Vaal Righteous Fire
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Does this skill take your fire resist into account when determining damage?
------------------------------(1-resist)(VRF) 0% resist 1001 hp >>> 1000 hp / (1-.0) * 124% = 1240 Damage 50% resist 1001 hp >> 1000 hp / (1-.5) * 124% = 2480 Damage 75% resist 1001 hp > 1000 hp / (1-.75) * 124% = 4960 Damage IGN: Accountboundnamesplz Last edited by Terryist#3817 on Jul 3, 2014, 9:53:20 AM
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Normal righteous fire does not profit from +spell damage% however this is no burning effect so does it profit from +spell damage%?
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Last edited by indczn#2602 on Aug 3, 2014, 6:13:25 PM
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Just to add a few more questions:
-what's the radius? (I guess 10 like in normal RF) -How does it works with pain attunement? does it proc? -Certainly, a more specific damage calculation would be helpfull, not only because the resistances or the effective damage modifiers, but also the "more spell damage" the normal RF has. Exactly in which measure we have to extrapolate from the normal RF to apply VRF? -Does it affect totems? |
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1. *shrug*
2. The way it's worded, yes. You first have to lose Life for it to determine how much Life was lost, and at that point you'd be on Low Life (unless you have CI, as per usual). 3. Resistances don't do anything. Your Life is set to 1, you lose all ES. That's all there is to it. Base Damage is current Life + current ES - 1 * BaseDmg multiplier. With 1001 Life, a level 1 Vaal RF deals 1001 + 0 - 1 * 1.20 = 1200 Base Damage. If you don't have RF running, you don't get the More Spell Damage, just like always. 4. Yes. |
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So, to add a few questions that may or may not have already been answered:
A)If I use regular RF, this will cause respectively more damage? Or will RF shut off before VRF damage is calculated? B) The same with PA. As far as I understood the above, it will work? If PA works, RF probably doesn't. C) Can VRF lifeleech? Zaanus:
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C ___ Isn't a "no" better than an ignore? |
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a) depends on answer to C
b) yes, you ARE under 35% hp after all =p c) yes if you use vrf wish leech, you remove its downside as, yes sure you get sent to 1 hp, but regen and leech are still active so most likely normal rf won't end. i've had similar case with arctic armor and using a spell that costs all of my mp (pure luck for that to be setup as math is fickle... lol rounding). |
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This is my favorite Vaal ability for my templar, who is specced mostly into survivability. But halfway through Cruel difficulty, I had to stop using it due to the deaths. Never thought about using it with life leech. Does it benefit from Iron Will?
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Well, it is a spell. It should.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C ___ Isn't a "no" better than an ignore? |
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