Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

I just wanna say, for anyone thinking about making a beginner build guide, PLEASE use this more walkthrough-like style, it makes things nice, easy, and clear, always giving just enough information so the reader feels comfortable and competent, and never making the drip of info too slow to be engaging or too fast to be overwhelming.

Enki, please dear god, make more of these guides.
Enki91 wrote:
Your character tab is currently not public, please change that in your Privacy Settings.

Fixed. :)
LintyFresh wrote:
I just wanna say, for anyone thinking about making a beginner build guide, PLEASE use this more walkthrough-like style, it makes things nice, easy, and clear, always giving just enough information so the reader feels comfortable and competent, and never making the drip of info too slow to be engaging or too fast to be overwhelming.

Enki, please dear god, make more of these guides.

I wish we could "like" or "thumbs up" or "upvote" this.
Saludos cordiales Enki :)

This is my first post ever here so I hope I'm doing this right, allow me to apologize in advance for the very long post but I guess it's only natural coming from an uber scrub XD. Years ago (I'm talking the Kripparian days) I came across a gameplay video of arc followed by flicker strike and I thought to myself "that looks AWESOME" and so I downloaded poe on my awful PC and it ran horribly, needless to say I was super dissapointed.

Long story short fast forward to today and poe is now available on my gaming platform of choice (Ps4) and despite the many performance issues I'm having a blast (also the templar courts ost is the truth!), your guide is amazing for a 1st time player like me (particularly the leveling section) it was a big reason why I chose to follow your guide over the other popular ones, although pob still confuses the hell out of me and I only really use it to look at the skill tree progression. I am currently level 83 with 2 atziri kills under my belt, transitioning into yellow maps and my next targets are elder and shaper.

Alright enough with the back story and onto the questions, I'm sorry if the answer to my questions might seem obvious (I must be missing something) or if you have answered it a million times before (there's 1100+ pages on this thread D=) but as you said in the guide this is meant to be a learning tool instead of a copy/paste my build/gear and there you go, so I want to understand how this really works:

1) My first doubt is related to hypothermia, beacon of ruin, shaper of desolation and the interaction/synergy with chills. In the guide you mention that hypothermia works because beacon of ruin allows us to inflict chills with any amount of cold damage added to arc but reading the description it doesn't explicitly say that we can do that. It says "chills from your hits always reduce action speed by at least 10%" what I gather from that is " any skill that is able to inflict chill..." (like freezing pulse or any other cold skill for example), so based on that wording/description how does adding any cold damage to arc allow us to (always?) chill?

2) Following the same line of reasoning, I got a hold of a stormfire ring, in the guide you mention that it might be worth to invest in chance to ignite for reliability. Going back to question 1 why do I have to invest in ignite chance to proc ignites consistently but not in chill chance for hypothermia? I was under the impression that we had to rely on chilling and ignite conflux for both cases. Does this mean that if I were to "add fire damage to spells" beacon of ruin will allow me to (always?) ignite as well?

3) Then there's the skill info (console equivalent of the tooltip I believe) also not helping clear my confusion because looking at arc's chance to ignite/shock/freeze my base shock is 30% and both ignite and chill are 15%, of course when their respective conflux is active they go above 100%. Now I currently have cold damage added to spells on my gear, based on your explanation of the beacon of ruin + at least 1 cold damage added to arc combo and if chills are indeed guaranteed this way, shouldn't the tooltip say 100% chance to chill all the time?

4) The guide also mentions that the reason we're using daggers is so we can use whirling blades, now I assume this is a non-issue on PC but on PS4 the skill has this weird like .05 second delay/recovery state after using it even though my attack speed is fine (animation startup and travel time look very close to your gameplay videos) and I'm guessing this might be caused by the predictive/lockstep hybrid that consoles use, point is I'm not a fan. Flame dash on the other hand I really like especially since it can go through obstacles and terrain (godsend in the lab), so my question would be can I switch to flame dash with faster casting on dual wands? is there a support gem that can reduce it's cooldown and if I switch to wands which removes the need for attack speed which other stats could benefit me? any unique wand that synergizes well with the build?

Alright those are my main doubts about the build, I made my profile public so If you or any other veterans would like to take a look and give any extra advice I would greatly appreciate it. I would also like to share that I'm aiming to get a transcendent mind for extra survivability, got tempered mind and vial of transcendence ready hoping for alva to let me updgrade the freaking room :( , not having to depend on my life flask will help a lot when I get to uber lab if those trials are any indicator.

Anyways sorry for the novel again, hope I made my questions clear and thanks for the awesome guide.

Best regards from Panama =D
Hello Exiles!

First of all big thanks for Enki (Great guide!) and all of the people contrubiting to improve it with their tweaks, did learn a lot from this topic, not just about a build itself, but about whole game.

Even tho I try to be up to date with all the informations on here, I feel like a mixed too much with build and made few mistakes here and there. I would be really grateful for a advices on improving my character.

It's not bad, after all I was able to do much of an end game content, even with my poor gameplay skills. But I feel it's lacking somewhere, but have no idea what to change. Currency isnt much of a problem, but I would love to be sure that currency spend is adequate to increase in terms of quality.

Thank you all again and best of luck in world of wraeclast! :)
Good question re hypothermia, has been bothering me as well for some time.

Another thing that has been puzzling me is why do we get an immediate apparent DPS increase when selecting Elemental Overload even before dealing a critical strike? Tried changing the % chance of a critical strike to see if it was base of average chance of making a critical strike but it made no difference so ruled that out.
Necrosergei-1 wrote:

1) So, I'm really not a pro and most of this is simply copy/paste from the Wiki. I'll just try to give some insight into this, from how I understand it. There are probably veterans here that can do a better job than me.

Any hit of cold damage has the potential to chill the target. That's why we look for something that gives any amount of cold damage to our spells, so it applies to Arc. So adding cold damage to Arc allows us to chill (not always of course, but it allows us to chill).

Chilling conflux (from Shaper of Desolation) is a buff that causes hits from all combined* damage types to apply chill, overriding the aforementioned usual rule that only cold damage can do this. That is just on top of it. So even if you had no source for cold damage, when the conflux is up, you still have a chance to chill with other damage types.

*combined: It means that if you hit something with 200 Physical, 50 Fire, 100 Cold and 150 Chaos damage, while the Chilling Conflux is up, that hit will apply chill based on a 500 damage initial hit. This is important when it comes to how the Chill mechanics work.

Because the magnitude of the slow from Chill is directly proportional to the damage relative to the target's maximum life. The slow/effect is capped at 30%. To achieve that slow, you have to deal 10% of the target's maximum life dealt by (cold) damage. From there it scales down to 0% slow at no damage. Hits below the minimum threshold of 1% effect are discarded, effectively requiring a hit of 0.33% enemy maximum life to chill that enemy. This means, in case of the Shaper for example, who has 18.000.000 life, minimally chilling the Shaper requires a single hit of 59.400 (cold) damage.

Since the conflux overrides the rule that it has to be cold damage you can achieve that with your lightning damage from Arc, when the conflux is up.
The conflux helps a lot when it comes to chilling enemies with lots of life and the magnitude of the chill.

Now to Beacon of Ruin: As mentioned already, every type of cold damage has the potential to inflict the ailment chill and if our conflux is up, it doesn't even have to be cold damage. But as explained in the Chill mechanics, the magnitude of it is proportional to the damage relative to the target's maximum life. Let's say you attack something and you chill it, but deal only enough (Cold) damage to achieve a slow of say 3%. That's not a very noticeable effect. Now Beacon of Ruin comes into play. Because it makes it that your chills always reduce the action speed by at least 10%. That's more than 3 times as much as what you would've managed otherwise and a monster being 1/10th slower is starting to be noticeable.

Add on top of that that we take a few nodes that give "increased effect of non-damaging ailments". This applies to shock, but also to chill.

The Chills from your Hits always Slow by at least 10% mod from Beacon of Ruin is increased by this. So if you have 20% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on Enemies, the minimum chill slow would then be 12%.

On top of that, Beacon also makes it that elemental ailments are spread in a certain radius (18 units). https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Distance
Helps when dealing with packs. You don't have to chill each enemy individually anymore. You chill one and it spreads to others.

Also don't forget that you probably do around 5 casts or more per second and that Arc chains, hitting (and each hit has the potential to chill) several targets with every single cast.

Now to Hypothermia: It only works on enemies that are already chilled, but it further increases the chill duration, it further increases the chill effect (the slow), it makes you deal up to 39% more damage to chilled enemies (!), and it gives you a additional chance to freeze chilled enemies (which otherwise is only possible via critical hits with cold damage).

Is it guaranteed that we always chill? No. But to me it feels as if it still happens frequently enough. I think it's not a bad support gem in this case. Chilling/freezing in general is a great help for survivability and works kinda like a passive defense, plus the combination of being able to deal ~40% increased damage to chilled enemies isn't that bad either.

I mean, you could remove your source of cold damage and take out Hypothermia and then just check out what it feels like without it. If you think it's no big difference, then take something else.

I guess you could totally swap it out for another support gem. It's totally possible, and I don't think it would break the build or anything.

Regarding question 4: This tiny delay is even there on PC. It gets better with more attack speed, but it's there. Flame Dash feels "smoother" on PC as well. But it has the nasty, nasty cooldown, which makes it a fairly unreliable movement skill. Faster Casting doesn't help with Cooldown Recovery Speed either. They're different things. Cooldown starts after attack speed or cast speed end. The only way to reduce the Cooldown on Flamedash is a specific helmet enchantment or sources from shaper boots and belts. Whirling Blades is simply way more reliable and quicker.

Sure, you could drop it and go for wands, they'd overall be better stat sticks than daggers, but personally I would never do that.
Thank you! Unfortunately I don't really have enough time or even ideas for more guides.

Your daggers have the most upgrade potential right now, just check the link in my "How to.." miniguide, change it to Synthesis and you can probably find two good daggers with benchcraft potential for cheap. There's also currently no cold damage added to your spells, so Hypothermia isn't working most of the time. Easiest way to fix that is craft or buy a Hypnotic Eye Jewel for your belt. Other than that, all I could think of right now is saving up for a craftable 6L base, and once oyu got your new daggers either fixing the Storm Brand setup or using a CwDt + IC one instead.

To understand Beacon of Ruin it helps to first understand how elemental ailments work. Currently there are four main elemental ailments - Shock, Freeze, Chill and Ignite.

The first three are "non-damaging ailments" and have a certain effect range, the amount of damage of the corresponding element you deal in a single hit compared to the enemies maximum life decides how strong their effect is. Each ailment has different effect ranges and minimum tresholds, which you can find on the wiki. Ignite works differently, it applies a damage over time effect and instead of a minimum treshold, your fire damage dealt in the igniting hit decides how strong the damage over time is.

Those aren't the only factors to apply elemental ailments. Shock, Freeze and Ignite also require their respective "Chance to.." modifiers or a crit, which always inflicts elemental ailments as long as the other requirements are met. Chill works differently, there's no Chance to Chill and it simply requires you to deal enough cold damage for the minimum treshold. Additionally, a frozen enemy is also always chilled.

Now what Beacon of Ruin does is it simply removes the minimum tresholds from Shock and Chill and replaces them with a fixed 20% respectively 10% minimum effect. This means just 1 Lightning & 1 Cold Damage would be enough to inflict those at their new minimum value, but incase of Shock still requiring Chance to Shock or a crit.

The new minimum values also get increased by "increased Effect of Shock/Chill" or "increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments", which simply boosts Shock, Freeze and Chill at the same time. This means with 150% Shock Effect you will always shock for the maximum 50% damage increase, and with 200% Chill Effect always reduce action speed by the maximum 30%, regardless of how much lightning/cold damage you deal compared to the enemies maximum life.

This is of course not just theory, you can find all relevant dev comments linked on the Beacon of Ruin wiki page.

About Flame Dash, you would have to go all out to really make it spammable. This means helmet enchantment, Dark Arts nodes and probably also Cooldown Reduction on belt and boots. But if it already works better for you in PS4 like this, then just keep going with it. Just remember that without all that investment, it may not be enough mobility for some of the highend fights.

Looks decent, just know that the Crit Multi on both weapons doesn't do anything due to Elemental Overload. Next i'd recommend a Lv21 Arc and getting the Alchemist nodes.

If you mean in Path of Building, that's simply how the dev coded it. Crit chance only affects the proc probability, the damage increase is always the same and you can easily proc it with secondary skills.
Hey Enki91,

first off I want to thank you for this amazing guide!
I'd like to request an addition to the leveling section.

If you have the space left, could you please add a "current gem setup" for the different acts?

As you have updated the guide several times in this league, it was kind of hard to see the updates of gams in the different acts, if I was already somewhat farther into it.

Would improve the guide by quite a notch, at least for me.

Thanks in advance and keep up the great work :)
Enki91 wrote:

Now what Beacon of Ruin does is it simply removes the minimum tresholds from Shock and Chill and replaces them with a fixed 20% respectively 10% minimum effect. This means just 1 Lightning & 1 Cold Damage would be enough to inflict those at their new minimum value, but incase of Shock still requiring Chance to Shock or a crit.

Aaah! I learned something new today :)

I knew it would boost chill effect to a minimum of 10%, but I didn't know it removes the threshold completely. I would've thought you still have to deal 0.33% damage of maximum life to chill.

But it makes sense now that I think about it. Since what actually is discarded is anything below the 1% effect (which would translate into those 0.33% damage). And now that there's always at least 10% effect, there's also no <1% effect to discard anymore. So now even a single point of cold damage is enough, even if it's not 0.33% dmg.

That's brilliant, Enki.

And there's also no "Chance to Chill", but only a Chance to Freeze. I never actually paid much attention to that.

But what does that mean for Chill now? Do we always chill, with every hit?
Last edited by Cendrake#0301 on May 4, 2019, 12:13:56 PM

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