SF (no solo) > SSF

Crob#2629 wrote:
The hilarious part is how many call this a badge of honor when GGG has said repeatedly that most players do not trade and have no intention of it. The people constantly using the trade system are the oddity. The people trading are doing it for a badge of honor I guess since it serves no point and breaks dynamics of the game play. But hey, shoot for the moon I guess. You do you

My man here gets it. *fist bump*
Gigs#6884 wrote:
Running across random people in D2 and joining forces was great. if you didn't like their play, you could always instance out. Didn't realize how much I missed it until I noticed it in Destiny 2.

On the other hand, I hate seeing people in my town. They only get in the way.

Yeah... I like this thing of running into people. I think it would be great even in monster maps (as long as there was a simple way to 'zone out' if they're getting in the way of something).

Meeting randos, partying with them, or handling the problems that come from sharing a realm... this is a integral part of mmos, IMO.
But PoE is not an MMO. It's a singleplayer game with trade attached to it.
exsea#1724 wrote:

the ones calling it a badge of honour are "non ssf players" like myself.

ssf mode has no reason to exist if players just stick to their self imposed rules, which makes ssf mode a badge of honor/allows bragging rights.

and yeah if you like ssf play ssf. despite being one of those who were against the creation of SSF mode i m happy that players now have that option

I think you're not grasping the paradox of "self imposed rules" and "multiplayer gaming". Don't get me wrong, I agree that "self imposed rules" is a VALID way of making "your own game", but when you bring it to reality, it only works "single player". The moment you include the possibility of interacting with people, this thing of "self imposed handicaps" gets quite weird.

Let me give you an example: Say you want to play soccer but you prefer it WITHOUT a goal keeper, and a self-inposed rule that you can only shoot for the goal if you're inside the goal keeper area. Great. You can play like that solo, and/or with your friends that abide to that rule; but the moment you "go out in the world" and try to play "your kind of soccer" with people that play "standard"... it creates situations.

These realms with different "rules" and "constrains" don't exist to give whiny individuals some imaginary badge of honour. They exist to enable a whole COMMUNITY to play TOGETHER with shared/commom "self imposed rules"
Balagann#7553 wrote:
exsea#1724 wrote:
Simple solution: Get a guild stash and close trade channels.
I am playing POE2 with a friend this way. I don't bother trading with farmers anymore, and give no restraint to my friend's play style.

spoken like a true gamer.

you dont need the devs to make a special/game mode just for you. you just follow your self imposed rules and life moves on

Again, you miss the point. You are correct that his suggestion is a way of doing it, but my point is that GGG would benefit from having a "tradeless" realm (with party play on). The checkboxes you mention earlier would do just fine.

It's not about expecting devs to give ME "special modes". It's about GGG, as a company, benefitting from providing modes that will INCREASE THE PLAYERBASE.

again with your again. my suggestion already fit what you wanted isnt that hitting your point?

my suggestion in fact exactly is in support to you. so whats the problem? again and again and again.
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Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:
But PoE is not an MMO. It's a singleplayer game with trade attached to it.

I get what you mean, and still... It all begins with party play :) See, for instance, what happened to diablo.

Btw, you may say that d4 sucks, but if you disregard what sucks in d4... wouldn't it be nice to have a poe world where you come across people, party with them if you want, or zone out?

But that's beside the point
All i'm asking is for a SF that allows party play, which i think would be benefitial for us and for GGG
Balagann#7553 wrote:

I think you're not grasping the paradox of "self imposed rules" and "multiplayer gaming". Don't get me wrong, I agree that "self imposed rules" is a VALID way of making "your own game", but when you bring it to reality, it only works "single player". The moment you include the possibility of interacting with people, this thing of "self imposed handicaps" gets quite weird.

Let me give you an example: Say you want to play soccer but you prefer it WITHOUT a goal keeper, and a self-inposed rule that you can only shoot for the goal if you're inside the goal keeper area. Great. You can play like that solo, and/or with your friends that abide to that rule; but the moment you "go out in the world" and try to play "your kind of soccer" with people that play "standard"... it creates situations.

These realms with different "rules" and "constrains" don't exist to give whiny individuals some imaginary badge of honour. They exist to enable a whole COMMUNITY to play TOGETHER with shared/commom "self imposed rules"

the thing is, in the real world you're free to make any rules like football without a goalkeeper.

and for me i ll just give you a thumbs up even tho i m not too interested and thats the end of it.

if using this analogy, you goalkeeperless players banded together and cried to the world soccer federation to make a special football league just for you guys.

literally no one else but your society cares for this league. but just to shut you guys up the feds were like fine. have it your way and have this special league to yourselves as long as you play by the mandated rules, if you choose not to have a goalkeeper thats your choice.

thats what SSF mode is. its already there and exist for you guys to band as a community to play together. you could have played as a community to play together without whining and getting the feds to create a specific league but you guys wanted it so badly.

why else would you want the league to be created? recognition.

as i said. you already can play as community without this league existing. if you really didnt want a badge of honour YOU WOULDNT NEED SSF LEAGUE to exist.

SSF league exists solely to let people know "hey theses guys really didnt trade nor party as the devs themselves set the rules for this game mode".

and i ll repeat myself again. ALL SSF players could play SSF fine WITHOUT the game mode existing.
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Balagann#7553 wrote:

All i'm asking is for a SF that allows party play, which i think would be benefitial for us and for GGG

if thats all you're asking i've already given my voice in support for this mode.
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I couldn't agree more that this would be the most fun way to play the game. Partying is great, trade sucks. And not just trade in POE2 but in basically every ARPG it exists in.
exsea#1724 wrote:
Balagann#7553 wrote:

All i'm asking is for a SF that allows party play, which i think would be benefitial for us and for GGG

if thats all you're asking i've already given my voice in support for this mode.

Yes you did, since the beginning. Which I appreciate.

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