Cold Witch Undefeated 101-0

A Guide with feedback:
Level 28 Cold Witch
RMB Freezing Pulse 8(+1)9
MMB Raise Skeleton 7(support 69% hp)
LMB Ice Spear 8(+1)9
Q Ice Nova 8(+1)9
W Cold snap 8(support 1-17 lightning)
E Cold snap 8(support 1-17 lightning)
R Bear Trap 6
T (Wrath(7), then Clarity(2), then Frostbite(1))

Freezing Pulse is my highest dps spell, I use it if enemies are stun locked by others close to me, I really only use it when the situation is in my favor.

Raise Skeleton is my way of clearing traps or messing up with flickering strike melee. I summon them on placed traps or sit on top of them.

Ice Spear is a very overpowered freezing ability with range. I use this after a freeze in order to deal damage. I also use this to poke at enemies across gaps or away from me.

Ice Nova
is a good minion killing ability and a way to hit multiple targets if they are not focused on you.

Cold Snap has a 2 second cooldown with a 30% chance (Depending on quality) to freeze an enemy. I use 2 because I rotate its use, and it is very useful for poking at enemies so their energy shield doesn't regenerate, and to poke at them around corners, stunning them for minions, etc...

Bear Trap is a great damage dealer and a good way to root enemies so you can get away.

Wrath for skellie damage, Clarity for mana, and Frostbite for ridiculous damage.

Leaping Marauders who stack all cold resist. Yes they really do that. This is why I don't count ties in my counter.
Anything that out gears you considerably will destroy you considerably.

I posted this to help a couple of friends and opponents and a place for me to get my ideas down, not really for bragging.

For the feedback part:
Remove all pvp freezes/stuns. Chills, slows, interrupts are okay.
Nerf flickering strike/whirling blades/leap smash spam, its really broken.
Nerf length of immobilizations like Bear Trap. Its really strong.

Allow buffing/summoning of minions 5 seconds before the games starts. Replenish traps to full capacity before a match.
Don't let flasks recharge off of minions :/
Flasks should either never recharge or go back to full after each round. The randomness (random to me, at least) is odd.

Always vary your play style each round. Sometimes rushing as a witch can put your enemy off guard and allow for an easy kill.

Last edited by Foozy#1087 on Jan 26, 2013, 4:30:23 PM
Last edited by Ankillah#2248 on Jul 2, 2013, 4:55:08 PM
Skill tree would be helpful. Thanks!
Right now it's really hard to play a PvP-centered character at lvl -28 so i wouldn't base my idea what's overpowered yet around that.

Almost everyone you meet tries pvp out for the first time and it becomes a stompfest.

For example, there are items out there, for low levels aswell, that makes you immune to freeze. At lvl -28 right now you won't meet people either who stacks things like faster hit recovery etc.

I hope some kind of mmr will be installed so that people who are really competitive can face each other more easily, or atleast get intouch with one another.

Stomp fests really gets dull without challenge and I think getting stomped over and over again is equally the same.
Told this many times since Beta on many posts, Cold Witches are OP and this is the easiest build to do (no brainstorming/theorycrafting)
And then you fight anyone with a Dream Fragment's ring and get bowled over. Cold witch is not viable in PvP.
sry ive seen godly and godlys dont lose hp wich wuold pretty much be a smiter with life tap
IGN: danknugsblazedopeswag
Dream fragments+ cold resist +a build like inva's 28 or Hexaste or Bazz's build would crush and has crushed any cold crit witch before OB patch.
IGN: eNtaK
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Last edited by Apparition#2486 on Jan 28, 2013, 1:23:55 AM
Remove all pvp freezes/stuns. Chills, slows, interrupts are okay.
Nerf flickering strike/whirling blades/leap smash spam, its really broken.
Nerf length of immobilizations like Bear Trap. Its really strong.

Allow buffing/summoning of minions 5 seconds before the games starts. Replenish traps to full capacity before a match.
Don't let flasks recharge off of minions :/
Flasks should either never recharge or go back to full after each round. The randomness (random to me, at least) is odd.

PS: Always vary your play style each round. Sometimes rushing as a witch can put your enemy off guard and allow for an easy kill.

You're playing obviously the build thats extremely weak towards all "escape abilities" i.e. flicker, whirl, leap.

Dont walk into traps

And the thing with minions is that if you use them, people will recharge

I agree that the random factor isn't good for PvP, when it comes to recharging potions

I think its all about adapting in this games PvP, and in my opinion, it should stay that way.

Last thing we want is dumped down, balanced PvP.
Last edited by Nehemia#6717 on Jan 29, 2013, 3:08:03 PM
I play similar witch, its easily defeatable with can not be frozen + viper strike or even poison arrow sometimes.
The only skill I find to be stupidly OP is Whirling blades now(use it myself also). Too high aoe damage with too high survavibility.
And double curse ring is kinda must to have against decent oponens. Same as imune to frozen. It kinda limits variety of characters forcing them to choose particular items/skills, which is not a balanced thing.

I would like to see, in 1 year time or so, the balanced pvp where these things will be most imporatant:

1. Your pvp skills (not gems, but peronal skills) 50%
2. Gear 25%
3. Skills/passives 25%

That will most probably requere to change how same things work in pvp and pvm.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
Last edited by Ramanuga#7754 on Jan 29, 2013, 3:45:05 PM
Apparition wrote:
Dream fragments+ cold resist +a build like inva's 28 or Hexaste or Bazz's build would crush and has crushed any cold crit witch before OB patch.

Why do you not mention my OP tank build, that made me even win against Hexaste? :(

Foozy, do you play on Hardcore or Softcore? And on which Gateway?

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