Finally uninstalled PoE2... the wave of relief is crazy!

Karma#5423 wrote:
Feeling "relieved" after uninstalling a video game? What in the heck are you even talking about man...

i felt like that when i uninstalled wow. i came back 10 months later tho ;) i'm weak.
GGG is listening to feedback with a patch addressing things people are having issues with during early access. So much drama over the testing phase. They have earned many people's trust from POE 1. Give them a chance to iron stuff out. If you don't have patience to see things evolve, then it's good you're off the game with all that negativity, OP.
Vapala#7462 wrote:
Why do they have to make an announcement out of it like in an airport?

Because we paid money and feel ripped off...
Karma#5423 wrote:
Feeling "relieved" after uninstalling a video game? What in the heck are you even talking about man...

i felt like that when i uninstalled wow. i came back 10 months later tho ;) i'm weak.

I uninstalled wow two weeks ago... okay it was because I bought a new pc but it still stands.
Karma#5423 wrote:
Feeling "relieved" after uninstalling a video game? What in the heck are you even talking about man...

also "finally" after like 2-3 days lmao. Seriously. Get help, people. It's a game.
Vapala#7462 wrote:
Why do they have to make an announcement out of it like in an airport?

Because we paid money and feel ripped off...

If you cared about your money, you'd hold onto it until the game was out and you could see real reviews and watch full gameplay to make an informed decision.

If you cared about your money, you'd hold onto it until the game was out and you could see real reviews and watch full gameplay to make an informed decision.

This is such a stupid take. A lot of us paid our money for this game because the company had built up our TRUST with poe1 and we wanted to support them. And a lot of us just aren't having fun after being hyped for so long. We feel like we've been tricked and need to vent a little before it drives us insane. And the worst part is, many of us already had this same hype and disappointment cycle with d4, thinking we were finally getting the proper sequel to d2 weve been BEGGING every arpg company for since d3 shit the bed. This is something that really frustrates me. It feels like they didn't learn any lessons from their competitors failures. This game isn't the hot mess d4 was at launch, so I've got hope they can turn it around and make the game fun, but my day 1 experience was so miserable I don't want to touch the game again for awhile. Shame on me for trusting a company that made something I liked in the past I guess
Can't wait when all whining PoE 1 veterans will go back to PoE 1 and forum will become more clean.
Can't take a different opinion or criticism?
It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.

Not gonna lie, that's the best summary of PoE 2 I've read so far.

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