. It's going to take programmers to solve. But so will desync. If it comes down to doorways or desync I will say "What's a doorway? Fix desync." If desync gets fixed, then sure, we can put doorways next on the list. But as long as desync is a major issue I don't care about fixing doorways. Fixing doorways disproportionately buffs things that are already good. The way the game is balanced, I think we can say doorway blocks are more of a feature than a bug. Last edited by PolarisOrbit#5098 on Dec 12, 2013, 6:10:02 AM
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" Expect it to be nerfed..... " It's not if you use dirty coding you can solve those issues. Never wondered why farmers in Starcraft scattered if you stopped them but farmed in a straight line? There was no collision check when those units were in the farm mode. For example PoE simulates movement on the client far too much instead of sending movementupdates of units, so when you run away and try to attack some units you will have desynced units on the client and hit the air. Or better said you will walk to the unit which is on another position->Pathfinding and hit it while on the client you are attacking and doing no damage. " There were reports. They were just called "Freezing pulse around the corner" or "Casting around the corner. " And posts in similar fashion make them continue with poor game design such as the most recent boss changes being even more of a gear check. People never wondered they invested tons of time their eq is good but it doesn't pass certain gearchecks and they get their ass kicked every time by certain bosses. That gives them the belief that their game is getting difficult and they are on the correct way instead of making it hard without a gearcheck. Sure I can make Tetris "hard" too. I write hatetris and remove lines with increasing speed depending on playtime. Sure it will be playable if you invested thousands of hours and looks "hard" Is it a good game? Certainly not. They might as well change all boss AI to: if(Res < 95) KillCharacterandPlayRandomElementEffects(); Why bother using an AI if you can kill characters straight away? |
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" That's just silly. You don't even need to reprogramm doorways to fix the problem, you just have to make them bigger. Like Mors pointed out, some of the things in this game are known to be "desyncy" and yet GGG makes no effort to at least work around that problem, but instead put several of these things in the same zones. Some descent zones are a good example of that, vaal ruins with doorways and snakes which can get super annoying, etc... You don't "balance a game" by having unreliable mechanics in some zones. It doesn't just affect Spectral Throw, there are plenty of skills affected by this... Leap Slam, Ground Slam, etc.. just to name a few. If ST is too strong then they should rebalance the skill itself, not use that skill as an excuse to have blatantly broken mechanics in the game that are really unreliable. It's just obvious backwards thinking and trust me, increasing the size of doorways and building zones in a way that you don't have 3-4 different things in them that all desync on a regular basis takes alot less effort than fixing desync itself. Especially in competitive racing, aesthetics should be of alot less importance than gameplay. We all want racing to be as competitive as possible and the only way to accomplish that is for the game to be as reliable as possible. Sometimes you just have to sacrifice aesthetics for the greater good. First they should get the game mechanics right and then work on aesthetics, not the other way around. If the basic mechanics aren't 100% reliable it simply won't ever be competitive. I think racing in path of exile has alot of potential in terms of competitive gaming, but there are some issues that are simply overlooked by the Devs and people like you only give them easy excuses to not work on these problems. Just read Mors' post again, the devs are aware that some things in this game cause problems and yet they put several of them in the same zones without thinking about it twice. That's just stilly, don't you think? #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Dec 12, 2013, 6:57:42 AM
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What pisses me off is that the mobs seem programmed to flood doorways and choke points, and then just chill there.
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![]() arise, thread GGG clearly cant fight the causes of desync, why cant they fight with aftermaths? Enbig dem doors, enwide dem passages, until new leagues start. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
mtx Big Doors plz
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" That would be pay2win! Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96 (dead) |
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" Can we get a cast/attack in place toggle mtx while were at it plx IGN: KoTao
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I think it would be more effective to use a peg to lock shift....
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