[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Crafting those claws turned out to be quite easy given that it costs 2ex or more on Standard to have both added chaos damage and 60% chance for 100% more damage with poisons for a claw.

It costed 7c per resonator+fossils. It must have taken me around 20 tries to get both claws? And I was able to sell a crafted claw for 40c - apparently there's a market for claws with only one of those two affixes. So in total, 100c for both? And I can probably sell them with great profit if I want to craft more claws until I get better ones.

Was I just really lucky, or is this normal luck?

Also I seem to be too fragile when outside of Molten Shell, but hopefully that's because I don't yet have The Perfect Form.
Last edited by Velizar_ on Mar 3, 2020, 5:27:09 AM
Velizar_ wrote:
Crafting those claws turned out to be quite easy given that it costs 2ex or more on Standard to have both added chaos damage and 60% chance for 100% more damage with poisons for a claw.

It costed 7c per resonator+fossils. It must have taken me around 20 tries to get both claws? And I was able to sell a crafted claw for 40c - apparently there's a market for claws with only one of those two affixes. So in total, 100c for both? And I can probably sell them with great profit if I want to craft more claws until I get better ones.


Was I just really lucky, or is this normal luck?

Also I seem to be too fragile when outside of Molten Shell, but hopefully that's because I don't yet have The Perfect Form.

That seems about average luck, and claws like yours are not op but they are sufficient to do all content with them.
That's why i'm suggesting to craft claws instead of buying. Fossils and resonators you can pretty much farm yourself.
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on Mar 5, 2020, 3:38:43 PM
somebody has a link to imgur which you use. why am I not able to insert all things
Last edited by spajjons on Mar 5, 2020, 4:07:31 AM
spajjons wrote:
somebody has a link to imgur which you use. why am I not able to insert all things

What do you mean?
Eelbrook wrote:
Yo Yo. Just trying some practice runs in SSF.

How am i supposed to kill merveil at lvl 12 or something?

Wanna go Viper/Pestilent strike.

But she wrecks me the hell up on a 2 link.

So how should i do in a fresh league start?

any advice? on how i should do in the first act?

Viper Strike is your best choice that early. See which support gem you can use as 3rd link. Any will do probably.
Take dual wield claws.

All that is fine. Tried dominus with a 3 link. Died 5 tiles or something. How do I do IT with a 3 link? Any speciel things too look for in claws there?

Think it's sad that om having so many troubles doing Bosses while lvling. And in doing your leveling tree..
Flasks and rings go to the image and body armor and claw no
Last edited by spajjons on Mar 6, 2020, 12:16:17 PM
Hello, i was looking for a build to start 3.10, i never played a Poison build (Played Chaos caster builds before, never melee chaos build), this one (with Pestilent Strike) can be starter? what Unique cheap weapons can be used meanwhile i farm to get the currency to craft the big ones?

really liked the guide :)
anyone has any tips to fast leveling it at league start (SSF style)

I tried a few runs and firstly you have to buy most of the gems because you don't get them as rewards and secondly I lacked a lot of damage, especially early on, anyone has any tips?
ArkamHatchet wrote:
anyone has any tips to fast leveling it at league start (SSF style)

I tried a few runs and firstly you have to buy most of the gems because you don't get them as rewards and secondly I lacked a lot of damage, especially early on, anyone has any tips?

I did a SSF test run to 60 with this leveling tree and Pestilent Strike. Damage doesn't start to feel good until after normal lab, and even then bosses are still very slow. I had to farm for a 4 link at Docks to kill Dominoes, which you never have to do for top tier league starters. Spell Totem and Wither help, but the totem dies very quickly to some bosses.

I don't think this build is suitable for league start, unless you're happy to go slow and farm on the way. By the time I got to Blood Aqueducts (and level 60) the clear was excellent and the damage was really starting to ramp up.

If there is a magic bullet to fix early boss killing speed please let me know, I'm happy to be proven wrong and would really like a quick start with this build. Pending patch notes of course :)
Any tips on blighted maps for Pestilent Strike? Any gem/gear swaps that are for the best? Any particular towers/annointments that help?

I was testing it on standard with some thrown together gear and it could get halfway through the time limit before it'd start to fall apart.

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