What's Being Kept from Ambush/Invasion? (Updated July 4)
I'm playing this game for a long time and I will probably play it for a long time regardless the nerf to the maps.
Still those map chest are at the moment the only viable method to get high level maps consistently to be able to level progress. To nerf them would be terrible as drop rate in normal map farm is to low to sustain the need. Up to now in Standard I have 1 char lvl 86 which had seen all together 3 lvl 75 maps (never seen 76, 77, of 78), that is terrible drop rate. In Ambush on the other hand I have a lvl 83 char who doesn't have that problem and I'm able to play somewhat consistently the end game thanks to the map chest (and map chest only as normal drops are still terrible). To nerf them would harm a chance of players like me ever attaining lvl above 85 without years of xp grind. Ok, nerf Map boxes or even delete those from game but add something to the maps. Like add a guarantied drop of at least 1 map of the same level of the map you playing. Put a requirement for that, like minimum quality of the map to do so (to have the same level map guaranty 1 drop) or rarity (like map must be at least quality 45/50 or rare). I'm tired to run quality 80 or 90 maps and be showered with low level maps (66/67/68) and have none drop of equal level. I don't ask higher level maps, the RNG for those should be enough to progress, even nerf to it is still enough so long there is a method to have a guarantied drop of the same level map from the current map you are running. The players would then have a sense of progress as the one guarantied map will keep them in action. High requirement for that to happen will be a good sink for the currency as the maps will be chiseled, alched and chaosed (even Vaaled) constantly to get to the requirement for same level guarantied drop. In this way you could even eliminate the map box from the game. Let's see!?
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Lmao, was at first sceptical about the cartobox thing but THIS (see spoiler) what just happened is just insane. Untill now I've been able to sustain 75+ maps as a solo mapper (Lv.93 currently). Started with a base line of 20x 71 maps(Strands), bhought from someone else, and worked my way up from there. Never relient on those Cartoboxes.
Those crybabies who complain should just quit or know how to roll maps. Now seeing as THIS happened in a 78 Courtyard I couldnt agree more with nerfing, to some extent even removing the boxes. Maps SHOULD be a currency SINK. Well, THIS is certainly no SINK I tell you. While I will spend some chisels and alch on them (never ever use chaos), this SINK is just tickling me.
On that front, revise gem boxes as well , 20% AND Increased XP(Lv.19) mods are plain stupid and easy 'money' (were is the fun of leveling gems to 20 now...). IGNs: [TempCI, Flamin, - Std] / [EK_Tanker - HC] [Comstark, ShavronnesMistress - Anarchy] [MontreGulsTITANS, - Dom / CLHS_Tank - Nemesis] [Atziri_Achiever - Ambush] / [ArcerONaRampage - Rampage] Last edited by Promo1987#4833 on Jun 19, 2014, 6:45:48 PM
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" I feel the same about this. I hope the will implement the boxes in a right manner or change the map drops. I was able to keep leveling above 80 in ambush due to the good map drops from the boxes. It made me play the characters much longer than I normally did(usually quit the character after 80 or so). It is still really hard to progress after 90 and still takes ages to get another level which is fine imo. I gues we just have to see how they will implement the map boxes into the next leagues. |
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Yeah, i'd have to agree with everyone on the map stuff. The removal of the cartographers box would be a pretty bad move.
If you cant play 12 hours a day (like alot of us) and the access to some higher maps is not there, you're very likely to just give up! I think diablo 3 is a pretty shitty game, but at least you could actually play endgame without having to either burn all your currency, or get SUPER lucky! This isn't a troll post, i just think people are more inclined to phase out if they cant play the content they desire as much! Just my two cents :) IGN: TitanVaolox
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" I play D2 with the median XL mod again because no dumb rng and currency burn crap. Just plain fun to kill stuff without looking at PCs in global and all that. |
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" Median XL is pretty funny if you play it in singeplayer or with few friends, but it has no real long time potential as a big multiplayer game. Too many things are guaranteed. But I like the item/crafting system and the uberlevel concept. I think Median XL was a example for many things in PoE and it's still the best d2 mod out there. Chris did it right and made his own game around a funny system and concept d2 had and extending it. But a few people are still moding d2 which is sad because it's just too old, has too many limitations and everything should die one day. It's not worth modding something that does not match the time anymore. That's why I appreciate what they do with PoE. Doing their own game basing it on old concepts, extending them and adding new ones. Last edited by darkmatch#7802 on Jun 29, 2014, 3:43:29 AM
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" Are you saying games are not worth playing after 10 years? So By that definition WoW should be dead now too. And Frozen Throne. And i play lots of games that are old. |
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Ofc it's worth playing it, but the game itself wasn't touched since many years and is just outdated. I just don't think it's worth modding it anymore since it does have way too many limitations.
Last edited by darkmatch#7802 on Jun 29, 2014, 5:06:38 AM
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Honestly they Should Really Reduce Kaom's heart further 250life and 30% fireDmg is what it Should be Also Should reduce Marhoi erqi drop 50% Dmg and stun Should be Lowered to 35% Also few items they should change is LifeSprig (I built a Arc witch of Dual weilding these from level 1 - 50 till i found an Upgrade (Seriously 16life per 1 second when ever casting a Spell with Firestorm u basically can Aoe for Ever and never loose hp) I honestly dont mind this but its to op At level 2 i had 192 fire ball and 292 Vaal fireball I was able to walk to act 3 in less than 30mins) Also majors things need to change is Drop rate of Tabula Rasa's I litterly Found 8 of them in 1 day on Ambush i had a total of 19x Tabula rasa in litterly less than 1week they really need to Increase Drop rate of Vaal orbs (i've honestly found 3 vaal orbs in past 3weeks But found 400 Exalts/chaos in that time period Also Death and Taxes map Insane Expereince they Should Reduce the Experience from bosses from 10,000% to like 5,000% I litterly bought 40x of these from people and Just ran those went from 80-90 within 15maps I got 5 left and im already 90% from level 97 With the Helm that grants Experience and Peradnus Signet i gain plenty of Experience Also When ever i Run 78maps I always Find Cartogpher strongboxes and their always Rare With +7 Extra Items and they always appear for me in the maps. they Should really Also change when u use a Vaal orb on a gem that Can become a Vaal gem they should increase chance of turning it into a Vaal gem by 30-40% I've used 30+ Vaal orbs Attempting to get a 20/23 or 21/20 Vaal spark but i always roll Spark 21/20 or 20/23 Also with the Removal of Snapshotting they should Increase the Reduce Mana Nodes by 2% Because Honestly I have trouble running 3 aura let alone 11 Also the Hp / Mana Nodes should Be increased from 8% to 12% Because than people Dont haft to grab so many. they should also make a Unique for RF builds that require level 30-45 with Fire max and 50% Fire res because everyone whos trying to make Rf builds basically gotta wait till 65 to even attempt build (I've used Purity of Fire and Ruby flasks But thats not even enough. with the New gem Echo the builds are just going to become Insane which will result of making the good builds today worthless or Even more overpowered They Should really add with echo -60% Dmg and every 5level at 5% to that because people i've seen doing test builds of it are able to pull 90,000+ dmg on some builds with insane amounts of cast speed
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"wut? And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
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