Lyralei wrote:
Number of Flameblasts for Shadow: 1
Prediction on the next Flameblast drop: S08S0??
Zoroxo plz :(
Well, there goes a crapton of motivation to play this race.
D:C such a good signature.
Posted byKheffin#0817on Jun 27, 2014, 3:20:08 PM
Kheffin wrote:
Lyralei wrote:
Number of Flameblasts for Shadow: 1
Prediction on the next Flameblast drop: S08S0??
Zoroxo plz :(
Well, there goes a crapton of motivation to play this race.
D:C such a good signature.
much blast such skill :^)
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Posted byZoRoXo#7767on Jun 27, 2014, 3:31:41 PM
Want to buy astrix over zoroxo's name for that flameblast drop.
Posted byRithz#0502on Jun 27, 2014, 3:32:11 PM
Two times flamecheese has dropped for me on Scion. I refuse to double dunk in the swords though.
Posted byterrex#7466on Jun 27, 2014, 4:11:24 PM
KoTao wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
LOL, just fucking lol.
If you are making an empirical claim like "Playing an underpowered/underrepresented class is a fine choice too, as the potential increased demi chance is offset by the generally decreased points due to lower final level." dont cry foul when someone points out that the data doesn't really support your argument.
Its been a common way to take easy demis since closed beta. Your cherry picking pieces of individual seasons or specific events to show otherwise doesnt change this.
Youll note that jstq mentioned doing the exact same thing in the statement i originally responded to, btw.
Stop being so willfully obtuse. You could pick any Descent Champions and the numbers would always be roughly the same.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Posted bySlixSC#6287on Jun 27, 2014, 5:46:06 PM
SlixSC wrote:
Stop being so willfully obtuse. You could pick any Descent Champions and the numbers would always be roughly the same.
Hence the cherry picking comment. DC didnt exist for half the games life and i never mentioned DC in my original reply to jstq in the first place.
IGN: KoTao
Posted byKoTao#4717on Jun 27, 2014, 6:04:34 PM
terrex wrote:
Two times flamecheese has dropped for me on Scion. I refuse to double dunk in the swords though.
Flameblast dropped For you? :(((
alt art shop view-thread/1195695
t.me/jstqw for contact
Posted byjstq#1440on Jun 27, 2014, 9:17:03 PM
jstq wrote:
terrex wrote:
Two times flamecheese has dropped for me on Scion. I refuse to double dunk in the swords though.
Flameblast dropped For you? :(((
Yeah twice, once with flammability. I play spectral throw scion though. I've tried a couple times swords + ice nova + fire trap + viper trike for bosses and imo its faster clear but slower on bosses. Flameblast would fix. I am sticking with ST though.
Edit: All the records I got were with ST.
Last edited by terrex#7466 on Jun 27, 2014, 9:27:47 PM
Posted byterrex#7466on Jun 27, 2014, 9:26:18 PM
terrex wrote:
jstq wrote:
terrex wrote:
Two times flamecheese has dropped for me on Scion. I refuse to double dunk in the swords though.
Flameblast dropped For you? :(((
Yeah twice, once with flammability. I play spectral throw scion though. I've tried a couple times swords + ice nova + fire trap + viper trike for bosses and imo its faster clear but slower on bosses. Flameblast would fix. I am sticking with ST though.
Edit: All the records I got were with ST.
How do you deal with Brutus using FT/VS. It could've been my Viper Strike level but it felt and still feels slow :(
I think that's the single biggest bottleneck on beating the 1.65m average on Shadow. Even Rukuku wastes less time.
Last edited by Lyralei#5969 on Jun 27, 2014, 10:06:06 PM
Posted byLyralei#5969on Jun 27, 2014, 10:04:11 PM
Lyralei wrote:
How do you deal with Brutus using FT/VS. It could've been my Viper Strike level but it felt and still feels slow :(
I think that's the single biggest bottleneck on beating the 1.65m average on Shadow. Even Rukuku wastes less time.
Need viper strike to level, wear all evasion maybe some ar/eva, put on the evasion shield. Get a fast dagger and as much life on gear possible. You can almost facetank him and just refresh vs. Can avoid killing adds unless you need pots.
Posted byterrex#7466on Jun 27, 2014, 10:15:21 PM