Another reason, like I mentioned earlier, is to prevent your screen from filling up way too much with trash white items, particularly in maps. Since maps always drops more items, it used to drop an absolutely ludicrous ammount of trash items with a full group + mf-culler. It was just a pain in the ass, this made it very easy to miss orbs and other useful stuff too.
That's great and all but if you're playing solo the removal of IIQ also removed the ability to compensate for playing solo. Same as it removed the ability to compensate for a higher map rolling cost through IIQ gearing for better currency drops.
Not everyone plays with a dedicated MF culler and the solution to the group issue came at the expense of the solo player...hence a bad solution.
In game contact @MajorAsshole
Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Ok so my only class on the game is Marauder, Iplay from November but my gear is far more from decent. So today i see that Vaal Pact is nerfed to the ground. Also how life leech gonna work is a mystery too. And final my passive tree gonna be completely changed. So if chamging my passive tree means a nerfing i serously dont understand it, from when marauder became the best class of POE? If it brings a minor boost then i ll stop the QQ and be compromised with Vaal Pact effect.
Otherwise, with every major patch we have a nerfind after nerfing coming and i am not in mood to change completely my gear and play game style every 4 months or so.
Just my 2 cents.
Are you playing a CI marauder ?? Because if not, VP gets basically a buff for you, plus it's not "to the ground".
And the starting area gets a buff.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Why are you concerned about disadvantages and even playing fields if you don't want to compete?
I believe GGG wants to phase out MF and eventually buff boss loot tables substantially, if they already won't in Sacrifice of the Vaal.
You seem to be misunderstanding "competing" and "Being able to afford anything".
The way I see it, the game revolves around a player A, a good player, making builds that work based on their knowledge of how the game works and player B, a scrub like me, seeing it and going monkey see monkey do.
Now player A might have farmed the items to make it work, but player B has never done it.
Now that in mind, explains to me why they are nerfing the portion of MF that affects curency rather than the one that affects finding these items yourself? Surelly both portions of MF are as big of a deal but the latter puts the player B in less-affected position as its not an option for me to farm the gear to begin with, seeing how any working version of them is legacy.
Do you now understand what Im on about? :P
its to do with too many items dropping. Screens in parties especially are just walls of text at times. theyre gradually trying to reduce the number of items that drop to stop screen clutter, so Im guessing thats why they targeted quantity.
At your stage in the game I really wouldnt bother trying builds that require legacy uniques, or any powerful unqiues. Ill post you gear I have from a character in hardcore, I just played this char in a new league and leveled it to 74 where I had farmed merciless piety a bit, done some mapping, got as far as it was worth going really for someone who has many characters deep in maps in another league.
thats like the worst gear in the world, its just what I ended up with from looting and doing a couple of trades for a few chaos I found along the way. But you can run maps and farm piety with that gear, no problem. Theres so many basic melee and bow builds that can just walk through to maps with crap gear.
Don't beat yourself up about not being able to do all these crazy builds in the forums yet, learn more about the game, try some cheaper builds, get to endgame and farm what you need for more crazy builds from there. Took most of us many months in this game before we even had a clue what was going on, but then we didnt have op 'I spent a year collecting this gear' builds in the forums to distract us from the bare essentials or making shit gear work.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
People crying about nerfs, silly really. All they do is focus on the negatives.
You know lets focus on my current build and items...OMG they been nerfed.
Lets not focus on the new Vaal gems and the potentials they bring to new builds and what Vaal orbs can bring to mod your items and bring in even more potential. There are also new unqiues which will enable new builds.
And complaining about new players not wanting to play? If your a brand new player, you wouldnt care less about legacy items, its not someting that has ever effected you as a new player.
Good job as always GGG
Well you're lvl 40-60 player or you're just bad,either i don't get you.
VP is a core sustain source for like half of the squishy builds you can do in this game,as result,those builds won't be even Viable to higher lvl maps and zones(i don't even talk about end game).
Maybe you should do some research before you start typing. Clearly according to your profile your the lvl 40-60 player or your just bad at this game. Read what I said, explore new builds. Just because current builds may be nerfed or worse, dosent mean its ineffective or completely broken. There will be new builds to play, evolve with the game rather than complain about your old builds.
Desecrate: the maximum level of a created corpse has been changed to being higher than the required level of the skill. This scales up to a monster level cap of 100 by level 20 of the gem.
Seriously? Donalf's build is not enough op? You really need triple his dps?
It's not a troll message, I really wanna understand why you did that.
It's not like you can actually summon lv100 corpses in any current area. I assume the devs did that to cover all future content with this skill, instead of constantly adjusting it with every content update. So realistically, you may only need to level the gem up to level ~16-17 to summon level appropriate corpses in a level 78 map.