Storm Call

Erionn wrote:
I am also having the same problem with the damage of Storm Call desyncing like crazy. I think what's happening has to do with being stunned. I can currently cast 5 marks before detonation, but the 5th one barely comes out as the first starts detonating. If I only cast 4 markers, I never have the desyncing problem.

So, I imagine what happens is that when I'm casting 5 markers, on my screen it looks as if they all went off, but on the server I may have been stunned for a fraction of a second causing the 5th marker to go off too late and not detonate, resulting in desync damage happening because there is an invisible marker down.

I'm 100% sure I'm not beeing stunned and I'm still get desync.
Last edited by tr4nznrg#7397 on Dec 5, 2013, 2:19:13 PM
desync demo 2.0, waste of fucking time
mythrin wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:
try adding passives to that, and yes thats how it works... but now i'm glad you didn't say "2.2" =p

I made a crit-based witch using Lightning Warp (base crit 5) and Q17 Storm call (base crit 4, 68% increased critical strike chance ~ which translates to an additional 2.72 crit chance) and Arc (base crit 4)

Character Sheet Spell Critical Strike Chance displays the following:

Lightning Warp = 35.1%
Storm Call = 30.8%
Arc = 28.1%

30.8 - 28.1 = 2.7

Therefore, 17% Quality Storm Call just added 2.72 Crit Chance. Passives that increase crit work only on the base 4% crit. The base crit is not modified by the quality on the gem.

Hence, quality is very lackluster. 1% quality on the gem adds a measly 0.16% Crit chance.

Meanwhile Ice Spear's quality does nothing useful for it besides increasing its already long range - Still one of the strongest spells in the game.

No really, how strong do you expect quality to be if 80% increased crit (almost a free Increased Critical Strikes support) isn't good enough? The skill already hits multiple times (not simultaneously) per detonation making triple shock stacking easy.

Before you compare it to Shock Nova or Arc, they are extremely different skills. Shock Nova can only hit around the caster and even has that dead zone in the middle, and Arc hits maximum 3 targets which is why they're allowed to have strong quality boosts.
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
"Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
Last edited by Kenzorz#6970 on Dec 5, 2013, 6:14:28 PM
idk about you but storm call has a stronger quality than arc... specially when nova has at least 3 times better quality than arc.
Guys, can we have an answer from GGG/Rory about the deysnc from storm call please? Because if its gonna like permanent game desync its useless i keep playing it.

Anyway my help is that i leveled till now with faster cast in my 5l ( im 72 in nem ) and it was happening rarely, i could place 6 beacons. Today i switched the faster cast with life leech, the first storm call "wave" its ok, but the 2nd ( casting them with no pause ) it desyncs EVERY TIME. It could be that a certain %cast time "bugs" it.

Let me add that i got 21%cast speed without faster cast, can place 5 beacons - this is the setup where it desyncs.

While im writing this i did a further test removing the wand and playing with 6%cast speed, and the spell doesn't desync - casting 4 beacons.

Tried to add a ring with 5%cast speed, so 26% cast speed and still desync - 5 beacons

Tried with only faster cast so 43% cast speed and it desyncs, always 5 beacons

So it seems its desync more with 5 beacons / that cast speed range

I think this a good feedback, looking forward for an answer, something like "we re gonna fix it with next patch" or "it will take a bit to fix so see you in 2014" would be nice.
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
Everyone is talking about desync...but in these last 30 levels (29-59)...I haven't had any desync with this skill. I mean not any more than normal that is...but with how much AoE it has with a Wideswing and all the AoE on the passive tree (only 2 nodes? seriously?), I'm pretty much having no problems with it hitting everything around the area I mark.
AoE = anti-desync in my experience because it doesn't require a direct target, and it's easy to see if something is desync'd because of the fact that if your entire screen explodes...anything that remains is desync'd. (Doesn't happen much for me.)
Then again, I can only place 5 markers because I only have it 3 linked (Storm, light pen, conc effect)
Last edited by ShacoFinder#3077 on Dec 6, 2013, 10:14:55 PM
ShacoFinder wrote:
Everyone is talking about desync...but in these last 30 levels (29-59)...I haven't had any desync with this skill. I mean not any more than normal that is...but with how much AoE it has with a Wideswing and all the AoE on the passive tree (only 2 nodes? seriously?), I'm pretty much having no problems with it hitting everything around the area I mark.
AoE = anti-desync in my experience because it doesn't require a direct target, and it's easy to see if something is desync'd because of the fact that if your entire screen explodes...anything that remains is desync'd. (Doesn't happen much for me.)
Then again, I can only place 5 markers because I only have it 3 linked (Storm, light pen, conc effect)

When I say this skill has problems with desync, it's not that I don't hit things where I think they should be. Eventually, they all do get hit. The problem that I'm seeing is the animations and the damage dealt are not happening at the same time. Storm call will detonate and the enemies act as though they completely avoided being damaged, only a second later to fall over dead. This could possibly be a bug in the skill and not desync.

I'm hoping it's a bug, because if it's desync then it will likely never be fixed.
After just running a storm call build up through normal, I only have one complaint, and that is the skills interaction with the shields cast by the Undying Evangelists.

If the marker is cast on them while you are outside the shield, no damage.
If you go inside the shield and the marker is somewhere within range, they get hit.

Which to me makes no sense. I'd either like to see this skill always work because the check to see if i'm in range is done on the marker itself, or never work because the bolt comes from above, not the current weird combo going on now.
Where I am standing should have no effect on my marker's damage/location calculation on them.

As for all the people complaining about desync, I have none beyond the usual ones with this skill. All I notice is lag in the damage calculations at times, which usually only occur on the biggest of mobs of enemies. None of this is game breaking for me though, I still can fight fine.

So far though, all in all I love this skill. It allows for a number of different approaches to fights, and every mob requires a different amount of lead/spread in the markers. It's a semi-challenging skill, but that keeps it fun for me. More skills like this GGG, much more fun than "See enemy. Hold button with mouse in general direction of enemy. Win."
Last edited by Matonk#2980 on Dec 8, 2013, 12:22:50 AM
This skill is balanced and interesting, but the fact that it can't lock-on makes it inconvenient to use in some situations, like single-targeting a small and fast rare/unique monster (especially in a party). Traps have the same problem.

However, if the target lock was "sticky" like most skills are then it would be impossible to spread out your bolts with a held-down button. To get around that and to improve the quality-of-life for a lot of other skills at the same time, I think a new key function should be added.

It would work similarly to the stand-still button (set to shift by default), but instead it would switch the lock-on.

If you held it down on a conventional skill which locks on, then it would no longer lock on as long as you held that button. This would be a useful alternative way of getting the benefit of a Move Only mapping without having to give up a skill key.

This same button when held down with a trap skill or Storm Call, which by default have no lock-on property, would make them lock on just as other skills do.

I think this function would make the game a good deal smoother to play for the players who would want to utilize it, and it would feel consistent with and enhance the controls that exist now. I'd post this in the "suggestions" forum but I don't think GGG (or other players) read that much.
Last edited by Brillo_Scrublord#5408 on Dec 8, 2013, 11:02:31 AM
Brillo_Scrublord wrote:
This skill is balanced and interesting, but the fact that it can't lock-on makes it inconvenient to use in some situations, like single-targeting a small and fast rare/unique monster (especially in a party). Traps have the same problem.

However, if the target lock was "sticky" like most skills are then it would be impossible to spread out your bolts with a held-down button. To get around that and to improve the quality-of-life for a lot of other skills at the same time, I think a new key function should be added.

It would work similarly to the stand-still button (set to shift by default), but instead it would switch the lock-on.

If you held it down on a conventional skill which locks on, then it would no longer lock on as long as you held that button. This would be a useful alternative way of getting the benefit of a Move Only mapping without having to give up a skill key.

This same button when held down with a trap skill or Storm Call, which by default have no lock-on property, would make them lock on just as other skills do.

I think this function would make the game a good deal smoother to play for the players who would want to utilize it, and it would feel consistent with and enhance the controls that exist now. I'd post this in the "suggestions" forum but I don't think GGG (or other players) read that much.
lock on auto atkk will do nothing for this skill, all you would be doing is marking where the mob was and not where it is or will be. by the time it casts the marker and then hits with a delay the mob has moved on and takes no damage. this is a lead skill that actual takes some "skill" to use properly and imo thats what makes it more fun then your lock and spam skills

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