There is two points where i agree .
the game optimization is horrible (HORRIBLE) , i have decant pc , i play all the modern games , no problem , the moment i start this , my pc shifts into gear 5.
i am strongly considering dropping the game for the sole reason not to damage my pc.
second one is lore , yeah its kinda weak , but its better then poe 1 at least.
Posted bydamir21#1543on Dec 25, 2024, 5:14:22 AM
This thread didn’t age very well.
If you feel stress and anxiety from playing a game, you should stop playing (unless you like that). Take care of your own mental health.
That doesn’t mean the game is terrible for everyone else, as seen by the crazy number of people still playing every day. It’s really sad that some people who loved poe1 are not enjoying poe2, but take a step back and try it again once they do some tuning. I’m not saying that feedback and changes aren’t needed, but it’s clear that some people are too emotionally invested.
You don’t need to ruin your life trying a game in EA, just chill and see how it evolves. People are taking this game way too seriously. I’ve been there before, I had 15,000 hours in WoW before I quit and it helped a lot. Sometimes you just need to move on and try something else.
Hope you all have/had a good holiday and find something else to enjoy in the meantime!
Last edited by Minuen#7817 on Dec 28, 2024, 12:30:44 PM
Posted byMinuen#7817on Dec 28, 2024, 12:08:53 PM
Same! done with the play test. Looking forward to release!
Posted byvagrentlord#1026on Dec 28, 2024, 12:59:19 PM
I moved on to BG3 ... what a game!
Last edited by GuiltyParty32#9913 on Dec 28, 2024, 1:11:31 PM
Posted byGuiltyParty32#9913on Dec 28, 2024, 1:09:00 PM
No need to uninstall if you are not short on drive space. I just go in for a bit of mindless boring monster bashing while I listen to the great music. Only up to mid act 2 so far and the areas and mobs are uninteresting. Act one had mobs that are way to fast and very little character progression to deal with their hits and speed. Almost like they took all their concepts from mudflats and made all of act one like that. Then in act 2 the mobs are slow and even more uninteresting.
Posted byExsiliumUltra#5541on Dec 28, 2024, 1:17:11 PM
This thread didn’t age very well.
If you feel stress and anxiety from playing a game, you should stop playing (unless you like that). Take care of your own mental health.
That doesn’t mean the game is terrible for everyone else, as seen by the crazy number of people still playing every day. It’s really sad that some people who loved poe1 are not enjoying poe2, but take a step back and try it again once they do some tuning. I’m not saying that feedback and changes aren’t needed, but it’s clear that some people are too emotionally invested.
You don’t need to ruin your life trying a game in EA, just chill and see how it evolves. People are taking this game way too seriously. I’ve been there before, I had 15,000 hours in WoW before I quit and it helped a lot. Sometimes you just need to move on and try something else.
Hope you all have/had a good holiday and find something else to enjoy in the meantime!
This...this right here are so true. People are so invested into a video game that it becomes kind of sad. If you don't like the gameplay of POE 2 go back to POE 1 or take a break.
Posted byHyperspacing#5593on Dec 28, 2024, 1:22:47 PM
Feeling amazing already!
It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.
Just because a game is tedious and slow doesn't mean it was challenging. If that was true, everyone would just be sitting and playing the original Zelda on NES because it's a B*** to play (although I'd rather play that because it has lore and atmosphere).
Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.
The graphics are great, but some things you can't just 'produce' by strongarming money into them. PoE 2 has no soul or lore at all. The main female explorer character whose name is so forgettable I already forgot it, if you zoom in, has a 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' metal helm with 3 huge feathers shoved inside of it under the metal. That's not lore, that's just goofy.
Act 3 is literally Act 2 from PoE 1 copy pasted and changed a little. I laughed out loud when I realized I was basically in Vaal Pyramids except laid flat down with the Soul Stones part.
They had the option to come up with some amazing cool areas and floundered completely. Like... WEVE ALREADY SEEN JUNGLE AND SAND DUNE ACTS BEFORE! It's patronizing. Also, Act 1 should've just been Act 3 since it had a much more demonic and dark feel to it.
The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.
Not to mention, the game simply runs terribly on a lot of different computers. I can run every other game on Ultra or High @ 4k, and this game I'm getting low FPS and 100% CPU usage even though I'm sitting in the main menu still.
Maybe the game eventually 'gets there', but at this point I hope they just cash grab and rugpull PoE 2 and go back to PoE 1. The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.
And lets not even get into the fact they just recycled some of the worst content from PoE1 and bragged about it being 'new end game systems'!. Breach is boring. Digging/explosions is boring. No new systems at all, just copy pasted stuff from PoE1.
I am sorry brother because you were pushed to the point of uninstalling something you couldnt wait to put your hands on.
I feel the same way,except i haven't uninstalled yet.
I am at 260 hours haven't got single Divine. For 10 days i've been farming t8-t12 and i am stuck because i cant progress. Upgrades would cost me few divines a piece and on top of that, i am not even getting any Exalts. Maybe 3-4 an hour and current ratio is 100 EX = 1 Div . Nothing ever of any worth drops .
Maybe its my fault because i am not playing build that deletes 6 screens of enemies before computer even register you entered a map.
Its also my fault because i actually believed GGG representative when he said PoE2 is going to be more casual. It turns out its even worse than PoE1
Last edited by Werdx_1#3669 on Dec 28, 2024, 1:37:57 PM
Posted byWerdx_1#3669on Dec 28, 2024, 1:36:03 PM
No idea why people feel the need to let everyone know that they have uninstalled something.
Nobody cares what's on your hard drive.
Posted byredrum76#4274on Dec 28, 2024, 1:37:51 PM
No idea why people feel the need to let everyone know that they have uninstalled something.
Nobody cares what's on your hard drive.
You should wish for a bit of decency this year,because being literal POS isnt doing you any favors.
Posted byWerdx_1#3669on Dec 28, 2024, 1:38:52 PM
No idea why people feel the need to let everyone know that they have uninstalled something.
Nobody cares what's on your hard drive.
I care
On Probation Any%
Posted byDxt44#4050on Dec 28, 2024, 1:39:24 PM