Crit Ele Split Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit
" The easiest way to increase your DPS is to replace your jewelry and belt with gear that has around 35% increased weapon elemental damage with weapons per piece. For my character, each gain of 35% increased wed results in a 10% increase in tooltip DPS. Crit chance is also important of course. An increase in 30% crit chance boosts my character's tooltip DPS by 5%. For my character, an increase in 30% crit multi results in a 15% increase in DPS. Thus, stat priority for my character is Crit Multi > WED > Crit Chance. You can also replace your boots with a pair that has an open prefix so that you can craft increased wed onto them. It's hard to tell from your gear whether or not you're running wrath, anger, herald of ice and herald of thunder; you'll want to run all four of these buffs. Next up, I'd replace those gloves with a pair of Maligaros. Note though that if you want BBBR on the gloves, you'll need a lot (I spend about 1000 chromes) of chromatic orbs to color the Maligaros this way. Upgrading to Maligaros results in a 30% increase in tooltip DPS for my character. You could also try to obtain a corrupted +1 arrow quiver and switch from GMP to LMP. You could also try to corrupt some of your gems aiming for level 21. Obviously don't try this unless you're prepared to lose the gem in case of a bad corruption. Start saving fuses. Eventually you should accumulate enough to 6-link your chest. It takes time and farming for this obviously but it's well worth it. Purchase fuses from Vorici each day for the discount. My guess is that this build tops out at about 20K to maybe 25K dps unless you can afford a pair of Aquitys. Edit: The 20K to 25K DPS estimate I provide is simply a benchmark in-hideout tooltip DPS with auras and heralds active. This DPS estimate does not reflect actual in-game DPS since it does not include the effects of power charges or other buffs that you might attain. This DPS estimate applies only to builds that closely follow Mathil's skill tree and which use similar gem setups and equipment pieces. It does not apply to other life-based, tornado-shot, Windripper builds. Finally, as low_unam points out in the following post, it's possible to attain much higher DPS even without Aquitys albeit with a different skill tree and gem setup (see Flubby's build: Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Mar 13, 2015, 9:22:43 AM
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If your guess of 25k max dps is right, then this build sucks. Page 9 flubbys last post, tree and gear no acuity, and way over 50k dps. PS: if you think you need acuitys to get high dmg my post was pretty much wasted :( all the points acuitys saved me were invested into defense |
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" I appologive for not being sufficiently clear about what my top-end DPS estimate means. I've added a paragraph to my original post for clarification. Flubby's build is quite interesting and I may want to give it a try. Flubby's build has a number of changes over the Mathil build - he uses Eldritch Battery and runs his attacks off mana, thus freeing up the blood magic gem for another DPS gem. The ability to run another damage skill in the 6-link makes a very large difference in DPS. He incorporates frenzy into his build, and includes elemental proliferation in his 6-link. Another interesting aspect of both your build, low_Unam, and Flubby's build, is that they both start out as Shadow, picking up elemental damage nodes instead of attack speed (Scion start) or evasion/life nodes (Ranger); perhaps Shadow is a stronger start than Ranger or Scion. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Mar 13, 2015, 9:21:13 AM
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No need to apologize, I wasn't insulted (and it was also not my idea to insult mathil or his build, but if your guess was right and an other build with the same weapon could easily get two times the dps with about the same amount of survivability and not much more currency investment then this build would be bad and not much more $ investment).
Anyway I think you underestimate the that is possible witht his build. When I am soloing maps I have 25k hidout dps with ts,gmp,added cold + IIQ,IIR and pcoc, that is pretty much a 3l dmg setup with 1 aura and 2 heralds (yes the auras are high lvl) Using a volls, or some other way to generate charges you should always have at least 4 links and 2 auras with 2 heralds for dmg hence the dmg should be 30k or so with good gear, way more in maps with chrages. Your question about ranger, scion or shadow ranger best hp and tankiness (and the super sweet 8% attackspeed) shadow is a shit load of dmg scion could be intersting super late grabbing the critmulit nodes but tbh I think but the scion start is not that efficient (edit: thinking about it if you plan to use a kaoms and want to cover your resists scion could be the best choice) The choice is 100% up to you, I went ranger cause I usually try to build stable and have a good bit of survivablity first and if I am happy with that I try to sqeeze extra dmg out of my tree. Last edited by low_Unam#7759 on Mar 13, 2015, 9:54:31 AM
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some noob question ;p does herald quality bonus increase your overall lightning damage dealt with attacks? in other words, is it worth to gcp?
Last edited by tntultra#6105 on Mar 20, 2015, 5:31:53 AM
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Hello :D
I've been playing PoE for roughly 1 week and after running a couple characters i've decided to use this build as my next one. I'm currently farming for my windripper and will start right away when I get it. One thing is - the passive tree is really complicated and I never know what to go for first. However, since my current char is a phys dmg tornado shot ranger, I more or less know what to go for first. It would help immensly if you could post some lvling process on the tree, like 32 points 52 and end game |
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There is official tree for 1.3?
I see some different builds here is my current (still leveling) Should i go to the other aura nodes like this tree? or should i just stay the low part of the tree until Coldhearted Calculation? |
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Hm how u come to that 670% Crit Multi i run same Build have more Crit Multi on my Gear and come to 575% Crit Multi. On the Tooltip from Tornado Shot i have 80% Crit Multi from the Gem. In the Video from u it shows 149% Crit Multi. Can u explain me plz?
Last edited by Nosferatoo80#6678 on Mar 28, 2015, 8:22:00 AM
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" Crit multi gem has been nerfed :) That's simple |
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Need help of people knowing chineese or super wripper professionals - here's the video of windripper build with 72k TS GMP dps. and guide link - Google translate can't give enough information to understand how to get that insane dps. |
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