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Dead Game.
6k Hours in, and im fucking done with ur game. Imagine playing a game where u need so sweat ya panty ass off. Not in a single way enjoyable. |
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game is almost unplayable with mobs being so hard now
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Ill add my 5 cents.
I play as dominating blow holy nova guardian 5k hp, 100 ele res, 60 chaos res, 30k armour with flask so I would say I am fairly tanky What I like: - Sentinel mechanic is great, I really like it - Stronger monsters for better rewards. - Improvements to Atlas tree - ability to block content and increase chances of desirable content is a step in the right direction - New types of cosmetics look really cool I guess - In principle I like the idea of new rare and magic mobs. I am all for slower, more methodical gameplay with challenging enemies, that have mechanics, that you need to watch out for. What I do not like: - archnemesis mods are frustrating. Gameplay wise, there is sometimes rare that takes too long to kill or has damage stacked so high you get one shotted. All for no reward at all - archnemesis mods atop of other league mechanic scale way too much - delve, delirium map modifiers, expedition, harvest, sentinel etc. I essentially started avoiding all extra content, as there is too high chance to die to it without any counterplay. - First time I play strike skill without ancestral call and let me tell you - its awful - my character is just hiting air about 60 & of time (with capped accuracy) - Once I got to red maps, its very hard to get new maps - kirac rarely offers uncompleted corrupted maps, there is very small chance to drop once yourself even with atlas passives, and you never get enough to do the vendor recipe. Buying the from Kirac is also incredible expensive. Essentially progress slows to a crawl - Dominating blow does not seem to be working correctly in spawning sentinels properly - League challenges all seem way too grindy, require you to go out of your way doing content you do not enjoy |
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Started playing PoE a month into Archnemesis. No idea what I was doing, still fun, started reading and watching youtube vids and got a pretty decent character rolling. Archnemesis league was great! You could choose your own rolls and there was truly a risk/reward with some crazy loot explosions on the four mod mobs.
Sentinel rolls around, start a new character following a build guide. I can easily defeat standard mobs and bosses but the Archnemesis mod mobs are so unpredictable. Maybe ill roll them or maybe they'll one shot me. And when I do persist and take them out in a sometimes agonizingly slow fight there is almost never any reward for doing so. What really kills me is how in the Sentinel reveal you talked up customization to play the game the way we wanted. Then you took out the customizable Archnemesis system and replaced it with unbalanced RNG going completely against your own statements. And prox shield on a hasted mob who just runs away constantly? In a Vaal side area so its impossible to complete? F. That. Still enjoying the game but way too often just deciding to cut and run away from mobs or portal out of the map. |
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This Sentinel episode is the last crap. Already the last 2 episodes were not very good, but now the whole beats the bottom of the barrel! Monsters with normal damage laugh at physically, only lightning, ice and a little fire, otherwise almost nothing and the runes are pure crap at least in the first acts! And finding reasonably good stuff is mostly reserved for the streamers. 4 avatars to level 23 and only white stuff a little blue and when trying to improve something instead of blue came green instead of green came red and so on! It's not fun anymore, so be well!
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To me this is a throwback to Diablo 3 on release day. I killed inferno diablo on day 4 or 5. One thing I learned real quick into inferno difficulty was ignore everything get to the boss kill it and move on. This is a great reminder of that horrible content. Bosses are not that tough. Blues and rares wreck people. I personally like the sentinel mechanic and I am a big fan of using it. I think the rare/blue rework was a huge miss and sentinel league will go down as a pretty big flop because of this clearly over tuned bad rework. Tin foil hat theory is this is a test to see what you can get away with on hard mode for POE 2 which IDGAF about the "hard mode" push. I like tough challenging games. Do not like one shots on tank builds with little to no understanding of where the damage is coming from. When you have 90 phy, 90 all res, 60 chaos, 75 block, 5k hp 2k es aegis build. Getting one shot by blues(without getting close to them and without damage increase mods on map) its a bit silly. My assumption is you built way to much penetration into the mobs or your game is bugged AF. Safer to assume to much pen. Either way considering abandoning this league.
Last edited by Dekkand77#2401 on May 21, 2022, 9:07:18 AM
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no joke this is my last league, maybe poe 2 but for now i done!
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GGG expect everyone is a professional gamer..
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" i wonder what could be "negative comments"... and i belive that you should foucos on negative comments. better if you try to findout, why that person made that comment. and who made the comment, and how much time that person is playing game. Last edited by KaiserBlade42#7840 on Jun 2, 2022, 1:37:18 AM
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Playtime: 80hours.
First league I've participated in. The depth this game gives compared to its competitors is great. The different systems in game do feel cluttered, unstructured and overall unhinged due to legacy which even steepens the steep learning curve for new players. Great game though and in my experience pretty bug free. |
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