[Removed by Support]
Oh well, my post was removed. Done wasting my time here.
To sum it up, I have made 0 excuses about gear/tree/time of day/level...anything. I know why I lost the very few times I did. There is no correction to be made on my end of any kind. Lags a real thing people and ghostly stretch arm strong style melee range + teleport walking in random directions is definitely just a lie. Thats it you caught me, I lost in the most legit way to the most legit guy on the game. [Post Edited by Support] IGN: MullaXul Last edited by Yeran_GGG#0000 on Feb 12, 2014, 9:52:12 PM
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" just pvped Leagueoflegends (hoadang) can confirm to the teleporting desynch run speed. IGN:LeoNemaeus/ GroundSlamHero
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Typing on behalf of Mulla.
From reading all of these comments in this thread and the last one. I have concluded one thing, no one reads before they type. All the fat clogging your arteries has effected your vision, or you're just illiterate as fuuuuuuuuuuck. Whatever the case is, I had no idea you could be so oblivious or manage to get your head that far up eachothers ass while having it up yours at the same time. I wont name and shame but look, this shit isn't new to me. I've been playing these games longer then most of you have been alive. This is textbook internet stupidity and blind fanboy nut huggery. Im going to keep this non antagonistic and purely factual. Beat a guy with cyclone....he starts to cyclone Beat a guy with a bow....he rmts a bow Beat a guy with HS...he HS's Beat a guy with puncture...he punctures lightning warp...does it etc.. etc.. etc.. Beat him with a vendored sword/shield against his rmt'd sword/shield ....he goes 2h Beat his cyclone with yours...he quits cyclone Beat his puncture,HS,yada yada...he quits that (all of these lines end with spending $ btw) list goes on and on. Thats mimicry and when I join pvp queue and every other guy I fight is a bad copy and paste job of myself, I don't know what else to call that. Like I typed before but was obviously ignored, its not about me it really isn't. Everyone from xxxxxx to some guy that just started the game that may eventually become awesome will get a mini nut leecher tryhard they get to carry around on their back for awhile. It'll get thrown off or fall off on its own, it'll get its own nut leecher and the saga continues with each generation of becoming blinder and more oblivious to anything remotely intelligent. Thats life, its not even just this game...cut the virtual shit out of the equation. Problem I have with it is how quickly people jump out of eachothers ass to spew garbage when it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the "idiocracy" that takes place. Im done typing here, I'll leave you genius's to your own devices. Oh btw...I didn't accept a duel request. I was pulled into a 2v2 while semi-afk in town and was using IQ and IR gems + aurseize gloves. The lack of facts + the level of dumbshit written is fuckin amazing. IGN: LordAsutarosu Last edited by VladDracul#4659 on Feb 13, 2014, 7:37:00 AM
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" lit·er·ate ˈlitərit/Submit adjective 1. (of a person) able to read and write. Revised "literate" version (in bold): " [Removed by Support] IGN: KevShienZ #1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212 #1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212 #1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/737212 Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Feb 13, 2014, 1:15:07 PM
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" OH shit! Someone just got told by a Chinaman. IGN:LeoNemaeus/ GroundSlamHero
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i wonder what SunPrice would say if he was still around.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus
40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig Guild: <HERB> THC |
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" Noooo... lol I certainly wouldn't want to know. :p IGN: _Firebitch
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" 99% chance it would involve the insult 'stupid dog' hahaha IGN: High____Lander | xDominus
40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig Guild: <HERB> THC |
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IGN: LordAsutarosu Last edited by VladDracul#4659 on Feb 13, 2014, 3:28:43 PM
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" Hmm, ya I guess that has some relevance to the subject at hand. God like how obvious was it that you'd be the kid to reply? You're habits and play style are literally molded from the same clay as the subject. Also how obvious was your response? I was refering to the movie Idiocracy too by the way. Response flow chart for idiots Did someone make a post? Yes/No Did it butt hurt you or a friend of yours? Yes/No Do you have something intelligent to rebuttal with? Yes/No Did the post contain any grammatical errors? Yes/No Perhaps you should completely ignore the post, instead target the grammatical errors and further strengthen the initial posters arguement that you're a nut hugger pea brain? Yes/No Gloat to your buddies ingame etc.. as if you're brilliant DUH! Give me about a million breaks already. Does any of this ring a bell? Mr. MullaXul can you please explain to me how Cast when damage taken works? Whats a good set up for CWDT? Can I practice with you? Can you give me advice on this/that? Help me help me! Hey you busy? Can I test something (every day) Yo link your gear bro, I gotz 2 seez ur gear. Wow you're Lord of Genocide wowowowowowowowowoowowowowowowwowowowowoow. List goes on and on and on Again after each line and each fail more $ was dumped into the game that night. Until the present, when you feel confident enough to type shit. One last question and its also movie related. So seen as how you two are so close I just have to ask. Which one are you Master or are you Blaster? Mad Max, you know the duo, where Master rides atop Blaster? Harmless question just looking for an answer. No naming and shaming or antagonizing anyone I don't want to hurt anyone's lil feelings. Bye IGN: LordAsutarosu Last edited by VladDracul#4659 on Feb 13, 2014, 3:40:54 PM
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