Sick sick Season 7 rewards

It's also another 1k point reward that does not have 3d art. Very disappointing.
IGN: Hybris_the_StormHerald - Nemesis
Season 3 - #3 Marauder - #15 overall points
Season 4 - #2 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #9 overall points
Season 5 - #1 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #20 overall points
Lyralei wrote:
Lets not even talk about all the unpunished multi-char point exploiters, zoom hackers, map hackers and people mass farming divination distillates.

One of these things is not like the others.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
rip season
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
unsane wrote:
Lyralei wrote:
Lets not even talk about all the unpunished multi-char point exploiters, zoom hackers, map hackers and people mass farming divination distillates.

One of these things is not like the others.

I classify it as wrong because it was so easy to acquire them en masse (due to their placement at 135 points) leading to this belief that all forthcoming rewards should be of equivalent "market" value.

It has set a stupid precedent that we're all entitled to easy to acquire outstanding rewards and every other future reward at the 135 point mark will be compared to a Divination Distillate/Andvarius and if its worth less than one it will be "shit".

One day when we get the ability to skin transfer some of these uniques or when they get their own particle effects, you'll all eat your words.
Last edited by Lyralei#5969 on Mar 27, 2014, 3:26:39 AM
Not going to race either. Complete waste of time. Whats the point of racing if theres no rewards at the end ?
Last edited by Deziowy#6998 on Mar 27, 2014, 3:43:04 AM
Deziowy wrote:
Not going to race either. Complete waste of time. Whats the point of racing if theres no rewards at the end ?
I race for fun. But ggg dont let me have fun with their game - months between seasons, 10+ hours between races. Its like they dont want me to play this game. Regular game (endgame mostly) isn't fun at all.
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
Lyralei wrote:
unsane wrote:
Lyralei wrote:
Lets not even talk about all the unpunished multi-char point exploiters, zoom hackers, map hackers and people mass farming divination distillates.

One of these things is not like the others.

I classify it as wrong because it was so easy to acquire them en masse (due to their placement at 135 points) leading to this belief that all forthcoming rewards should be of equivalent "market" value.

It has set a stupid precedent that we're all entitled to easy to acquire outstanding rewards and every other future reward at the 135 point mark will be compared to a Divination Distillate/Andvarius and if its worth less than one it will be "shit".

One day when we get the ability to skin transfer some of these uniques or when they get their own particle effects, you'll all eat your words.

Ming's vs Starkonjas?

Maybe 135 is too low for a nice reward, but 600 certainly isn't. I farmed Andvarius last season. I could have possibly hit the 600 point reward if I had been willing to wake up at 4 am a few more times (about 50 points shy of it) but there is no way I would do that for a starkonjas, regardless of skin transfers or particle effects.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
And yet people pay bank for alt-art cloak of flames and so forth. You severely underestimate the value of alternate art items. For every capable person who won't go for them, that's one less person who has one.

Collectors pay big bucks for these items and if the 40 odd idiots paying 20+ exalts for Atziri kills in either league is not an indication of people willing to pay good money for something that does absolute nothing then I don't know what is.

Hybriis wrote:
unsane wrote:
I think we were a bit spoiled with early rewards the last couple of seasons, and especially last season. While most of the items are low value here, Lavianga's Spirit and Thief's Torment make up for that. And given they are at 135 and 220, they are very accessible.

Not to mention the 1000 reward is worth double what any race reward has ever been worth before.

I'm sorry but headhunter is not worth anything near a void battery.

PK'ing RF people by culling an ES aura mob is hilarious though!
No doubt the 1k reward is great- probably the most "fun" item in the game, and they also go for 75 ex in hc atm, a price thatll almost certainly just keep going up. Otoh, the only way to hit the 1k reward is through a huge grind; even a player who placed 1st overall in every event would need to run at least 50 regular races, which is over a quarter of the season and would work out to around 3 full days of combined playtime. And no ones capable of taking 1st overall in anywhere near 50 races in a row. I think there would be alot more interest in racing overall if there were some way to hit those later rewards through pure skill instead of it always being mostly a matter of time invested.

As for collecting for alt 3d art- the amulets, rings and belts will never have these, and which other rewards get 3d art seems to be as rng as everything else in the game. Prismatic eclipse looks like a great reskin target, but its also entirely possible that it wont get its own 3d art for several more seasons. Not great incentive for a casual racer with limited time who may or may not barely manage to hit the 80 mark.

The 360 award is worst of all this season (again). A valueless common item thatll never have 3d art due to its base type- why isnt this somewhere in the 7-26 range? At least then itd make a good vaal reroll target for those who like to grind multiple lower rewards across alt accounts.

TheuberClips wrote:
PK'ing RF people by culling an ES aura mob is hilarious though!

I look forward to seeing this happen one day.
IGN: KoTao

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