Rebalancing Internal Unique Item Rarities (Locked June 16)
"Why would we be? The same amount is dropping. The only difference is which uniques are dropping. Computer specifications:
Windows 10 Pro x64 | AMD Ryzen 5800X3D | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | 16GB 3600MHz RAM | MSI Geforce 1070Ti Gamer | Corsair AX 760watt PSU | Samsung 860 Pro 512GB SSD & WD Black FZEX HDD |
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After patch
I see no different |
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" Yeah, I know. I'm just mocking the doom sayers in this thread. Add a Forsaken Masters questline |
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Been playing this game since beta... and only worthy unique drop was "lionseye bow" and "the bringer of rain" so you do the math... ( i've been playing 74+ maps with 100+ quality and 250+ rarity for couple of months now... and still not one good drop)
I got 7 80+ chars and i played max lvl maps in groups since beta.... I had to buy 6L chst because i can't actually link 6L chest that i crafted ( 2000+ fussings spend on it) So when i read that GGG is satisfied with Unique drops , it really pisses me of. This game is time consuming piece of shit ! And until you actually make league for people that wanna experience the whole game [ every build, every unique ] before they die of old age you should change your politic on how much fucking time people should spend to actually enjoy it. Off to quick fun, D3 ros awaits, [Removed by Support] good night. Last edited by Stewart_GGG#0000 on May 31, 2014, 8:31:53 PM
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I definitely noticed more uniques dropping in normal difficulty playing my new character.
Hope the uniques that drop will be of a higher level generally speaking when my character is of higher level and not a drop fest of low tier uniques Last edited by Startkabels#3733 on Jun 3, 2014, 6:37:21 AM
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yeah yeah still the same! only few very rich traders rules the game since the beginning and get the most powerful items , then they sold for an insane amount of Exalted and they are able to get the new one first, by playing (most of the time with trading like in diablo3 and to keep price very high , we can't get those item, because the time to get currencies to buy they nerfed and ' price of old version rising or new are fashion...!! still the same! they have the capacity to kill the most powerful ubber boss, even if they get crap, they are rich as they are able to do it again and again!!!! yeah it's not only about a jealousy feeling (sometimes yes when i see a old bringer use like a shit)
I'm playing a lot, but not for trade , !for fun!, and when I or the guild (we are 4) prepare a map like shipyard for nice play , it's 4chisel- an alch- most of the time it's several chaos to roll it with no insane combination, when i'm rich ('it's rare) i'm using 4chisel 1 trans roll with alteration then use a regal....... So when i reach the copy of gravicious (on shipyard), forgot the name (yeah yeah i see you to laugh , "bouah gravicious on shipyard is a pussy i kill him 10 times per day"), on shipyard it's rare for me (or us)( so palace and atziri are legend for us!) , i wan't to loot another thing than a 67map and scroll of wisdom and iron shitty ring , me or one members of groups wants a minimum of rewards! But try to understand, we don't want to play "path of trading" , we still want to feel imrpovment of ours characters,with a minmum of rewards without resort at trading everytime! Since few month this felling going down and stay low and trading start to get to much place for my taste!! i know why! try to keep the spirit of a healty exchange(not trade i hate this word). keep in mind to up as well the story and developp the world of wreaclast! not only item! i really don't know how your works is but i think you have a huge amount of factors to keep im mind to equilibrate your baby! it's free! awesome! like awesome-ho in south park Anyway , thanks for your work , Poe is still ( and must stay) a very good game! PS: I'm french! so i'm complain a lot! and hope my english is not unbearable |
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Completely agree with you fourbus. Its a path of traders and if you didnt acquire your wealth earlier in the games history, its even harder now. Uniques dont sell (atleast in standard). And currency is too rare too craft.
And anyone who thinks the vendor recipes are the secret. Im here to tell you dont be fooled. They are not that great if you dont play a hardcore MF character. I was hoping to trade up in currency for exalts but like I said the vendor recipes suk. You would be grinding all day just to complete one stupid set. Its mindless. Yes, Poe has some innovated mechanics and a skill tree. (But this game needs a lot of work and a different philosophy) or im afraid the only revenue POE will bank on is the brand new players who havent reached that critical stage! |
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My experience is that in particular, unique bosses have a very high chance of dropping uniques. I even got two from one rogue exile.
I am getting more uniques overall, but also I get even more low tier uniques. This collection is mainly from playing normal difficulty in Invasion. Most of the higher tier uniques, like the amulet I'm wearing, Sundance boots, Slitherpinch gloves, Mightflay dagger I bought and did not find. Especially note the duplicates I have of low tier uniques: And I'm wearing these: Last edited by Startkabels#3733 on Jun 5, 2014, 7:01:21 AM
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Can we see same with orbs? And crafting? And just more rares/items droped from slay monsters?
Also when you get uniques its 95% SAME uniques that drop again and again, i mean some buddy get many 3-5 varience unique (common) other have 2-4 another varience unique and etc. Theres no way to get NEW common or higher uniques, bcs its 95% SAME. Is it bug or work fine? CROSS-LEAGUE TRADING:
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" Well, crafting needs some tweaks so people are not forced to hoard that much, but don't expect something drastic anytime saturation... Add a Forsaken Masters questline |
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