not that it applies to you anyway tmaciak as you do trade. Nice aegis.
Nice catch, I knew you use it ;)
Anyway, seriously now, I would not mind trading, if it would be working as in D2, where it was marginal problem/need. I knew that I could log to, trade etc. but it did not influence my gameplay at all, as drop rates were set with assumption, that trading is not important. Here, everything revolves around trading.
And, yes, as I wrote on stream I'm savvy so it was not problem for me to buy 1/20 gems or even AA purely from self-dropped currency. And even if I did so, it was "because" of trade, there is next to none chance I will be able to drop it myself. Next to none. Because of drop rates set to fuel economy, not player fun.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Last edited by tmaciak#3784 on May 7, 2014, 9:10:21 AM
not that it applies to you anyway tmaciak as you do trade. Nice aegis.
Nice catch, I knew you use it ;)
Anyway, seriously now, I would not mind trading, if it would be working as in D2, where it was marginal problem/need. I knew that I could log to, trade etc. but it did not influence my gameplay at all, as drop rates were set with assumption, that trading is not important. Here, everything revolves around trading.
And, yes, as I wrote on stream I'm savvy so it was not problem for me to buy 1/20 gems or even AA purely from self-dropped currency. And even if I did so, it was "because" of trade, there is next to none chance I will be able to drop it myself. Next to none. Because of drop rates set to fuel economy, not player fun.
Now I am apologizing in advance cause this will be a long post. Hopefully you take your time to read at least some of it to understand where you may be in the wrong.
Edit: Omg ... ok I didn´t expect this wall of text 2 become THIS massive.
The problem is that the droprate will allways influence the trade.
So if you increase the drops, prices will fall for "certain" items.
It won´t "solve" the problem it will only shift it.
While a cheap 5l is currently available for a couple chaos and even unique 5l shest can be obtained for 5ex + while the 6l version costs around 30.
There are many items in this game that show perfectly well what I get told every day in college.
The Price for a good is determined by suply and demand.
Lets get down to the details:
So what influences demand? 1: Game trends:
Game trends influence the price for items greatly.
Game trend caused by patch:
When people suddenly all started to roll a summoner after a summoner friendly patch the price for "rare" summoner gear rose exponentially.
Yes I´m talking about Montregul`s grasp, that sceptre rose form 5ex to 10ex in a day and up to 12-15 ex the following days (no matter the rolls btw.), people didn´t want to sell it to me for 12 ex demanding 20 wich was overprized even back then and luckily I knew that.
Currently since the hype decreased the price has dropped back down to a single digid amount of ex.
Game trend caused by streamers:
I remeber back in the day people argued that BoR is shit! Yeah I know sounds crazy now but oh well .... there is a lot of f***tards on global (no offence).
Later on as streamers and youtube videos about builds using BoR proved that a 7l and an easy one at that (just need the item, 4l is a joke) beats the seemingly inconvenience of being unable to wear a chest armour.
Actually it turned out to be so overly powerfull that the item had to be changed later on wich brings us to the next big topic.
2: Legacy items:
Legacy items create a situation of oligopolisation, prices skyrocket in for a short while and then slowly decrease again untill they reach a knew market balance, wich will allways be higher than the initial balance but way way lower then the demandet price of the first weeks, month.
The sellers are very afraid to make a bad deal since they know that getting back that very same item is now a lot harder, currency can be farmed that said item not anymore.
People are also willing to pay more for an item that has been officially declared as "gamebreaking" or at least "imbalanced" to be more poverfull than the avergae jow who can only look up in ave at this "top" player.
Ex: Kaoms heart initially 1000hp+ now 500. Used to be around a couple ex, one of my guild memebers says he bought his for 5 or 10ex.
When it became a legacy item the price rose to 200...sth ex.
Currently its still 160 buyout in and even the non legacy is at 30ex.
And now finally...
3: Droprates
This includes new uniques that serve as an alternative to the old ones since that is essentially the same thing as increasing the droprates (talking in marketprice).
Well lets make it short and simple.
A godly unique that drops often enough will become dirt cheap.
There is an endless list of uniwues that are half decent and better that are very affordable.
I´m not going to list them cause that would take while...
Now I have taken quite while to meke this text I really hope it will help to clear some doubts and false asumptions.
Now as a finishing touch let me ad some solutions to the current "problem".
There is quite a number of builds that either only use dirt cheap uniques or are allmost completely gear independant.
So trading does not play a mojor if any role for them.
1: Summoner.
The eternal Nr1, this build is rediculous when it comes to cheating itself out of usually required gear.
It simly doesn´t need ANY gear to work properly, it comes all form the passives.
Gear is mostly for links, a Tabula can make a 1s 0l chest in2 a potential 6l summon spectre... (snapshot 4ever).
Not promoting snapshotting here, well actually it does ad diversity to the game Imo.
Enabling to summon 3 or oeven 4 Spectres and being able to adjust each of them to you need does not break the game imo, but is actually fun 2 mess around with.
Btw. I remember playing in Merciless Akt 2 with 600hp andmax -40% chaos resit.
Contrary to the believ of many people the chaos snakes did not oneshot me, I could take maybe 3 hits... wich is simply never did.
Vaal was a joke and that was back in the day without the offerings and all the other nice buffs for the summoner.
I´m not gonna argue that the summoner does have its downsides against some of the new Vaal Bosses wich are simply infuriating.
I play with full mf gear and Piety or Dominus are my bitches but that vaal boss in the very first region of akt 3 was a real challenge .... talk about balance XD.
And well for most its boring since this is seriosly an afk build, but since its great for farming its very nice to finance you other builds.
2: Detonate build.
Has many variations and since the ele dmg passives come mostly form the passice tree (templar section) it isnt expensive either.
Also there just isn´t much you can link to Dtd so a 5l will suffice.
Nothing much 2 say about this build ... will make one in the future, cause from what I have seen its just mindfucking powerfull.
3: Trapper. When talking about Cheap decent uniques one has to mention the trapper...
The gloves are for leveling but in the beginning the are just completely op. Since the traper does not get affected by cast speed.
4: Youtube+forums 4 the win!!!!
Don´t make an examle out of people that buy theyr gear for literary hundrets of ex.
In my guild someone linked a perfekt bow he bought for 100sth ex., well the price of a mirror.
He has mindfucking dmg, and running Dominious with him was mostly about how fast we could get up there with consecutive portals.
And he still isn´t satisfied with the build saing it will still take him xxx ex. to finish it.
But thats human nature, we all envy the ones who have more than us, beter droprates won´t solve that my friend ! ;-)
1Edit: a very minor adition
2Edit: how the fuck did I endup double texitn some part ...
3Edit: Added spoiler tags
4Edit: fixed some typos at least, will leave it at that.
Last edited by Obscuritas#5661 on May 8, 2014, 4:38:35 PM
I played extensively original Diablo games, never traded, never raced, never grouped. Sweet times for aRPGs those were...
same here, doesnt mean racing and trading were not an aspect of those games.
all this hate for trade is really boring and sad to see, if you dont want to trade dont trade, stop fucking crying about it all day, seriously. Not trading/grouping doesnt make you a better or more credible player, not that it applies to you anyway tmaciak as you do trade. Nice aegis.
Speaking objectively, the trade system in PoE is horse pussy. Unadulterated horse pussy.
But with Diablo, I don't remember any of that trading or racing business. I remember PKing, making items with a hex editor, killing PKers with said hacked items, and playing the fuck out of ironman, though. It was glorious.
I played extensively original Diablo games, never traded, never raced, never grouped. Sweet times for aRPGs those were...
same here, doesnt mean racing and trading were not an aspect of those games.
all this hate for trade is really boring and sad to see, if you dont want to trade dont trade, stop fucking crying about it all day, seriously. Not trading/grouping doesnt make you a better or more credible player, not that it applies to you anyway tmaciak as you do trade. Nice aegis.
Speaking objectively, the trade system in PoE is horse pussy. Unadulterated horse pussy.
But with Diablo, I don't remember any of that trading or racing business. I remember PKing, making items with a hex editor, killing PKers with said hacked items, and playing the fuck out of ironman, though. It was glorious.
I am amazed at how many people are complaining about how bad the economy in PoE is.
I mean its completely possible to get allmost BiS in every gear slot by farming trading low currency without botts, cheats, or even non stop flipping(Ofc this is heavily influenced by the build).
Wich in my opinion defines PoE as having a rather healthy economy and I do have at least one game of the genre to compare it 2.
Whenever I get pissed cause I realize that I have to farm some ex to get this or that item I just rememeber the Ah of D3 ....oh this delight.
Now they solved it with a BoA only game wich is an absolute no go in this genre.
Shure RM trade very lax bot banning ruined D3 but BoA just has sooo many downsides.
I mean I love 2 look in the Guild stash for some nice lvling items I can use and put back or donate some cheap uniques to my fellow comrades, or equip a friend who is new to the game with affordable/cheap gear (cheap for me atl.)
Anyway instead of mindless bashing, how bout some constructive criticism?
And speking objectively you are very subjective, as am I.
Some use arguments though ... other insult
Last edited by Obscuritas#5661 on May 8, 2014, 4:55:05 PM
For anyone interested I decide to re-listen to the part of the podcast where Chris got asked questions and type it out for anyone interested in reading the questions along with Chris's answers.
I'm not a stenographer; I did not write down everything word-for-word, but instead jotted down, in my own words, what I heard. If you want quotes and full details, please just listen to the podcast. I apologize if I've misinterpreted or accidentally misworded anything. As Chris is the only person I can recognize in the podcast by voice, I've marked his responses with 'C:', and everyone else as 'S:" (Somebody:).
S: What do the devourers look like underground?
C: It was originally called the 'root spider', it was the 2nd monster designed after the blood monkey, but none of the concept art ever done shows this. Erik designed it and no one has dared ask him, and some of the stuff he's designed is pretty freaky so we're all scared to ask.
S: Are there possibly plans to increase the number of challenges in 4-month leagues over 8, and award different rewards at certain thresholds such as 3 or 6 challenges done, instead of it being all-or-nothing?
C: That sounds very cool. It's a higher budget version of what we're doing now but I definitely see it increasing desire to go after challenges. Not very many people pursue the challenges, this would definitely make an option for the less hardcore players who don't go after all 8 challenges. I'll bring this up with the team, since we are currently working on the next 4-month leagues and the challenges are up in the air as of now.
S: How do you feel about muleing in races?
C: It's intended and allowed. If players want to do that, and waste the time associated with doing so, they can. However, if a particular skill is outclassing all the others and is being muled all the time, that's something to be looked at. We've also considered races where the stash is disabled but we're testing it out still.
S: Some race seasons have very appealing items while others do not. Are the value of races based on how many expected players there are, or how do you figure out the rewards for seasons?
C: We try to vary the power between each season because we have the issue of power creep if each season has more and more powerful uniques. We do try to vary power and looks. This last season we have some very good looking alternate-art items at low thresholds and we feel that this is a good alternative to powerful items, and we will likely mix and match looks and power for future seasons.
S: What kind of information has GGG gathered from the recent cut-throat races?
C: I wasn't in the meeting regarding the cut-throat data, but from what I've heard, they've made a lot of tweaks based on that data. We've also considered adding area limits to temporary cut-throat races, such as a 24-hour cut-throat race with cruel and merciless difficulty disabled, to prevent players from dissapearing into the higher difficuties while most are at the lower ones. There's that along with other experiments we'd like to try when we get the development time for it.
S: Are there any plans to take Path of Exile into e-sports, either with PvP or racing?
C: We're very careful with the word 'e-sport', since an e-sport should be extremely fun regardless of how much it is repeated, and we don't feel races and pvp are quite up to the standard we want them to be at in that regard before we'd start advertising them in the realm of e-sports. There are a lot of players who play only for very specific parts of the game. Some enjoy PvP, some enjoy racing, some just want to play for the story and only come back after each major patch. It's very hard to know where our developmental efforts are best spent, and while we try to make sure each area of the game is tended to, it can easily feel like a certain part of the game is being neglected. Currently a lot of our development effort is going towards the 1.2 mini-expansion and Act 4. If we wanted PoE to become an e-sport in the near future we would have to divert development from these aspects into PvP and racing.
S: Are there plans to market Path of Exile in other countries?
C: Yes, there will likely be announcements this year about us bringing Path of Exile to non-english speaking countries, and one I'm particularly excited for is South America. There's a lot going on, we want to get servers in these countries and language availabilities so people in these countries can play path of exile without being hindered by latency or language barriers.
S: How does GGG intend to make the next league not feel like a direct nerf to droprates, since strongboxes will not be appearing as often?
C: We've talked about this a lot, and one thing to note is that strongboxes will be a base part of the game in all leagues from here on out, even though there'll be slightly fewer of them. This will especially apply to map boxes, since it's currently too easy to get high level maps with strongboxes. In the upcoming 4-month leagues, there will be new mechanics which at least affect the ability to kill monsters, if not the ability to find items.
S: Are there any future plans regarding blood magic? It feels underpowered, especially with the importance of auras currently.
C: I haven't heard of anything being discussed but I'm also not in most of the keystone discussion meetings anymore. I'll bring this up with Qarl and Rory. I'm taking notes during this podcast to bring back to the office to discuss.
S: When will the community get a practice mode for Descent and Descent:Champions?
C: When we designed Path of Exile, we designed it to be replayable, and it took 7 years. Descent:Champions took like two weeks, and it's partly because it wasn't designed with replayability in mind. We're relying on the race running infrequently to keep the smoke and mirrors up because if it could be run whenever a player wanted it would be extremely easy for both the game mode to become boring and for people to work out perfect ways to race through it. However, there are still discussions of the next race season having Descent:Champions races more often.
S: What do you think about items like The Taming being taken out of new leagues?
C: While we do turn off these uniques, we haven't said they will never return, and they could potentially return as both race rewards or as items that temporarily drop in all leagues. It's sort of like MTG where they rotate things in and out. We think the idea of items that become available for awhile and then become unavailable for a long time while existing copies remain in the economy is interesting. It's likely that future 4-month leagues will contain popular uniques from past 4-month leagues but I can't confirm anything with that yet. It's also a good way to encourage players to try the 4-month leagues. We're trying hard to stay away from cheap tricks like increased experience during weekends or things like that. We try very hard to do what we'd enjoy as players, and hope that the playerbase likes it. There's a lot of things we could do to just double our playerbase but such things aren't healthy for the game long-term.
S: Are there any things like guild achievements, challenges, or PvP coming in the future?
C: When we were preparing the game for release, we intended for there to be guild challenges, similar to the 4-month challenges already in-game, but we weren't able to complete them in time and they haven't been worked on with as much effort since then. It is still planned though and the difficulty of such challenges would likely outweigh even the challenges that currently exist in our 4-month leagues, since a whole group of people would need to work together on them. We even have some thoughts for challenges such as guild capture-the-flag, which would incentivite parts of the game that aren't seeing much use right now. We're interested in this but the amount of development we put towards it really depends on the community. If the community says "that's cool, not a huge deal", we'll work on it slowly over time, but if it seems to be a big thing that a ton of players really want, we can focus on it and have it out much sooner than we would otherwise.
S: Are you happy about the amount of players that killed or fought Atziri?
C: Access to Atziri is bottlenecked on both fragments and player skill/item. At the beginning of the 4-month leagues there were very few people capable of facing atziri so in turn we had the fragments spawn at a very low rate. With each major patch we've increased the drop rate of these fragments, both to simulate the spread of atziri's corruption and because more and more players became capable of providing a challenge for atziri. This is an experiment, people wanted things like, to use a D2 term, organ farming, there's been a lot of feedback about how we implemented it and we've learned a lot from it for next time.
S: Are there any plans for other endgame bosses like Atziri that are separate from the story?
C: We'll definitely have more bosses like atziri in the future. Unique maps are an ideal place for this. However, we've purposely designed the next mini-expansion to not center around a particular villian that needs to be defeated, both because it would be more of the same which isn't necessarily good and to avoid the same problem discussed with race rewards previously; we don't want each mini-expansion to bring out a new boss that has to be harder and harder than the last. We've designed something completely different for the next mini-expansion, it's crazy and no one will be expecting it. It's NOT farming fragments to fight a new atziri-style monster, but we hope players will enjoy it still.
S: How does GGG decide what skill will be next to be implemented?
C: We've improved this a lot in the past year. We used to be like "let's think of cool skills and make them", whereas now we're like "what does the game need? let's make a skill to fill that hole". We haven't announced our next skill but there's a specific build which we feel needs more tools at its disposal and the next skill will be centered around this. We try to make the skills cool too, of course, and we think we've been successful here, especially compared to some old skills; we try to sweep things like elemental hit under the rug nowadays.
S: Are there plans to improve alpha testing in order to better balance content before its implementation?
C: Alpha is a bit of a touchy subject. We've had good feedback from alpha members, but if we keep the group small, we just get far better testing from our paid QA team. If we keep the group large, we then have issues with content leaks, and it's hard to always figure out who is leaking content. Additionally we don't want to give alpha players cheats which can make testing of certain content extremely difficult for them. We do have plans for a larger scale test of future content with player volunteers, and we'll try to do it in a way where their testing is useful while leaks are also controllable.
S: How do you feel about leech after the nerf, particularly mana leech?
C: I'm inclined to agree that the leech changes were focused on life leech and that we could look especially at mana leech. The reason for the nerf was that leech was absolutely broken and made some players effectively immortal. In retrospect the nerf may have been slightly too heavy, or there may have been a better way to approach it. We're discussing it a lot and we do have to do a lot of testing before changing it again, but we feel that the changes to leech were very important and we don't regret doing them.
S: What do you think about the constant changes to the skill trees? It can be frustrating to return to an old character and find they've been nerfed into the ground.
C: We change the skill tree to try and make it better, and in general this means buffing. A lot of people have been talking about improving the witch area, and this tends to mean filling the area with really good notables, giving you a spike in power as you rise up in levels prior to you leaving your class's starting area on the tree. We've done this with other classes recently and feel that it worked out well. We rarely nerf things on the tree and when we do it's because we feel it's very overpowered. For example, area of effect, buff duration, and buff effect nodes went overlooked for so long by the playerbase and were never really used, but then when those nodes became popular and were combined with particular uniques it was shown to be overpowered and adjustments had to be made. While we have to do this for balance I understand it can be frustrating to have those balance changes affect your build, and this is partly why between 4-month leagues we tend to allow character skill resets. Every 4 months we'll generally give everyone the button that says they can reset their skills once, regardless of skill tree changes. This helps preserve the permanence of spending skill points in the 4-month leagues while still allowing players in standard and hardcore to wait for a skill reset if they've made a terrible mistake with their character.
S: Are there plans to implement a high-damage primarily chaos skill?
C: I have no idea, I'd have to ask Qarl.
S: What's going to happen with invasion bosses?
C: I put this in the development manifesto silently recently. There are some areas in the game that currently have no boss that appears in them, and we can take certain invasion bosses and use them as permanent bosses in these areas. However, the concept of bosses randomly invading areas they aren't supposed to be in will not be coming to the other leagues, as this role is already filled by rogue exiles. We don't need 2 layers of randomly spawning bosses in the base game.
S: What do you think about evasion builds, should they be buffed?
C: Evasion implicitly has the problem that it's binary; you'll either take full damage or none. In the past we've done some things to improve evasion, such as entropy instead of RNG and the acrobatics keystone. When evasion concerns are brought up to the balance team, they are of the opinion that it's actually quite powerful. Our most recent build of the week is even about a hardcore evasion build. I don't think evasion is currently underpowered, but players need to keep in mind that they have to survive the few big hits they will take.
S: Why was dodge capped at 75% in the last patch?
C: It's best to get nerfs in before they actually affect anyone's build. Just because you can't reach 75% dodge now doesn't mean you can't later.
S: Will there be an official level 28 pvp bracket for tournaments?
C: I'd be surprised if there wasn't, but it could change. If it does, there'll be a good reason for it.
S: With strongboxes becoming a part of the game, will chests and barrels become less so?
C: We're looking at this. In our original idea for ambush, strongboxes didn't exist and you could apply currency to any container. With the prominence of jars and such lying around everywhere it became obvious we had to limit this, which is how strongboxes originated.
S: Can you elaborate how 6-linking will be changed soon, as you alluded to on reddit?
C: I was careful with my phrasing there, and I can't answer this question because it concerns content with the upcoming mini-expansion, but one thing the mini-expansion will address is other ways to influence the crafting of items. We don't want to just increase the chance to 6-link an item but we want to increase availability of sockets and linked sockets. We're still working on these systems but crafting improvements are a core part of the mini-expansion, but it'll be at least 5 weeks until you hear anything.
S: Will signature races always be fixed seed?
C: No, we don't want to just repeat the same thing every time, but I am not sure if the next season's signature race will be fixed or not. Probably not.
S: Can we have corrupted zones in maps?
C: The point was that there would be three endgame options competing with each other that players could decide between. You could farm bosses such as piety, you could do maps, or you could farm corrupted zones. We didn't want to allow players to do two of these at the same time. Some players prefer to stick to maps while someone who is good at killing atziri can stick to corrupted zones, and if someone wants a change of pace they can switch to another of these activities. This may or may not have worked, depending on your opinion, and we're experimenting with other ways to tie endgame together in the future.
S: This is mainly in response to the seraph wings. Is there a defined line where you decide if a microtransaction is appropriate for Path of Exile?
C: Erik lays out our art direction and he's been here since day 1. He's been very consistent this whole time, and items such have wings have been in the plan from the start; players just haven't seen Erik's notes and concept art. Wings are incredibly difficult to create, which is why these took so long, and we also want to sort of stagger our release of things that are different from each other. While these wings may seem out of place to some of our players, we're very used to them by now in the context of Path of Exile's art. I trust Erik's decisions, and we have plenty of grimy and gritty things planned for the future. Additionally, the seraph wings are intended to be worn with the entire seraph set, where they don't look as out of place. However, for our youtube video preview, the wings had to be equipped by themselves on a level 1 character, and this is where they do indeed start to look out of place and the negative feedback we got on this video was somewhat understandable. We feel that the wings are meant to be worn in the context of the seraph set, where they do not look out of place.
S: Are there plans to implement more high level maps?
C: I'd like to. Part of the reason that maps form a pyramid in terms of level is that players aren't supposed to be running the high level ones as often as they currently do. We certainly will add more over time to increase variety. Having said that, despite the top players farming the top maps, the majority of maps run by players are low level. We heard some people on the forums insist recently that no one would run a 66 map, but we can see who's running what maps, and at least a quarter of all maps run are 66 maps. Our budget on tilesets and new maps skews towards which ones are being run the most, and that is currently low level maps.
S: Are there plans to change shield charge or add a new shield ability?
C: It'd be cool and there's at least one team member pushing for new shield skills, so you'll probably see more in the future, but we don't have any far in development currently.
S: Are there any plans for a support gem that reduces the amount of souls required for vaal gems?
C: We're still gathering data on the usage of vaal gems and we're dicussing them a lot. People aren't abusing them and a good amount of players are actively using them, so they're in a good place for us to just sit back and gather data for awhile, we don't need to rush any changes with them.
S: I like corrupted areas, will there be more low-level content in the future?
C: Part of the issue with corrupted areas is that low levels can find fragments that aren't useful to them since they won't face atziri for a very long time. We're keeping this in mind for next time and will try to have awesome content similar in scope to atziri that is more accessible, for example being available near the end of normal difficulty instead of requiring you to be a level 70 or 80 character with great skill and gear.
S: Can we have a quality of life development manifesto?
C: We have a half-finished manifesto regarding this, but there's a lot going on in the near future. A development manifesto would be good for this, since most of it is either "yes, we'll do this, but here's why it's low priority" or "this is way harder than you'd think to do". For example, a common complaint is that you don't recieve chat messages when loading areas. This is significantly harder to fix than the players think and isn't a quick fix whatsoever. The development time it would need is quite a large commitment, especially when we have other important things we're actively trying to get ready.
S: Will there be chances for player-designed uniques in the future?
C: I hope so. We temporarily cancelled this because the queue is too long. If you're really keen on designing a unique item and really patient, you can email support and ask to be put in the queue.
S: How do you feel about the balance of blood rage?
C: I haven't been involved with exact skill balance recently so I can't answer this but I'll bring this up with the team.
S: Do you have any ideas you're throwing around for the game that are inspired by magic: the gathering?
C: That's a good question. We ran an experiment back in 2011 where players would recieve a sort of booster pack before a pvp competition, an assortment of random items. While this had balance issues, it was interesting. It's surprising how many things from MTG can be applied to Path of Exile.
S: So you're saying you're going to make a boss named the Polar Kraken? I'm kidding.
C: Nice.
S: The intricacies of the current metagame keeps giving everyone I show Path of Exile the wrong idea about the game. What are your thoughts on this?
C: We don't want to remove intricate things just for the sake of dumbing things down for popularity. We need to keep things complicated while also finding ways to comfortably introduce new players to the game. Build of the Week is designed to do this and this is partly why we're trying to bring it back.
S: Will there be any more supporter packs in the near future?
C: Yes, but we're making sure not to bring them out too fast. People were asking for sacrifice of the vaal supporter packs and while our players are very generous we don't want to ask for money that often. Additionally, we don't want the time of supporter pack availability to be so short that people miss out on the exclusive content in them. The currently ones have at least several weeks remaining and I don't have a timeline to share for the next supporter packs.
S: With so many new concepts coming out so often such as rogue exiles, shrines, and strongboxes, won't there eventually be too much?
C: We're happy with the idea of phasing things out and bringing them back later. However, a lot of things we've been adding with the 4-month leagues are things we feel the game needed. In Diablo 3, while I don't like a lot about that game, I really like how they made the areas and environments very immersive and varied, with things like the randomly spawning events. That's a goal of ours with Path of Exile, and we feel that having a huge pool of randomly-spawning features and never knowing what to expect is a lot more fun than just having 2 features active at any given time.
S: Can we expect to see GGG at future conventions?
C: Maybe. Since we're a small team, it's a huge effort on our part to go overseas and get a booth and all that when we're normally at home developing the game. However, if we've overseas for other reasons such as promotion, we try to do fan meetups.
S: Has there been a discussion of guaranteed movement speed boots in a race?
C: The point of the side-quest awarding a quicksilver flask early game and the vendor recipe requiring a quicksilver flask is so that racers have to make a choice whether to skip it altogether, spend the time to kill hailrake for the flask and use it, or spend the time to kill hailrake and sacrifice the flask for move speed boots. We feel that's better than giving players free movement speed.
S: Anything you wanna say to the community, such as spoilers you have a greenlight on?
C: We have an upcoming two-week race that we're going to make an announcement on later today. There's going to be special prizes such as hardware, and we have a charity connection for it too. The next Build of the Week will also be concering a Molten Strike build that will be helpful for the two-week race.
S: Will we have longer cut-throat races soon?
C: I don't know, I have to talk to the guys at work, but I'll try to get it in soon.
<And one final question...It doesn't regard ingame content but I'll keep it podcast exclusive>
Thank you so very much for posting this!!!!
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story