Mark_GGG wrote:
GodlyMe wrote:
About the changes to Righteous Fire, if I understand correctly, when you cast RF with a,b,c support gems, then remove RF, the benefits from a,b,c supports persist until placed in an item with x,y,z support gems at which point RF will gain the benefits of x,y,z supports.
Is this correct?
Not quite. If you put the RF gem into a different item with different supports, that will give you a new instance of the RF skill, different to the one that was used to case the currently active effect. nothing will update.
If you put the gem back in the same socket it was removed from, then it's the same skill, and it will update to any of the supports that have changed in the meantime, and continue to do so for future support changes.
GodlyMe wrote:
If so it doesn't hold true to the whole "burning to death" philosophy.
IMO the benefits that RF has gained from the supports should persist indefinitely, no matter what you do with the gems in the interim, until it is recast, at which point RF gains the benefits of whatever supports are linked to it at that time.
That would a) be snapshotting, and b) not be affecting the burning to death - there are no support gems in the game currently that affect the self burn.
The "burning to death" philosophy is that you should not be able to turn off the skill by removing the gem. Allowing it to correctly update based on support changes, when able, does not impact that.
elitedesolator wrote:
From my understanding of extreme RF snapshotting, it involves low life Pain Attunement 2 Redbeaks, plus the switching of gear such as a 6L Carcass to boost the damage and then switching back to your normal armour.
Which part or parts are going to be fixed?
EDIT: OK I read it again (reading comprehension pro here). So my conclusion is that none of it would work anymore for RF?
gilrad wrote:
So does this mean gear swapping is still somewhat alive for Righteous Fire?
-Equip a +1 Tabula Rasa with Righteous Fire linked in,
-Cast Righteous Fire
-Swap the TR for a Kaom's Heart
-You now have the benefit of a six-linked chest skill on your Kaom's. Even better, if it's not a legacy, your fire damage gets updated!
That is currently correct. Ideally we'd like it to notice the supports being removed and update, but because the active skill gem is gone at that point, it can't tell what supports are linked to it. There might be changes to this in future, but for now, this is correct.
1988288 wrote:
You guys should probably look at Montreguls and buff it after the snapshot fix, as it makes you lose nearly half total DPS.
It gives no benefit and drawback is too high. Can't really call 500 life and resists (that already are maxed out) a huge bonus, nor the explosions makes up for the lost damage.
90k dps with 4 zombies (that is montreguls), 160k dps with 9 zombies. DPS loss probably is even higher with lvl 20/20 (or higher) gems.
Could you please share how you calculated these numbers?
Have you not found the zombie life bonus from the item significant in your play?
you realize this is contradicting everything you want to do with the snapshotting-fix?
you literally allow players to use a 6L simultaneuosly with Kaoms just because "it fits the gem thematically"...
You will never be happy if
you continue to search for
what happiness consists of.
You will never live if you are
looking for the meaning of life.
Posted byfeuerbach#2461on Jun 18, 2014, 3:54:57 AM
bitedefer wrote:
Think dec said that what they want. Master of one type of spectres with some jack of all trades. Right now you are JACK OF ALL TRADES MASTER OF ALL. You gotta think what spetres you want to be fully optimised(4 of them ) or have one or two of that fully optimised spectres with the other two less optimised for supports.
EVERY top summoner will run 4 of the same spectres, rather than run 2 sets of the raise spectre gem.
this is the opposite of diversity. there is literally no valid reason to run different spectres after this is implemented. 100% of the time, it will be more efficient and beneficial to run the same from the same gems.
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Posted byrobmafia#7456on Jun 18, 2014, 3:55:52 AM
theeviltroll wrote:
You just killed end-game summoners (trying to kill uber). Well done.
Please wait with the doomsaying until we have seen in what way affected skills/uniques get rebalanced wit the change.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Posted bySneakypaw#3052on Jun 18, 2014, 3:56:50 AM
Sneakypaw wrote:
You are a funny dude.
It's not about levels of power. I already told what the advantage is of this 'snapshotting' with spectres over how it is supposed to be.
Read again. If you still don't agree, read again until you can comprehend it.
this, coming from the one repeatedly replying to me asking how it's an advantage or net gain.
you NEVER backed that up, by the way.
if it's not about levels of power, why were you trying to argue about advantage/gains?! *facepalm*
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Posted byrobmafia#7456on Jun 18, 2014, 3:58:11 AM
Sneakypaw wrote:
If you want different spectres just use one Spectre gem + 5 supports in a 6 link and another SPectre gem + 3 supports (in 4link) or 5 supports (in another 6 link (2handed weapon/bow))
who in their right mind would do that ?
There literally isn't a single instance where a 'diverse' spectre is worth 1-2 gem slots, let alone 6. Hm let see I can have full cwdt setup with ic,ec incr duration and both offerings....or I can have a flame sentinel INSTEAD of evangelist which would be roughly as strong. There is no choice here. GGG was saying last year how they wanted people to experiment with more spectres and discover synergies and use difft spectres skills...well, that's not happening after the fix.
Posted bygrepman#2451on Jun 18, 2014, 3:58:20 AM
I don't care about snapshotters' progress in this league, I don't want to wait for the fix of this major bug.
Posted bypetden#0238on Jun 18, 2014, 4:01:21 AM
All the QQ from some summoners in this thread is really ridiculous...
My lvl 91 low life summoner is facerolling all the end game maps, I never had a so powerfull character with such high clear speed and survability, it's just insane.
By fixing the snapshot exploit, I will lose only my 4 stronger snapshoted zombie ( with Montgrul Grasp ) and that's all.. I am pretty sure it will not change anything or very marginally.
And for all summoners that tried to kill Atziri, they all notice that beeing able to resummon quickly zombies is key and without snapshot it's now possible.
Basically, snapshotting in usual game content is completely overkill , and for the hardest part , with AoE high damage bosses, it's completely counterproductiv..
So please stop QQ for nothing, enjoy the fact that you will not spend a lot of minutes on every game session to snapshit everything, and learn to play without it.
PS : I agree though about that some summoner uniques need to be rebalanced ( = to receive a buff ) or they will never be used.
IGN TylordRampage Last edited by Malone#6946 on Jun 18, 2014, 4:04:23 AM
Posted byMalone#6946on Jun 18, 2014, 4:03:33 AM
Last edited by storzi#2847 on Jun 18, 2014, 4:04:59 AM
Posted bystorzi#2847on Jun 18, 2014, 4:04:08 AM
can you at least make righteous fire burn totems ?
Posted byseraphim#7712on Jun 18, 2014, 4:04:37 AM
robmafia wrote:
no one's GAINING anything.
4 gmp tentacles = 4 aoe evalgelists = 2 gmp tentacles and 2 aoe evangelists, and etc. 2 fully supported tentacles and 2 supported evangelists isn't magically MORE than 4 supported tentacles. this is so retardedly simple that i literally don't know how to possibly simplify it further.
it's simply diversifying instead of concentrating. that's it.
it's an issue because GGG is claiming to bring diversity with this change, but it seems to only heavily incentivize the opposite of diversity - uniformity.
This is simply not true. The utility gained for a summoner by being able to swap out those support gems gives them both offensive and defensive capabilities that NO OTHER BUILD has access to. Being able to summon a shield that ignores ALL ranged damage while also building multiple high powered Tentacled Miscreations was NOT INTENDED by GGG. They aren't taking away your choices with regard to what Spectre you choose. Merely showing you that having the best of both worlds was an unintended consequence of snapshotting minions.
Choose defence or choose offence, at any given point in time(remember, next map, you can change it if you wish). No longer can you just have it all. But, that's the point isn't it? You just want it all, High MF, Fantastic Defences, OP Offence. Most builds have to choose 2 of those three, but you get all of them. Now they want to change that and you bitch and moan because you can't continue the way you have.
Deal with it, just like every other build that has been hit by the nerfhammer has, since the beginning of PoE.
Posted byXasrai#2038on Jun 18, 2014, 4:05:16 AM