The state of Ranger in vanilla Descent.

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As you can see I'd love to have RoA as lvl1 skill (and short bow replacing crude bow)

Artist note:
I forgot ranger is female.
Last edited by Yeran_GGG#0000 on Jun 21, 2014, 2:08:33 AM
Yup, would help bow ranger in races more generally aswell.

No reason not to give ranger RoA at lvl 1 and remove crude bows from the game and simply make short bows the starting bow.

I mean crude bows have less dps than any one-handed starting weapon (LOL). It's simply the worst starting weapon and worst starting skill (split arrow) combined in one.

#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Every time I play bow character I feel like there's no real upgrade past short bow at all. I can roll 60 ipd and get a 5-10 dps upgrade at most, while upgrading from a jade chopper into woodsplitter almost doubles the dps
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
ZoRoXo wrote:
Every time I play bow character I feel like there's no real upgrade past short bow at all. I can roll 60 ipd and get a 5-10 dps upgrade at most, while upgrading from a jade chopper into woodsplitter almost doubles the dps

Most probably because the 5-10 dps more is almost double the dps lol for bow racer lol...
Last edited by 0versky#1706 on Jun 20, 2014, 12:21:49 PM

For those who can't comprehend my inner picasso
A white quiver should be added to rangers starting provisions in vanilla descent. Doesnt fix the early bow progression / bow skill issues, but itd be an effective quickfix to the lack of early aoe and terrible starting damage.

A unique quiver should be created for the beginning unique chests in descent champions. Ranger is currently the only class that needs to repeatedly roll two weapon type items, and the choice of a quiver with interesting mods that might last the entire event (perhaps 100% pierce to make non-roa skills viable) would be a good alternative to the unique crude bow thats both underwhelming and lasts 4 levels at most.

Agree about short bows not really having hard upgrades until bone bows. Long bows are almost always inferior in every way and composite / recurve need some strong phys rolls to compete, and often still barely break even if off weapon damage rolls are good. Half the time the only upgrade is that the slower firing speed prevents constantly running out of mana.
IGN: KoTao
get good noobs
ZoRoXo wrote:
Every time I play bow character I feel like there's no real upgrade past short bow at all. I can roll 60 ipd and get a 5-10 dps upgrade at most, while upgrading from a jade chopper into woodsplitter almost doubles the dps

Add on top of that the fact that ranger has to use substantially more currency constantly rolling upgrades (bow ideally every 5 levels and quiver I would say ever 10 levels, unless you roll an insane quiver at some point - unlikely though) and it's very obvious why Bow ranger is having such problems competing with other classes.

Not only do you have to use significantly more currency on upgrading your weapons, they are also very small upgrades and you need to roll an offhand (quiver) on top of that aswell.

I already said this some time ago, but ranger either needs to get more currency in D and DC chests than other classes or GGG need to actually sit down and completely rework bow progression from the ground up.

As it stands bow progression is extremely weird, a composite bow for example is just enough of an upgrade so that you cannot afford to skip it until a recurve bow but it's not enough of an upgrade for you to justifiable spend alot of currency on rerolling it. In other words, with ranger you are pretty much always in this weird spot where you cannot afford to skip an upgrade, but at the same time cannot afford to spend much currency rolling it either.

To contrast that with ST or LS, it's very easy (and common) for ST and LS classes to skip a woodsplitter if they roll a 50%+ Jade Chopper and wait for a poleaxe, whereas as bow ranger, even if you roll 50% ipd on a longbow, it would be almost foolish to wait until lvl 20 (recurve) for your next upgrade.

In that sense I have no idea why the bow progression is 5-10-15-20-24 and not in line with the progression of two-handers which is basically 8/9 (base two-handers do pretty much double the DPS of crude bow and the same as a short bow)-12/13-17/18. It's just infinitely more convenient to use two-handers for that reason alone. It's much more convenient weapon-progression and that is even ignoring the generally lackluster damage of bows and their subsequent upgrade.

Bow progression should be something like this:

Lvl 1 short bow - lvl 9 longbow (20%dmg buff) - lvl 17 composite bow (25% damage buff) - lvl 22 recurve bow (20% dmg buff), etc..

Of course the exact numbers would be subject to change but I think you guys get the idea. As it stands bow-progression simply doesn't make sense and is terribly inefficient compared to two-handers (ST-LS-GS... whetever) and needs to be changed in some way.

It's not too late to fix bow ranger as a viable class for racing, the fixes are pretty straightforward and obvious aswell.. just do it.

boof wrote:
get good noobs

Good job winning the 1v1 Rain of Arrows Challenge in the 1h BM solo race the other day.

Oh wait, you didn't even accept it and went Leap Slam instead. I wonder why Kappa


I just checked the numbers and now I find early bow progression even more bizarre.

A white driftwood maul 17.1 DPS. A white short bow (lvl 5) is 11.6 dps and even if you have any quiver on top of that your DPS is still lower than that of just a white driftwood maul.

So basically the first upgrade for ranger + any quiver is less damage than the starting weapon for Marauder. This is especially relevant for Vanilla Descent because what this basically means is that, not only do you start off with half the damage of a Marauder, even your first upgrade + a quiver is less damage in total than that of a Marauder.

I really don't understand how GGG can possibly think that this is even remotely fair. Not only do rangers need two gear pieces instead of 1 (and still end up with less DPS) the bow you start with as ranger (crude bow - DPS 7.8) has less than half the DPS of the weapon that marauders start with (driftwood maul - DPS 17.1) AND you are using split arrow as opposed to Ground Slam on top of that.

And for some reason GGG thought "you know what we actually need to give marauder a two hander to start with so they have an actual AoE skill + a high dps weapon" but they never thought "you know what ranger having to use split arrow while simultaneously starting with the lowest DPS in the game is kinda bullshit."

There is absolutely no logic in that.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Jun 20, 2014, 5:04:20 PM
SlixSC wrote:
ZoRoXo wrote:
Every time I play bow character I feel like there's no real upgrade past short bow at all. I can roll 60 ipd and get a 5-10 dps upgrade at most, while upgrading from a jade chopper into woodsplitter almost doubles the dps

Add on top of that the fact that ranger has to use substantially more currency constantly rolling upgrades (bow ideally every 5 levels and quiver I would say ever 10 levels, unless you roll an insane quiver at some point - unlikely though) and it's very obvious why Bow ranger is having such problems competing with other classes.

Not only do you have to use significantly more currency on upgrading your weapons, they are also very small upgrades and you need to roll an offhand (quiver) on top of that aswell.

I already said this some time ago, but ranger either needs to get more currency in D and DC chests than other classes or GGG need to actually sit down and completely rework bow progression from the ground up.

As it stands bow progression is extremely weird, a composite bow for example is just enough of an upgrade so that you cannot afford to skip it until a recurve bow but it's not enough of an upgrade for you to justifiable spend alot of currency on rerolling it. In other words, with ranger you are pretty much always in this weird spot where you cannot afford to skip an upgrade, but at the same time cannot afford to spend much currency rolling it either.

To contrast that with ST or LS, it's very easy (and common) for ST and LS classes to skip a woodsplitter if they roll a 50%+ Jade Chopper and wait for a poleaxe, whereas as bow ranger, even if you roll 50% ipd on a longbow, it would be almost foolish to wait until lvl 20 (recurve) for your next upgrade.

In that sense I have no idea why the bow progression is 5-10-15-20-24 and not in line with the progression of two-handers which is basically 8/9 (base two-handers do pretty much double the DPS of crude bow and the same as a short bow)-12/13-17/18. It's just infinitely more convenient to use two-handers for that reason alone. It's much more convenient weapon-progression and that is even ignoring the generally lackluster damage of bows and their subsequent upgrade.

Bow progression should be something like this:

Lvl 1 short bow - lvl 9 longbow (20%dmg buff) - lvl 17 composite bow (25% damage buff) - lvl 22 recurve bow (20% dmg buff), etc..

Of course the exact numbers would be subject to change but I think you guys get the idea. As it stands bow-progression simply doesn't make sense and is terribly inefficient compared to two-handers (ST-LS-GS... whetever) and needs to be changed in some way.

It's not too late to fix bow ranger as a viable class for racing, the fixes are pretty straightforward and obvious aswell.. just do it.

boof wrote:
get good noobs

Good job winning the 1v1 Rain of Arrows Challenge in the 1h BM solo race the other day.

Oh wait, you didn't even accept it and went Leap Slam instead. I wonder why Kappa


I just checked the numbers and now I find early bow progression even more bizarre.

A white driftwood maul 17.1 DPS. A white short bow (lvl 5) is 11.6 dps and even if you have any quiver on top of that your DPS is still lower than that of just a white driftwood maul.

So basically the first upgrade for ranger + any quiver is less damage than the starting weapon for Marauder. This is especially relevant for Vanilla Descent because what this basically means is that, not only do you start off with half the damage of a Marauder, even your first upgrade + a quiver is less damage in total than that of a Marauder.

I really don't understand how GGG can possibly think that this is even remotely fair. Not only do rangers need two gear pieces instead of 1 (and still end up with less DPS) the bow you start with as ranger (crude bow - DPS 7.8) has less than half the DPS of the weapon that marauders start with (driftwood maul - DPS 17.1) AND you are using split arrow as opposed to Ground Slam on top of that.

And for some reason GGG thought "you know what we actually need to give marauder a two hander to start with so they have an actual AoE skill + a high dps weapon" but they never thought "you know what ranger having to use split arrow while simultaneously starting with the lowest DPS in the game is kinda bullshit."

There is absolutely no logic in that.

Rumors in the dark wraelclast alleys is that there's a secret leap slam ranger build in the works!
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
boof wrote:
get good noobs

Lord boof has spoken

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