unsane Character Archive
Wherein i post full character snapshots merely for my own reference, future viewing and/or reminiscence. For your enjoyment as well, or perhaps, amusement. :)
Old or unafilliated
Archer_the_First L38+ Ranger?
Archer_the_Second L46+ Ranger?
Archer_the__Third L38+ Ranger?
Skullcrusher_the_First L49+ Marauder?
Zookeeper_the_First L52+ Witch?
Zookeeper_the_Second L47+ Witch?
Zookeeper_the_Third L25 Witch (alive)
Dominator_the_First L54+ Templar?
Dominator_the_Second L40 Scion /p=1d54m
Shields_the_First L37 Templar
sIIIcLXIVhcIweekPtyMara L68 Marauder
unsane L72 Ranger, 28-Sep-13 to 04-Jan-15
ArcLightningI L57 Witch (alive)
WTF_Niko_Build_Ze_First L66 Shadow (alive)
RIP 49 Witch, Necromancer_the_First
RIP ~11 Witch, Necromancer_the_Second
RIP 32 Witch, Necromancer_the_Third
RIP 63 Witch, Necromancer_the_Fourth
Survived 80 Witch, Necromancer_the_Fifth, at end of Invasion (100% solo, 99% self-found)
(continued) Alive 88 Witch, Necromancer_the_Fifth (Incinerate)
Build Keybinds: A&CAPS Summon Chaos Golem, E Incinerate, F Lightning Warp, G&RMB Decoy Totem, W move, LMB Firestorm.
(continued) Alive 88 Witch, Necromancer_the_Fifth (Searing Bond 20-Feb-2016)
1: RIP 25 Shadow, Hqidksep_RNGesus
1: RIP 65 Shadow, Beyond_theFrigidWastes (Ice Spear)
Build Keybinds: A Enfeeble, E Ice Spear, F Lightning Warp, G Smoke Mine, W move, LMB Assassin's Mark, CAPS Haste, RMB Vaal Cold Snap.
2: RIP 48 Witch, Beyond_TheFrigidWastesB (Ice Spear)
Build Keybinds: A Enfeeble, E Ice Spear, F Lightning Warp, G Smoke Mine, W move, LMB Assassin's Mark, CAPS Vaal Cold Snap, RMB Vaal Ice Nova.
3: RIP 32 Marauder, Beyond_theGlacialWastes (Glacial Hammer)
4: RIP 58 Duelist, Beyond_theGlacialWasteB (Glacial Hammer)
Build Keybinds: A Frostbite, E Vaal Ground Slam, F Leap Slam, G Decoy Totem, W move, LMB Glacial Hammer, CAPS Frostbite, RMB Smoke Mine.
5: RIP 28 Witch, Beyond_theFrigidWastesC (Ice Spear)
Build Keybinds: A Fire Trap, E Ice Spear, F Lightning Warp, G Decoy Totem, W move, LMB Frostbite, CAPS Enfeeble, RMB Smoke Mine.
6: RIP 85 Witch, Beyond_theFrigidWastesD (Ice Spear)
7: RIP 72 Duelist, GlacialWastesIII_beyond (Glacial Hammer)
Build Keybinds: A Frostbite, E Vaal Ground Slam, F Leap Slam, G Decoy Totem, W move, LMB Glacial Hammer, CAPS Herald of Ash/Auras, RMB Smoke Mine.
8: Survived 49 Scion, StrikersI_beyondVIII, at end of Beyond (Dual Strike)
9: RIP 80 Ranger, CrashingTornadoI_beyondIX (Tornado Shot)
Build n/a Keybinds: n/a.
1: RIP 86 Templar, unsaneBonderA_TE (Searing Bond)
Build Keybinds: A Ice Nova, E [none], F Leap Slam, G Searing Bond, W move, LMB Firestorm, CAPS Summon Chaos Golem, RMB Decoy Totem.
2: RIP 81 Scion, unsaneFlickerA_TE (Flicker Strike)
3: RIP 65 Scion, unsaneCounterA_TE (Double Strike, counterattacks)
Build Keybinds: A none, E none, F Whirling Blades, G Smoke Mine, W move, LMB Double Strike, CAPS none/Hatred/Arctic Armour, RMB none.
4: RIP 85 Scion, unsaneCounterB_TE (Double Strike, counterattacks)
5: Survived 64 Ranger, unsaneShotterA_TE, at end of Tempest (Ice Shot) [rip@65 post-league w/ same gear]
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Rain of Arrows, E Ice Shot, F Blink Arrow, G Vaal Burning Arrow, W move, LMB Split Arrow, CAPS Vaal Grace, RMB Vaal Haste.
1: RIP 91 Templar, Triangulation (Flame Surge Searing Bond)
2: RIP 34 Marauder, unsane (Glacial Hammer)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Ground Slam, E Enfeeble, F Leap Slam, G Vaal Ground Slam, W none, LMB Glacial Hammer, CAPS Summon Ice Golem/Hatred/Herald of Ice, RMB Decoy Totem.
3: RIP 62 Marauder, unsane (Glacial Hammer)
Build Keybinds: A Enduring Cry, E Vaal Ground Slam, F none, G Decoy Totem, W Vaal Ground Slam, LMB Glacial Hammer, MMB Vaal Ground Slam, RMB Leap Slam.
1: RIP 43 Marauder, TriangulatesAgain (levelling build)
Build Keybinds: A Fire Trap, E Firestorm, F Leap Slam, G Flame Totem, LMB Flammability, RMB Orb of Storms, Mouse4 HoI, Mouse5 HoT. (continued below) Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired) P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) Last edited by unsane#5479 on Aug 31, 2019, 3:38:14 PM Last bumped on Oct 22, 2024, 5:16:28 PM
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1: RIP 48 Necromancer, OneHundredQuestionMark (Blade Vortex)
2: RIP 65 Necromancer, OneHundredQuestionMarkB (Blade Vortex)
Build Keybinds: A Enduring Cry, E Blade Vortex, F Flame Dash, G Blood Rage, RMB Whirling Blades, Mouse5 Hatred, Mouse4 Flame Dash.
3: RIP 28 Necromancer, OneHundredQuestionMarkC (Blade Vortex)
4: RIP 67 Necromancer, OneHundredQuestionMarkD (Blade Vortex)
Build Keybinds: A Enduring Cry, E Blade Vortex, F Flame Dash, G Vaal Haste, RMB Whirling Blades, Mouse5 Flesh Offering, Mouse4 Hatred.
5: RIP 56 Pathfinder, OneHundredQuestionMarkE (Blade Vortex)
6: RIP 88 Pathfinder, unsaneNeverOneHundredF (Blade Vortex)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Haste, E Blade Vortex, F Flame Dash, G Rallying Cry, RMB Whirling Blades, Mouse4 Hatred.
7: RIP 35 Pathfinder, SeventhTimesTheCharmYea (Blade Vortex)
8: RIP 89 Pathfinder, SeventhTimeNotTheCharm (Blade Vortex)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Haste, E Blade Vortex, F Flame Dash, G Decoy Totem, RMB Whirling Blades, Mouse5 Summon Chaos Golem/Hatred, Mouse4 Enduring Cry.
9: RIP 37 Occultist, NinthTimesTheFarm (Blade Vortex)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Haste, E Blade Vortex, F Flame Dash, G Decoy Totem, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Flame Totem, Mouse4 Hatred.
10: pre-conversion: Alive 90 Gladiator, unsane (Static Strike, counterattacks)
11: RIP 80 Ascendant, OPimo (Ancestral Warchief)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Haste, E Enfeeble, F Flame Dash, G Ancestral Warchief, LMB Move, RMB Shield Charge, Mouse5 Rallying Cry, Mouse4 Hatred/Herald of Ash.
12: RIP 91 Ascendant, StillOPimo (Ancestral Warchief)
10: post-conversion: Survived 92 Gladiator, unsane, at end of Prophecy (Ancestral Warchief)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Haste, E Enduring Cry, G Ancestral Warchief, LMB Move, RMB Shield Charge, Mouse4 [Enfeeble/Temporal Chains-Hatred].
(continued) Alive 92 Gladiator, unsane (Ancestral Warchief)
1: RIP 19 Shadow, twitch_tv_unsane (levelling to Shockwave Totem)
2: RIP 28 Shadow, twitch_tv_unsane_b (levelling to Shockwave Totem)
Build Keybinds: A Fire Trap, E Blade Vortex, F Lightning Trap, G Decoy Totem, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Herald of Thunder, Mouse4 Hatred.
3: RIP 18 Shadow, twitch_tv_unsane_c (levelling to Shockwave Totem)
Build Keybinds: A Fire Trap, E Blade Vortex, F Lightning Trap, G Blade Vortex, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Herald of Thunder.
4: RIP 26 Shadow, twitch_tv_unsane (levelling to Shockwave Totem)
Build Keybinds: A Fire Trap, E Blade Vortex, F Lightning Trap, G Firestorm, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Herald of Thunder, Mouse4 Hatred.
5: RIP 29 Shadow, twitch_tv_unsane (levelling to Shockwave Totem)
6: RIP 32 Ranger, twitch_tv_unsane (levelling to Split Arrow/Blast Rain)
Build Keybinds: A Siege Ballista, E Blast Rain, G Decoy Totem, RMB Blink Arrow, Mouse5 Herald of Ash, Mouse4 Hatred.
1: RIP 22 Marauder, unsaneCompelledByGrease (Ancestral Warchief)
no data
2: RIP 77 Juggernaut, unsaneTheGreaseCompelsB (Ancestral Warchief)
[forgot 1 jewel] Build Keybinds: E Enfeeble, G Ancestral Warchief, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Hatred, Mouse4 Herald of Ash.
3: RIP 45 Marauder, unsaneScorchingTiger (Scorching Ray Totems)
Build Keybinds: A Flammability, E Searing Bond, F Leap Slam, G Scorching Ray, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Anger, Mouse4 Herald of Thunder.
4: RIP 58 Ranger, twitch_tv_unsane (Siege Ballista)
Build Keybinds: A/E/F Frenzy, G Siege Ballista, LMB Move, RMB Blink Arrow, Mouse5 Decoy Totem, Mouse4 Summon Ice Golem/Hatred.
5: RIP 84 Chieftain, unsaneScorchingTigerB (Scorching Ray Totems)
Build Keybinds: A Temporal Chains, E none, F Searing Bond, G Scorching Ray, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Flammability, Mouse4 Enfeeble.
6: RIP 84 Raider, twitch_tv_unsane (Split Arrow/Blast Rain)
Build Keybinds: A Split Arrow, E Split Arrow (COH), F Blast Rain, G Decoy Totem, LMB Move, RMB Blink Arrow, Mouse5 Siege Ballista, Mouse4 Summon Ice Golem/Hatred/Herald of Ash.
7: RIP 86 Chieftain, unsaneScorchingTigerC (Scorching Ray Totems)
8: Survived 52 Ranger, unsane_always_caustic (Caustic Arrow)
Build Keybinds: A Split Arrow, E none, F Blast Rain, G Decoy Totem, LMB move, RMB Blink Arrow, Mouse4/5 Summon Flame Golem. Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired) P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) Last edited by unsane#5479 on Feb 13, 2018, 10:28:25 PM
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1: RIP 41 Scion, unsaneAlwaysFuckingLate (Ancestral Warchief)
party Build Keybinds: A Summon Ice Golem, G Ancestral Warchief, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Herald of Ash, Mouse4 Hatred.
3: RIP 24 Templar, unsaneTANK (Sunder into Ancestral Warchief)
4: RIP 88 Hierophant, unsaneTANKhatehatehate (Ancestral Warchief)
2: RIP 91 Ascendant, unsaneRipsLaptopAndChar (Sunder)
7: RIP 37 Duelist, unsaneBornToDie (Frost Blades)
Build Keybinds: A Blood Rage, F Frost Blades, G Decoy Totem, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Enduring Cry, Mouse4 Ancestral Warchief.
6: RIP 96 Necromancer, GolemUnsanity (Flame Golemancer)
(continued) 6b: Standard +3 RIPS, 96 Elementalist, GolemUnsanity (Flame Golemancer, for uber Atziri kill 3-Feb-2022)
Build PoB Pantheon: Solaris (unupgraded) + Ryslatha Keybinds: A Convocation, E Storm Brand, F Desecrate, G Flesh Offering, LMB Move, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Vaal Haste, Mouse4 none/1xSummon Chaos Golem/7xSummon Flame Golem/1xSummon Lightning Golem/1xSummon Stone Golem, W Move, Ctrl+T Haste/Zealotry/Precision.
9: RIP 78 Berserker, Ngamahunsane (Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone)
11: RIP 57 Necromancer, unsanomancer (Spectre Auramancer)
Build Keybinds: A Convocation, E Enfeeble, F Flesh Offering, G Desecrate, LMB Move, RMB Raise Zombie, Mouse5 Vaal Discipline/Vaal Haste, Mouse4 Summon Chaos Golem/Raise Spectre.
n/a: Generic Summoner Levelling Gear Snapshot
Keybinds: A Convocation, E Flesh Offering, F Summon Raging Spirits, G Decoy Totem/Summon Skeletons Totem, LMB Move, RMB Flame Dash/Raise Zombie Totem, Mouse5 Raise Zombie Totem/Vaal Haste, Mouse4 Summon Chaos Golem/Raise Spectre/Desecrate.
n/a: 79 Necromancer, unsanomancerII (Spectre Auramancer pre-LL)
Build Keybinds: A Convocation, E Flesh Offering/Summon Chaos Golem/Raise Spectre, F Ball Lightning, G Decoy Totem, LMB Move, RMB Raise Zombie, Mouse5 Vaal Haste, Mouse4 Desecrate.
12: RIP 88 Necromancer, unsanomancerII (Spectre Auramancer)
5: RIP 86 Slayer, Pooflower (Split Arrow/Barrage)
10: RIP 90 Pathfinder, unsaneFindsWanders (Kinetic Blast/Barrage Wander)
1: RIP 36 Duelist, unsaneIsGlad (Gladiator)
2: RIP 22 Duelist, unsaneIsMad (Gladiator)
3: RIP 18 Duelist, unsaneIsReallyFuckinMad (Gladiator)
4: RIP 29 Duelist, unsaneFourthHAHAHA (Gladiator)
5: Survived 37 Slayer, unsaneMastersUberLab (undecided phys build)
Build Keybinds: A Summon Stone Golem, E n/a, F Sunder, G Ancestral Warchief, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Blood Rage, Mouse4 Blood Rage.
1: RIP 48 Gladiator, unsanePartyParrot (Sunder levelling)
2: RIP 47 Gladiator, unsaneReeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Sunder levelling)
3: RIP 86 Gladiator, unsaneReeeeeeeeeeeeeeep (Ground Slam)
1: Alive 7 Templar, unsaneDelving (DBlow)
1: GSF 24 RIPs, 86 Champion, unsaneImpaling (Lancing Steel)
Private League Build PoB Keybinds: A Vaal Double Strike, E Dread Banner/Herald of Purity, F Lancing Steel, G Ancestral Protector, LMB Move, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Vaal Haste, Mouse4 Blood Rage.
1: SSF 118 RIPs, 97 Occultist, unsaneEmbracesChaos (Bane)
2: pre-conversion: SSF 92 Occultist, unsaneAwkwardHug (Death's Oath, Hybrid)
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired) P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) Last edited by unsane#5479 on Feb 3, 2022, 11:31:41 AM
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1: 96 Deadeye, 41 RIPs, unsaneBuildRoulette (Elemental Hit)
2: 100 Juggernaut, 43 RIPs, /played 15d8h (368hr), unsaneJuggles (Cyclone)
1: 93 Necromancer, 15 RIPs, unsaneArmy (Skelemancer)
Build PoB Pantheon: Lunaris + Abberath Keybinds: A Deathmark, E Summon Skeletons, F Dark Pact, G Flesh Offering/Raise Spectre, LMB Move, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Bone Armour, Mouse4 War Banner, Q Haste/Clarity/Precision/Discipline/Envy, W Vaal Summon Skeletons, R Summon Lightning Golem, T Summon Carrion Golem, V Raise Zombie.
1: SSF RIP 34 Templar, unsaneActualYOLO (Storm Brand/Purifying Flame levelling)
2: SSF 46 RIPs, 94 Assassin, unsaneBlankSlate (Cobra Lash)
1: SSF 31 RIPs, 90 Elementalist, unsaneKnifing (Ethereal Knives + Blade Blast)
1: SSF No Stash No Vendor, 5 RIPs, 91 Pathfinder, unsaneExperiment (Toxic Rain)
Private League Build PoB Pantheon: Solaris + Garukhan Keybinds: A Flesh and Stone, E Despair, F Toxic Rain, G Wither, LMB Move, RMB Blink Arrow, Mouse5 Withering Step, Mouse4 Plague Bearer, Q Vaal Grace, W Move, Ctrl+T Malevolence/Herald of Agony. ![]()
1: 87 Necromancer, 8 RIPs, unsaneZombie (Fire Zombies)
2: (continued from Flashback) SSF +1=13 RIPs, 88 Berserker, unsaneKeepTheDreamAlive (Ground Slam)
Same items just higher level gems; Build same except -Call to Arms, +5%hp
1: SSF 32 RIPs, 94 Hierophant, unsaneScuffedBootstrap (Freezing Pulse Totems)
2: SSF 8 RIPs, 87 Necromancer, unsanePlansAhead (Spectre Bosser)
3: SSF 1 RIP, 87 Chieftain, ChiefUnsane (Tectonic Slam)
Build, PoB: Base/Full~, Pantheon: Arakaali + Yugul Keybinds: A Blood Rage, E Ancestral Warchief, F Tectonic Slam, G Vaal Ancestral Warchief, LMB Detonate Mines, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Infernal Cry, Mouse4 Blood and Sand, Q Smoke Mine, W Move, R Phase Run, T Vaal Impurity of Fire, Ctrl+T Blood and Sand/Herald of Ash/Herald of Purity/Clarity/Arctic Armour.
4: SSF 1 RIP, 84 Deadeye, unsaneQuant (Burning Arrow)
Build, PoB: Base/Full~, Pantheon: Lunaris + Tukohama Keybinds: A Vaal Burning Arrow, E Frenzy, F Burning Arrow, G Ensnaring Arrow, LMB Detonate Mines, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Ensnaring Arrow, Mouse4 Summon Bestial Rhoa, Q Smoke Mine, W Move, R Phase Run, T Summon Lightning Golem, Ctrl+T Precision/Anger/Flesh and Stone.
5: SSF 2 RIPs, 91 Assassin, unsaneThreeCIPsuchMeta (Bladefall)
Ultimatum (skipped)
1: SSF Alive 22 Witch, unsaneNoLogoutYouSayHmm (Freezing Pulse)
Build Keybinds: E Cold Snap, F Freezing Pulse, LMB Arcane Cloak, RMB Flame Dash, Ctrl+T Clarity/Summon Skitterbots.
1: SSF 1 RIP, 20 Templar, unsaneRawDogNoFilter (Freezing Pulse)
Build Keybinds: A Vaal Lightning Trap, E Cold Snap, F Freezing Pulse, G Frost Bomb, LMB Arcane Cloak, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 none, Mouse4 Defiance Banner, W move, Ctrl+T Clarity.
2: GSF 35 RIPs, 90 Gladiator, unsaneBeyondBelief (Swords Block Support)
Private League Build PoB Pantheon: Arakaali + Shakari Keybinds: A Vaal Double Strike, E War Banner, F Double Strike, G Ancestral Protector, LMB Molten Shell, RMB Leap Slam, Mouse5 Enduring Cry, Mouse4 Flesh and Stone, Q Summon Ice Golem, W Move, R Vengeance, T Riposte, Ctrl+T Pride/Precision.
1: SSF 37 RIPs, 92 Pathfinder, unsaneFourBasicTabs (Poisonous Concoction)
![]() Build Atlas PoB Pantheon: Lunaris + Ryslatha Keybinds: A Plague Bearer, E Ancestral Protector, F Poisonous Concoction, G Wither, LMB Molten Shell, RMB Flame Dash, Mouse5 Focus, Mouse4 Vaal Molten Shell, Q Defiance Banner, W Move, R Blood Rage, T none, Ctrl+T Purity of Elements/Grace/Herald of Agony/Precision.
Sentinel (skipped)
1a (final IIR farming version): SSF 52 RIPs, 95 Elementalist, unsaneExplosive (Explosive Arrow)
1: HC SSF R RIP, L48 Chieftain, unsaneHCSSFRBTW (Volcanic Fissure)
Build Keybinds: A Immortal Call, E Flammability, F Volcanic Fissure, G Ancestral Protector, LMB Seismic Cry, RMB none, Mouse5 Infernal Cry, Mouse4 Summon Stone Golem, W move, Ctrl+T Vitality.
2: HC SSF R alive, L2 Templar, unsaneOneUniqueOneBuild
3: Ziz Sanctum HCSSF Class Gauntlet RIP L6 Shadow, unsaneLivingInThePast (levelling Caustic Arrow)
4: Ziz Sanctum HCSSF Class Gauntlet RIP L2 Shadow, unsaneLivinInThePastTwo (levelling Caustic Arrow)
5: Ziz Sanctum HCSSF Class Gauntlet RIP L51 Saboteur, unsaneLivinInThePastTre (Seismic Trap)
Ruthless With Gold
1: 0? RIPs, 3 Ranger, unsaneRuthlessBootstrap (mule)
2: 0 RIPs, 12 Witch, unsaneHardDiabloTwoSim (mule) 3: 0? RIPs, 3 Scion, unsaneBornForRuthless (mule)
4: 24 RIPs, 81 Slayer, unsaneSlaying (Boneshatter)
6: 1 RIP, 35 Marauder, unsaneMuleNumberFive (mule) 7: 0 RIPs, 13 Scion, unsaneNeverEndingMuling (mule) Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired) P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) Last edited by unsane#5479 on Nov 13, 2023, 10:42:30 PM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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1: SSF 69 RIPs, 93 Trickster, unsaneRatherBeKrangling (Frost Blades)
1: SSF 95 RIPs, 97 Inquisitor, unsaneFinallyTriesRF (Righteous Fire)
2: BPL XII 56 RIPs, 94 Trickster, RHO_unsane (Frost Blades)
Raffle trophies: Private League PassiveTree AtlasTree PoB Pantheon: Solaris + Garukhan Keybinds: A Ancestral Protector, E [Elemental Weakness], F Frost Blades, G Vaal Ancestral Warchief, R Ancestral Warchief, LMB Steelskin, MouseWheel [Blood Rage], RMB Whirling Blades, Q Frostblink, Ctrl+Q [blank], W Move, T [Summon Ice Golem], Ctrl+T [Hatred/Grace/Herald of Ice/Precision].
1: SSF 92 Trickster (Frost Blades), 71 RIPs, unsaneBlasting
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Character - PassiveTree - AtlasTree - PoB - Pantheon: Brine King & Ralakesh
1a: SSF 80 Elementalist (Vaal Detonate Dead), 3 RIPs, unsaneRuckus
1b: post-conversion (labber): SSF 82 Elementalist (Vaal Detonate Dead), +0 RIPs, unsaneRuckus
2: SSF 98 Inquisitor (Lancing Steel of Spraying + Cast on Crit + Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction), 84 RIPs, unsaneReborn
1a: SSF 88 Guardian (BAMA), 12 RIPs, unsaneBananarama
1b: post-conversion (labber): SSF 88 Guardian (BAMA), +0 RIPs, unsaneBananarama
2: SSF 95 Juggernaut (Ground Slam of Earthshaking), 11 RIPs, unsaneGoldenAgeOfMelee
3: BPL XV 92 Juggernaut (Ground Slam of Earthshaking), 7 RIPs, ART_unsane
4: GSF 97 Juggernaut (Ground Slam of Earthshaking), 39 RIPs, uns_LateAndOverprepared
5: GSF HC Ruthless Settlers, RIP 73 Juggernaut (SunderOE), unsaneRuthlessBehavior
6-14: GSF HC Ruthless Settlers mules, 1 RIP
13 Duelist (RIP below, Novan account), 24 Duelist, 5 Duelist, 25 Marauder, 25 Templar, 24 Templar, 18 Shadow, 4 Marauder, 3 Duelist.
15: GSF HC Ruthless Settlers, Alive 38 Trickster (levelling Spectral Throw), unsOnlyViableAscendancy
16-17: GSF HC Ruthless Settlers mules, 0 RIPs
2 Templar, 4 Templar.
18: SSF Necro Settlers 92 Juggernaut (Earthshatter), 1 RIP, unsaneLowEffortContent
19: SSF Phrecia 92 Scavenger (Earthshatter), 4 RIPs, unsaneARPGscavenger
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired) P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) Last edited by unsane#5479 on Feb 28, 2025, 2:00:28 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) |
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Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) |
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Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) |
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6: GSF HC Ruthless Settlers, RIP 13 Duelist (Splitting Steel), unsaneMuleOneOfSixMaybe
Last edited by Novan#4816 on Dec 6, 2024, 1:58:37 AM
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