[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Recurs1ve wrote:
EDIT: N/m I think I figured it out.

How do you get both Attack and Cast Speed while Focused on AND Increased Damage During Flask Effect on the gloves? I'm having issues with that part.

I bought gloves that already had focus mod and 2x resistances. Prefixes are either eldritch crafted or just slap life on bench.
What would you use as your 4link Pestilent Strike setup?
PS and Ancestral Call is what I can read from your guide. I guess Void Manipulation afterwards. But what's 4? Multistrike? Something else from the standard 6link?
Sadly a 6l Covenant will take a while. Only one divine so far. ^^
Vacoh wrote:
What would you use as your 4link Pestilent Strike setup?
PS and Ancestral Call is what I can read from your guide. I guess Void Manipulation afterwards. But what's 4? Multistrike? Something else from the standard 6link?
Sadly a 6l Covenant will take a while. Only one divine so far. ^^

the best dps gem before covenant is added chaos
Getting Resolute Technique on Sanctified Relic is pretty solid upgrade for weapon if you choose to go that route. Opens up another prefix for crafted claws.

Currently running this and it isn't even any good, tbh. Unlucky exalt ;( It does however beat the original crafted claw I believe.
Last edited by Boddhisattva on Dec 28, 2022, 3:26:46 PM

-removed whole Whispers of Doom wheel
-changed anointment from Corruption to Whispers of Doom
-added Small Cluster jewel "Reservation Efficiency" base
Notable: Mortifying Aspect and suffix for 5% all resistances
-Enlighten level 4 changed to level 3
-Helmet Eldritch implicit changed from 12% to 7% increased mana reservation efficiency of skills
-updated rare jewels (on one jewel you'll need 2-3% inc reserve mana efficiency)
-updated rare ring base to Two Stone
-changed helmet enchant to "Withering Step inflicts 3 additional Withered Debuffs" and max Wither stacks from 10 to 13 in Configuration window
-Lowered boot implicit faster poisons to 5% (previously 10%)

Build is a lot cheaper, probably in the range of 15-20 Divines less and it's easier to put together while maintaining or having slightly more damage.

*sorry for the previous mess up

Also there is one option how to slightly increase dps with a little Ehp sacrifice:
Instead of small cluster jewel with Mortifying Aspect - put there Megalomaniac with Mortifying Aspect and Circling Oblivion. And drop one small passive "Life and Energy Shield" near "Written in Blood"

I've lost about 100hp and 50es, but got over 1kk dps. Fair enough I suppose
So is Awakened Swift Affliction supposed to be used for mapping, then you switch to Awakened Unbound Ailments for the boss? Not really understanding all that much with that.
First t16 boss down but no real upgrades ( still didnt even get a rare jewel yet ) :). I found a fractured opal scepter with dmg over time multi t1, but it wont sell so no chest for me yet. I am sitting on 200 chaos and a few other things to sell. Just gonna save up for chest then claw then alt jewels probably then finally more spell suppress to get the two nodes in.
Last edited by Themasterofw on Dec 29, 2022, 5:32:28 AM
So is Awakened Swift Affliction supposed to be used for mapping, then you switch to Awakened Unbound Ailments for the boss? Not really understanding all that much with that.

Awakened Unbound Ailments is overall default choice.

If you're gonna be mostly focused on bossing with Viper Strike, Aw Swift Affliction might be better option.
Hi, could this build work as trickster or assasin and not pathfinder?

I presume main (only?) issue would be lack of aoe?

Immortal007 wrote:
Hi, could this build work as trickster or assasin and not pathfinder?

I presume main (only?) issue would be lack of aoe?


Yes. Poison proliferation plays a big part of the build. Trickster and Assassin would have less damage too.

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