Mark_GGG wrote:
Your Animate Guardian's equipment will persist on logout, but due to the snapshotting changes we're making, it won't immediately appear when you leave town. Players will now be able to retrieve their guardian by targeting a blank space of ground and casting the Animate Guardian skill.
I understood everything and i like that snapshotting will be disabled but i think the need to recast you guardian each time you enter a new area is kind of annoying. For my particular build i would need to swap out the skill-key mapping cast the guardian and swap back. Assuming that auras will be still applied even if they are currently not mapped to key at the lower right menu. As an alternative i would not see such a big point if i could map more skills to keys.
Posted byRob2655#5824on Jun 18, 2014, 11:32:51 AM
p0t wrote:
This alone just means less diversity more flameblast/arc.
If you're looking at the change in a vacuum, then I'd agree. However, there will most likely be balancing changes done at the same time as the removal of snapshotting; it's these balancing adjustments that should alleviate the diversity issue.
That being said, there'll always be a "go-to" ability or playstyle that a disproportionate amount of players will gravitate too. Fact of video game life. There's no perfect balance, but as long as the devs keep trying, that's enough for me.
(1.2)Puncture/Ice Shot duelist - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1078942
(2.0)The Party Crasher - Hardcore viable Ice Crash Duelist - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1335704
Posted byRediusMaximus#6333on Jun 18, 2014, 11:34:23 AM
peachii wrote:
Thanks for all your hard work in figuring out a fix for this GGG, really appreciate it and the on-going discussion Mark is having with the community over it.
1- I think you are in for some serious resistance from summoners over this. Seems every summoner in the game was using it for some reason or other and probably do not know what their build is like without the MASSIVE damage/life and extra minions they are currently running with. When snapshotting goes away there are going to be very few left who doesn't think their build is broken in some form. I don't know if buffs are needed, I don't play one but you should plan for the fallout, there will be a good bit after it goes into effect. I don't think any build should be able to benefit from snapshotting but it was left in the game so long that the buffs that people received from it have become the norm for a large selection of the people playing the game. GGG is going to have to give some kind of concessions to this or you will have a riot. Even if you put a banner in game from now until the patch goes live - people are still going to say they didn't know, yada yada.
2- Fixing snapshotting is fixing snapshotting. There should be ZERO gems in the game that you can still damage enemies or get benefit from and not have the gem equipped. I don't care what downsides it has, if the gem is not equipped you should not be able to deal damage with it or gain benefit from it. Don't fix snapshotting and leave such a large loophole with RF, that it will still be able to be used in snapshotting with gear. Please do not leave any area for this to still be abused before that patch goes live or it shoots the entire credibility of the fix out the window.
<3 GGG
That's all well and good but your simply missing the point for me when i use snapshot for my RF i don't get any benefit out of gems etc the only benefit i get is the extra damage from going to low hp, that's the snapshot. I don't see how this is a loophole as i'm just using my secondary weapons to boost my power then reverting back. I'm not benefiting from anything else except this dmg increase.
This will pretty much make RF pointless to use as it's being nerfed big time at least summoners will still be able to use specters one way or another. If they are going to do something to help RF to negate such a missive drop in damage out put then fine but maybe they could let us know if they are definatly going to and what this might be?
Posted byRobroy580#7937on Jun 18, 2014, 11:46:06 AM
Lets hope any balancing changes will bring even a fraction of the amount of high level usage to low level uniques that snapshotting has. With the amount of tree nodes and gear tied to summoning I surely hope there is some overhaul planned after they kill most of the HC viable builds.
Buy the ticket, take the ride. Last edited by p0t#2885 on Jun 18, 2014, 11:55:39 AM
Posted byp0t#2885on Jun 18, 2014, 11:54:55 AM
Robroy580 wrote:
That's all well and good but your simply missing the point for me when i use snapshot for my RF i don't get any benefit out of gems etc the only benefit i get is the extra damage from going to low hp, that's the snapshot. I don't see how this is a loophole as i'm just using my secondary weapons to boost my power then reverting back. I'm not benefiting from anything else except this dmg increase.
This will pretty much make RF pointless to use as it's being nerfed big time at least summoners will still be able to use specters one way or another. If they are going to do something to help RF to negate such a missive drop in damage out put then fine but maybe they could let us know if they are definatly going to and what this might be?
I seriously doubt RF is going to get any sort of buff. I think they want to use it to augment spell power. Sort of a 'glass cannon' type of skill, which is in a game that is balanced so much against glass cannons that it's, as you say, pointless.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Posted byb15h09#7812on Jun 18, 2014, 11:57:13 AM
b15h09 wrote:
Robroy580 wrote:
That's all well and good but your simply missing the point for me when i use snapshot for my RF i don't get any benefit out of gems etc the only benefit i get is the extra damage from going to low hp, that's the snapshot. I don't see how this is a loophole as i'm just using my secondary weapons to boost my power then reverting back. I'm not benefiting from anything else except this dmg increase.
This will pretty much make RF pointless to use as it's being nerfed big time at least summoners will still be able to use specters one way or another. If they are going to do something to help RF to negate such a missive drop in damage out put then fine but maybe they could let us know if they are definatly going to and what this might be?
I seriously doubt RF is going to get any sort of buff. I think they want to use it to augment spell power. Sort of a 'glass cannon' type of skill, which is in a game that is balanced so much against glass cannons that it's, as you say, pointless.
Oh well will have to wait and see what happens, I guess i'll just have to do another build if RF is nerfed so much it's pointless running the build. Sigh will have to mess about with gear again etc just after i'd pretty much got what i wanted / could afford.
Posted byRobroy580#7937on Jun 18, 2014, 12:03:44 PM
Robroy580 wrote:
peachii wrote:
Thanks for all your hard work in figuring out a fix for this GGG, really appreciate it and the on-going discussion Mark is having with the community over it.
1- I think you are in for some serious resistance from summoners over this. Seems every summoner in the game was using it for some reason or other and probably do not know what their build is like without the MASSIVE damage/life and extra minions they are currently running with. When snapshotting goes away there are going to be very few left who doesn't think their build is broken in some form. I don't know if buffs are needed, I don't play one but you should plan for the fallout, there will be a good bit after it goes into effect. I don't think any build should be able to benefit from snapshotting but it was left in the game so long that the buffs that people received from it have become the norm for a large selection of the people playing the game. GGG is going to have to give some kind of concessions to this or you will have a riot. Even if you put a banner in game from now until the patch goes live - people are still going to say they didn't know, yada yada.
2- Fixing snapshotting is fixing snapshotting. There should be ZERO gems in the game that you can still damage enemies or get benefit from and not have the gem equipped. I don't care what downsides it has, if the gem is not equipped you should not be able to deal damage with it or gain benefit from it. Don't fix snapshotting and leave such a large loophole with RF, that it will still be able to be used in snapshotting with gear. Please do not leave any area for this to still be abused before that patch goes live or it shoots the entire credibility of the fix out the window.
<3 GGG
That's all well and good but your simply missing the point for me when i use snapshot for my RF i don't get any benefit out of gems etc the only benefit i get is the extra damage from going to low hp, that's the snapshot. I don't see how this is a loophole as i'm just using my secondary weapons to boost my power then reverting back. I'm not benefiting from anything else except this dmg increase.
This will pretty much make RF pointless to use as it's being nerfed big time at least summoners will still be able to use specters one way or another. If they are going to do something to help RF to negate such a missive drop in damage out put then fine but maybe they could let us know if they are definatly going to and what this might be?
But you do get a damage increase from using RF and then you move it to your alternate weapon slot or take it out of the gem socket and put it in your bag. NO gem in the game should be able to help you or increase your damage output if you do not have the gem equipped. Switch it off your action bar after you cast it but it should still be an active and equipped gem in your current gear if it is giving you any benefit at all. If it's not in your gear you are wearing then how it is still now able to be snapshotted and abused just the way it is now?
I don't use RF at all but if they are making the change it needs to be consistant and the same for every skill in the game. Not all of them but this one or that one. ALL of them.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia
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My beloved pets....
 Last edited by peachii#3920 on Jun 18, 2014, 12:08:42 PM
Posted bypeachii#3920on Jun 18, 2014, 12:07:03 PMValued Poster
Auras are only OP when in party. If they nerf auras, they really harm the solo play.
Posted bysungarlic#5435on Jun 18, 2014, 12:10:04 PM
peachii wrote:
Robroy580 wrote:
peachii wrote:
Thanks for all your hard work in figuring out a fix for this GGG, really appreciate it and the on-going discussion Mark is having with the community over it.
1- I think you are in for some serious resistance from summoners over this. Seems every summoner in the game was using it for some reason or other and probably do not know what their build is like without the MASSIVE damage/life and extra minions they are currently running with. When snapshotting goes away there are going to be very few left who doesn't think their build is broken in some form. I don't know if buffs are needed, I don't play one but you should plan for the fallout, there will be a good bit after it goes into effect. I don't think any build should be able to benefit from snapshotting but it was left in the game so long that the buffs that people received from it have become the norm for a large selection of the people playing the game. GGG is going to have to give some kind of concessions to this or you will have a riot. Even if you put a banner in game from now until the patch goes live - people are still going to say they didn't know, yada yada.
2- Fixing snapshotting is fixing snapshotting. There should be ZERO gems in the game that you can still damage enemies or get benefit from and not have the gem equipped. I don't care what downsides it has, if the gem is not equipped you should not be able to deal damage with it or gain benefit from it. Don't fix snapshotting and leave such a large loophole with RF, that it will still be able to be used in snapshotting with gear. Please do not leave any area for this to still be abused before that patch goes live or it shoots the entire credibility of the fix out the window.
<3 GGG
That's all well and good but your simply missing the point for me when i use snapshot for my RF i don't get any benefit out of gems etc the only benefit i get is the extra damage from going to low hp, that's the snapshot. I don't see how this is a loophole as i'm just using my secondary weapons to boost my power then reverting back. I'm not benefiting from anything else except this dmg increase.
This will pretty much make RF pointless to use as it's being nerfed big time at least summoners will still be able to use specters one way or another. If they are going to do something to help RF to negate such a missive drop in damage out put then fine but maybe they could let us know if they are definatly going to and what this might be?
But you do get a damage increase from using RF and then you move it to your alternate weapon slot or take it out of the gem socket and put it in your bag. NO gem in the game should be able to help you or increase your damage output if you do not have the gem equipped. Switch it off your action bar after you cast it but it should still be an active and equipped gem in your current gear if it is giving you any benefit at all. If it's not in your gear you are wearing then how it is still now able to be snapshotted and abused just the way it is now?
I don't use RF at all but if they are making the change it needs to be consistant and the same for every skill in the game. Not all of them but this one or that one. ALL of them.
Yes but for my RF the gems in my redbeaks do nothing. It's the redbeaks themselve which give me the damage increase so in essence i'm only using my secondary weapons to boost my damage not any gems etc or taking out gear blah blah.
Posted byRobroy580#7937on Jun 18, 2014, 12:16:04 PM
peachii wrote:
But you do get a damage increase from using RF and then you move it to your alternate weapon slot or take it out of the gem socket and put it in your bag. NO gem in the game should be able to help you or increase your damage output if you do not have the gem equipped. Switch it off your action bar after you cast it but it should still be an active and equipped gem in your current gear if it is giving you any benefit at all. If it's not in your gear you are wearing then how it is still now able to be snapshotted and abused just the way it is now?
I don't use RF at all but if they are making the change it needs to be consistant and the same for every skill in the game. Not all of them but this one or that one. ALL of them.
Keep in mind, it's a debuff, not an active skill or aura. You cast it, and it hurts you (and everything else) until it's end condition is met (which is never when you build for it).
It's burn damage is pretty paltry by itself, and it's not used for the more spell damage bonus. People would use a couple redbeaks or something and cast an aura to get low life for their 100% increased damage property, cast RF, then swap back over to RotF so that they could resist the damage. With the change, the debuff is updated. Effective 200% decreased damage to RF builds.
Really, I'd be happy if they just reduced the life burn rate, so you didn't have to have such a heavy investment to make it work, and squeezing some casting ability in there might be viable. Doubt it will happen, though.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Posted byb15h09#7812on Jun 18, 2014, 12:24:12 PM