Mueller had kind words for the one specific act of eventually releasing the report -- something Barr promised Mueller he'd do. Something he HAD to do.

Trump is indeed a criminal. Whether Congress impeaches or not after thorough hearings of key witnesses, is immaterial. The public doesn't know what's in the report, so it will have to be a televised event like Watergate.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Turtledove wrote:
Over 900 retired federal prosecutors, whose job was deciding to indict or not have stated that based on the Mueller report they would indict on at least three charges of obstruction of justice if the President was a private citizen. Further they stated that it wasn't even a close call on those three charges. The "cards" are easy to read for the professional card readers whose job it was to read those cards.

I haven’t read a strong rebuttal of Scrotie’s constitutional argument against obstruction. I don’t recall reading a weak rebuttal, either. It’s almost like everyone is talking past one another.

Why should I care about obstruction?
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
CanHasPants wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
Over 900 retired federal prosecutors, whose job was deciding to indict or not have stated that based on the Mueller report they would indict on at least three charges of obstruction of justice if the President was a private citizen. Further they stated that it wasn't even a close call on those three charges. The "cards" are easy to read for the professional card readers whose job it was to read those cards.

I haven’t read a strong rebuttal of Scrotie’s constitutional argument against obstruction. I don’t recall reading a weak rebuttal, either. It’s almost like everyone is talking past one another.

Why should I care about obstruction?

Because no one is supposed to be above the law. If the head of state can break the law and go unpunished for it, it's one step closer to fascism and a dictator. Pair that with Trump's constant (personal) attacks on opposition (both in and out of his political party), constant attacks on the media, propaganda of lies and orders coming from outburst, it's very VERY scary. Those are all indicators of fascism.

Trump is a tyrant that happens to have been elected in a country that isn't supposed to allow tyrants to rise to power. I seriously don't understand how the US population is being fooled by that person when ALL of his traits would be despised if he was in another political party.

It's time for republicans to stop caring about winning at all cost and to care more about getting the right people elected.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
CanHasPants wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
Over 900 retired federal prosecutors, whose job was deciding to indict or not have stated that based on the Mueller report they would indict on at least three charges of obstruction of justice if the President was a private citizen. Further they stated that it wasn't even a close call on those three charges. The "cards" are easy to read for the professional card readers whose job it was to read those cards.

I haven’t read a strong rebuttal of Scrotie’s constitutional argument against obstruction. I don’t recall reading a weak rebuttal, either. It’s almost like everyone is talking past one another.

Why should I care about obstruction?

You should absolutely not care about obstruction of collusion that was deemed never to have occurred.

It will be VERY interesting to learn more about the genesis of the beginnings of the investigation, including FISA warrants, FBI informants undercover directly contacting the Trump campaign staffers, and the use of the Steele Dossier(discredited horseshit) to obtain judicial warrants for incredibly shaky grounds to surveil.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
If Dems were smart, they'd abandon the impeachment nonsense and start really rallying around someone realistically electable like Biden while there's still time. If you really want to see Trump gone, the last thing he needs is another platform to display his victimhood while also running for re-election against someone who has no chance of actually defeating him.

The impeachment process would just take Congress down a road with a dead end in the middle of nowhere, while Trump would still be firing off 2am tweets from his gold toilet in the White House for another four years.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
faerwin wrote:
CanHasPants wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
Over 900 retired federal prosecutors, whose job was deciding to indict or not have stated that based on the Mueller report they would indict on at least three charges of obstruction of justice if the President was a private citizen. Further they stated that it wasn't even a close call on those three charges. The "cards" are easy to read for the professional card readers whose job it was to read those cards.

I haven’t read a strong rebuttal of Scrotie’s constitutional argument against obstruction. I don’t recall reading a weak rebuttal, either. It’s almost like everyone is talking past one another.

Why should I care about obstruction?

Because no one is supposed to be above the law. If the head of state can break the law and go unpunished for it, it's one step closer to fascism and a dictator. Pair that with Trump's constant (personal) attacks on opposition (both in and out of his political party), constant attacks on the media, propaganda of lies and orders coming from outburst, it's very VERY scary. Those are all indicators of fascism.

Trump is a tyrant that happens to have been elected in a country that isn't supposed to allow tyrants to rise to power. I seriously don't understand how the US population is being fooled by that person when ALL of his traits would be despised if he was in another political party.

It's time for republicans to stop caring about winning at all cost and to care more about getting the right people elected.

“Because no one is supposed to be above the law” is not a rebuttal to “that law is bad.” I’m not the one making that argument, however, so I’m’a leave it there.

The rest of your post can be summed up with “I’m rubber, you’re glue.” You got the “wrongs” right, but you missed half of the “who.” It is so obvious that everything you just said (minus the hyperbole) applies to the entire American political spectrum, that it makes me wonder when you ignore curtains behind you and point only to the other stage.

You call Trump a tyrant. They’ve all been. It doesn’t take a good guy to wake up in the morning and order up a few more drone strikes. I haven’t seen it, where’s your evidence? I don’t listen to Trump or the news, so I’m not being fooled, brainwashed, or whatever else this month’s flavor of the NPC meme happens to be. He said a mean thing about a Mexican, said a mean thing about a disabled child. Separated families at the border, but it’d take a hypocrite to play that card. Has he been spying on Americans?

You have to realize, I’m indifferent about the guy. The last 16 years have set a pretty fucking high bar for bad, so if Trump is a fascist tyrant, he’s doing a shit job of it. Like. I get it, it’s easy to read these things and be like “yeah, fascism bad, harumph, harumph!” but then I look out my window, and I’m like... nah.

Edited: because I suck at words
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Last edited by CanHasPants on May 29, 2019, 10:25:22 PM
aggromagnet wrote:
If Dems were smart, they'd abandon the impeachment nonsense and start really rallying around someone realistically electable like Biden while there's still time. If you really want to see Trump gone, the last thing he needs is another platform to display his victimhood while also running for re-election against someone who has no chance of actually defeating him.

The impeachment process would just take Congress down a road with a dead end in the middle of nowhere, while Trump would still be firing off 2am tweets from his gold toilet in the White House for another four years.

Ewww Biden..
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Turtledove wrote:
Mueller laid his cards out on the table face up for all to see, that being his report.
Oh c'mon, are you really telling me you read 448 pages without critical thinking? There were holes all over the place.

Why didn't Mueller explain why they just accepted the CrowdStrike report of the DCCC/DNC hack?

Why does Mueller cite a "fairness" doctrine of making sure the accused get a speedy trial, then indict dozens of Russians who we all know will never be extradited for their day in court?

And above all, who is Mueller kidding when he says he can't accuse the President of committing a crime? He says an Office of Legal Council memo stops him. In arguendo, if he'd have ignored that memo and just outright said Trump obstructed justice, would he really have gotten in trouble? Isn't Mueller directly accusing Trump of a crime what almost half of the country was hoping for prior to Mueller's report, and what almost half of the country was fearing to he would do? Did you, an ardent anti-Trump zealot, literally read Mueller excuse away why he couldn't do the one thing you most expected him fo do, and just shrugged and said "okay"!? Mueller's "I can't accuse" argument is Byzantine logic at best and sophistry at worst.

But it goes deeper than that. Relevance is subjective to the individual, and relevance is what separates included signal from omitted noise in a factual account of events. That's the whole point behind the Sherlock Holmes stories — you have the normie account of the relevant details, full of red herrings irrelevant to the truth but made seemingly relevant by our common, socialized mode of thought, and then you have the eccentric who finds relevance in things others do not, things the normal people see but do not observe — that is, that they hold in their perception but fleetingly before discarding it as irrelevant. Even among the things we recall, we often consider it a waste of everyone's time to say everything we remember, because we doubt its relevance to the matter at hand and wish to keep the signal-to-noise ratio at a sufficiently high quality. No one ever lays all their cards on the table, TD, not ever; they only play what they consider to be their best.

I know the standard oath for swearing in a witness is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but that's an impossible oath: no one can tell the whole truth. They can just try to get as close as they can.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
DarthSki44 wrote:
aggromagnet wrote:
If Dems were smart, they'd abandon the impeachment nonsense and start really rallying around someone realistically electable like Biden while there's still time. If you really want to see Trump gone, the last thing he needs is another platform to display his victimhood while also running for re-election against someone who has no chance of actually defeating him.

The impeachment process would just take Congress down a road with a dead end in the middle of nowhere, while Trump would still be firing off 2am tweets from his gold toilet in the White House for another four years.

Ewww Biden..

I pretty much agree on the ewww, but he's the most electable person they've got going at the moment. And he's also the one person they have that could really cut into Trump's base. That could change and one of the other non-extremists could really push ahead as a better candidate. But not if the impeachment obsession continues.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.

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