We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
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Bottom left side of the tree is missing effective and reliable defensive layer. Excluding energy shield stuff.
Bottom left: - armor -> cool against small hits - max res -> not enough on the tree/items and it is super weak layer against -%max res, ele penetration - life regen -> actually cool in decent numbers - leech -> only physical leech is available in a meta of elemental damage/chaos skills - block -> not enough block on tree and unless you take them for damage on SC/SST build it feels just bad and it lowers your dmg due to not having 2h weapon - fortify -> not reliable due to low duration even with duration increases from tree and also not reliable in deep enough delve, where you get only few stacks due to fighting insanely tanky mobs - endurance charge -> outdated(HOW TO IMPROVE) bellow Right side: - evasion -> cool against many hits - suppression -> most busted defensive layer in POE with 100% uptime and its effectiveness can be scaled further by another 6~% - life on kill -> great for mapping - leech -> generic leech works for ele/phys attacks - ailment avoidance -> trivial to cap with 20% on tree + max res mastery or jewel with 50% of suppression adds avoidance - fortify -> still available through gem for attacks - max res -> less available but still some exists - recoup -> underused, but strong layer Main problem stems from the game being balanced around having Spell suppression, so when you play something on left side of the tree and it happens to be something, but jugg you dont have any sources of natural defensive layers. You have to opt into stuff like Fourth vow + DF, loreweave + ED. This makes it huge problem in SSF environment. Buff endurance charges to grant %ele dmg reduction instead of the +resistance. Even 1-2% per point would help greatly. Right now endurance charges feel lack luster. It would also be nice if we could scale for example SLAM damage with endurance charges more effectively, exactly like right side does with frenzy/power charge stacking. |
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Relatively new to POE only played two leagues so far. Love the game in general but it has one glaring problem that I'm shocked it hasn't been addressed for how long the game has been around.
Melee in this game is completely neglected! Melee skill gems should grant an inherent % Global damage reduction or something as almost every single thing you fight has an array of pools and other negative effects that ONLY impacts melee builds. It's honestly disgusting how ranged builds can forgo 80% of the crap melee has to put up with yet melee receives zero compensation. GGG you need to do better. I find it hard to believe this hasn't been shouted from the rooftops before. With other ARPGs like Last Epoch on scene I would hope that would motivate you to fix this unmistakable issue. |
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More of a last impression here. All around enjoyed this league and spent a lot of time playing it, leveled 2 characters to level 100 and 2 more through acts to 90s. Didn't spend much time on challenges, but I switch atlas passives around a lot because I get bored, so I did every game area for a fair bit. Some more than others. I league started with a witch, played ele DD and then swapped to necro DD for a cheap and reliable start, then built an MF chieftain self-ignite to farm for a mana-stack hierophant, just to try both it and MF out.
Focused mostly on maps, did some delving to around 700, did a bit of bossing but not a ton, mostly just eater and exarch, uber and non. Did some Valdo's as well, avoiding the perma-death ones. I played standard trade. This is form that perspective. Anyway, here are my opinions on what I thought was good, and could be cultivated and maintained and what could be improved upon that I did not particularly enjoy, including some non-league stuff that was just new to me since I haven't pushed end game since ritual: Wildwood, seemed pretty common that a lot of people liked it, it opened up some doors to loot and currency that allowed people, particularly in the middle bell curve of player level, to actually push into end game. If it goes away, at least consider improving drop rates, even if this mechanic might have been a little crazy. I played entirely primalist, which seemed a but overtuned, or the other 2 ascendancies were undertuned, looking at player aggregates. However, I liked the idea of adding class independent ascendancies; whether that gets changed or not - in concept. Atlas Passives, lot of fun here when I got bored switching them up to try something else out and there were some really intriguing possibilities. A loadout system would really help and I don't think it would break the game. Even if it was just a few loadouts. Class passive tree and class ascendancies, even more interesting stuff since I played last, some cool jewels to try out and changes to ascendancies that made them more interesting, at least for the classes I've played before. I think the tree could use some system of incorporating some "off-side" skills in a way that doesn't require an item like impossible escape. But, that is a bit unqualified, since it might have some way bigger balance implications than I'm picturing. The campaign is the campaign, it's boring after the second round, but whatever. More specific to end-game modes, atlas and otherwise: Abyss: good source of loot, obviously. It became the meta, it got pretty boring because of the lack of variance. Few different specific drops, which I rarely saw much of besides the gloves, boots and helm. Abyss jewels are a super cool idea. Abyss is so simple that I don't know what else to say about it, the spires are loot fountains you chase around. The end. Eldritch crafting, was new to me and I loved it. I felt like it was a great step in giving the player ways to be creative with crafting, without having to just brick a bunch of stuff trying. Great. The altar effects were great too and felt challenging enough. The one issue I felt it had was that there were a lot of affixes that dealt with "while in the presence of". I am not sure if many people ever stick with those, but they felt like fillers to me. Many of the rare mobs in the game end up as hard as bosses, so these affixes would only be appropriate for bossing, which is really where I would least probably need them. Especially things like reservation efficiency, why? I don't want to step on the toes of any consummate bossers here, but is there anyone rolling a whole separate set of gear just to have a small bump in implicits that doesn't work anywhere else? Would it be very unpopular to remove those from the rolls? Are they there just to waste currency? Breach was fun, but the blessing drop rate is awful, I actually ran a lot of breaches and specced it in the atlas for awhile. Whatever the drop rate is on blessings, it wasn't good enough to keep me chasing them. Good leveling but otherwise could use some other hook or drop more blessings so the player isn't stagnating so quickly. Heist was kind of beat into the ground I think already, but it went from my favorite thing ever to a huge pile of blueprints I never ran. It felt neglected: 2 low tier uniques in one room, the only really valuable item was the jewelry which has an abysmal drop rate, even the tempering and tailoring orbs were infrequent and those were one of the only other reliable trade items. I tried again and again to go do it and just couldn't. I hope heist gets better, it was really awesome and clearly was a lot of work to create. Legion was fun, did a lot of it, it is an interesting mechanic and the timeless jewels are a great idea that is hampered behind requiring a lot of background research to know what they do. I suppose the timeless jewels are a completely different story for ssf, speaking about them as a commodity. But... yeah, legion is fun and seems to be in a pretty strong place, I loved it. Harvest is still way better than a lot of people give it credit for because it was so amazing when it first came out by comparison, but I did a lot of harvests and found 2 sacred blossoms - I found one mirror. I found twice as many blossoms as mirrors. I actually used one to do the boss-fight in the grove, got the life-force to do a synth craft and immediately bricked something. Then I had no more sacred life force. It took a long time to get it. It seemed like one of those things where I was fighting an uphill drop-rate to unlock yet another uphill gamble. I'm okay with bricking stuff, but the time to get the ability to brick stuff was pretty bad imo. I think the card gambling is just kind of dumb but probably didn't break the economy the way some people claimed. Lost some cards, made a shard and stopped doing it. But, I like what harvest does, just the drop rate on the blossoms seems like the only major problem I felt. Syndicate I played the least, I was trying to get a cane of Kulemak, that was it. I got 4 bitterbinds and a Cinderswallow. I quit. Aisling needs to be an item. It's been said before. There it is again. The challenge to craft something in 8 seconds? Nope. Adding white sockets? Nope. Looks like this new league will be doing something with Catarina, so maybe this is all a moot point. Delve was pretty good, but just looking at guides, it seems like the profit was fossils before and I made more doing the bosses. I assume this had to do with more people engaging in maps because of the league mechanic? Without knowing if or how wildwood will continue, it's hard to say much, but.... if it does continue, please consider making sulphite last longer or drops in more quantity or just removing it. I felt like I was getting the sulphite from a more lucrative part of the game just to go do a less lucrative part of the game. Delve is cool though, the variety of stuff you can chase is great and I liked it a lot. Fossil crafting was a bit rough too, I was actually using craft of exile and realizing the odds from that, damn. The prime resonators could drop more and it won't approach breaking the game or imbalancing delve. Bossing I did pretty little of, so maybe it was just me but the difficulty of the bosses felt all over the place. This makes a lot of sense since they are all from different releases. Flesh and flame though? I could go off about those at length. Comparing all the bosses I fought, with Uber Sirus and Uber Maven being the ones I haven't yet, flesh and flame seemed like the worse drop to chase. Not even going to go into that at length. There is no way it is even viable for SSF unless you just farm the two all day and you need the invites for it. I think every fight should at least drop one of them, I tried a bunch of invites but lost interest after getting a pile of the regular uniques. So, without commenting much on Maven for lack of knowledge, flesh and flame could drop more. Simulacrum/Delirium, I did a lot of simulacrums and ran most maps delirious or with a mirror. Drops in simulacrum were good I felt. I liked it and it is one of my go-to modes. For maps, the delirium mechanic is a good way to juice, hard to complain about anything there since it is all just additive rewards. Besides, delirium really seems to freak out my CPU or GPU more on a high end system. Expedition was a good beginner farming mode I thought, Tujen is super handy and I got a few busted good items from Rog. I noticed some builds running ward gear, so maybe it's good? Dunno. Pretty neutral on it. Tujen is such a good bridge alone to earn early pocket money that it has a good place in the game and seems fine, besides the stacking buffs on runic mobs absolutely breaking them, which is a weird spike to have in the game. NBD though, good mode, interesting story, fun departure, cool characters. Blight was fun, dropped my mirror doing one of the map ones, wildwood was weird because the in map blights were way better than doing the blighted maps. Tainted oil drop rate is terrible imo. I like blight though and it seems good in most ways once you sort it out and it fills a specific niche. Temple/Alva is really good. Solid all around bases to farm and lots of other useful stuff and can be itemized. Cool! The WW mechanic seemed to really interfere with the timer incursions though, to where you almost needed specific builds to do them in time even with the passives allocated. If WW goes core, maybe at least look at it? It's somewhat unique in that aspect. But... temple is probably my single favorite thing, so much stuff in there. Super good stuff. Ultimatum, meh. It's an excuse to have catalysts be a game mode. Also, I wouldn't personally touch it if I were playing hardcore, but I don't. So I just died a bunch for some bad corrupted items. Ritual, fine, short and sweet, good rewards especially with the synth stuff, just put the catalysts over there and call it a wrap. Beastcrafting is neglected I think, already gave feedback on it. It's not bad, but... weighting could be adjusted or just remove some of the duds. Harbinger is boring and the drops are.... besides fractured orbs? Nope. Chaos shards and below need to go away imo and be replaced with something else. Beyond, essence farming, ambush, vaal areas.... all fine except vaal areas. Some of the essence mobs seem absurdly busted but whatever. The vaal areas just don't seem worth the effort and tossing one high end chase item in there isn't the solution imo. Have those vaal ambush vases in there maybe? Or something. Other misc: Death penalty, don't like but don't hate, would rather just see the end level grind take longer instead. MF could probably just go away, but I'll play it until that happens. I think high ilevel items should not be able to roll super low tiers for crafting, it's drudgery and 8/10 things I just bought after wasting way too much time trying to craft. Could be I suck at it too? Feels too RNG with too much range of values. Eldritch is probably the closest to something that felt good to me. Crafting passive tree would be neat I think. That is about it for what I paid most attention to. This was an awesome league all in all and I've had a blast. Thanks! |
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I've been asking for new endgame bosses, a league without major power creep, and with no major nerfs to my playstyle. I'd promised to buy a supporter pack if this occurred.
It occurred, and I've followed through on my promise. Thank you for this league! |
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GGG: unskipable league mechanic ?
Why ? Do we have to hear that litany every time we craft an item in the Necropolis ? Why ? Just why GGG ? |
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Great launch! I had no crash, no big latency problems, everything was smooth for me.
I don't enjoy the league though because the mechanics are too complicated and not rewarding enough. all of them. 1. First thing I noticed is during leveling you can already buff certain enemies - which overwhelms new players even more. And it is of very little consequence which enemy you buff in which way. 2. You collect these corpses and you try to craft something but all you get after 10 minutes of placing corpses is an item that is about as good as the average rare in a map. 3. If the player doesn't use at least an external crafting website or a spreadheet with recipes the crafting is unintuitive and unusable. Delve crafting required some knowledge how items are rolled - this is just insane. 4. It's Delve crafting but every fossil has a name. And I hear the gigachad answer to this "game isn't made for noobs bro. get smart or get out" My point is not that PoE should be a game that you can't delve deep into a mechanic. My point is that the mechanic is probably only (if at all) fun if you delve really deep. I just rather not interact with it. 5. I don't care about micromanaging enemies. I haven't even started rolling maps yet. I don't even use scarabs yet. I just alch and go atlas complete and I already do not engage with the league mechanic a lot. Because the rewards are negligible "200% rarity"... wow. chance to drop an alchemy orb. wow. I don't care. The two clicks I make to sort the enemies do not result in 2 more items picked up in the map. 6. The cemetery interface is worse than synthesis before it was patched. 7. Scarabs are whatever now. There are just too many of them. There are too many corpses as well and you can't even tell the tier of them. In general the game in a lot of places gives way too many choices and too much complexity. I just did a Caterina fight btw and died to her - because of garbage mechanics that are still not fixed. Why does the damage immediately have to start after you soaked the pillar? Why does she summon the little guys while she is phasing? and why are they not cleared off so you can play the intermission? Admittedly, I had bad chaos res, I had a sketchy life pool, but mechanically I could have played this fight easily if it would just be a little better designed. Of course next time I just outgear this and be done with it. But in general this game has so many areas where you could do an improvement and then it hurts so much more to see this old content that never got better, when you have a league that does nothing for you. I don't need mirror drops or divine drops like last league. But some sort of agency in what happens and some feeling that there is progress in a new content. I progress in the "classic" PoE character building way. But the new stuff is just, just run the map if it doesn't say "divine" on the list. You see a corpse, don't click on it unless its a handful of mods you want. The gravestone overlay is blocking sight btw. And actually I don't even need to pick up any corpses because I can just pick up a bad item anywhere. Sorry that I am this harsh, I don't see how this game design helps new players pick up the game. Even if they want to go deeper into a system. If the system is unrewarding and insanely complex then why even bother? I think at this point we don't have too little crafting systems in the game. We don't have too little mods on items. Wildwood was great though! |
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make it way simpler.
Remove these corpses. 1 - 1 tier modifier 2 - 100 % and 200 % etc. 3 - remove randomize add these corpses. 1 - only top 3 moodier result [ also 1,2], make it really available for tier 3 like 2 to 4 in each juiced map. so, both crafter and solo can have fun. 2 - make modifier chance to not be available, like 50% chance cold will not be selected from all Explicit, make them high drop 3 - add base type, example level 83 will result in top 3 helmet, body Armour, etc. 4 - add fractured 5 - add influenced [not chance]- like shaper and elder without affecting the Searing Exarch, and eater of worlds implicit |
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