the thing is, in the real world you're free to make any rules like football without a goalkeeper.
and for me i ll just give you a thumbs up even tho i m not too interested and thats the end of it.
if using this analogy, you goalkeeperless players banded together and cried to the world soccer federation to make a special football league just for you guys.
literally no one else but your society cares for this league. but just to shut you guys up the feds were like fine. have it your way and have this special league to yourselves as long as you play by the mandated rules, if you choose not to have a goalkeeper thats your choice.
thats what SSF mode is. its already there and exist for you guys to band as a community to play together. you could have played as a community to play together without whining and getting the feds to create a specific league but you guys wanted it so badly.
why else would you want the league to be created? recognition.
as i said. you already can play as community without this league existing. if you really didnt want a badge of honour YOU WOULDNT NEED SSF LEAGUE to exist.
SSF league exists solely to let people know "hey theses guys really didnt trade nor party as the devs themselves set the rules for this game mode".
and i ll repeat myself again. ALL SSF players could play SSF fine WITHOUT the game mode existing.
What you're saying is also true in the sense that we SSFers can all make our own game and play it. It is true. My point, however, is that GGG would benefit from making us our little corner of the world so we can all play POE instead of breaking into different games.
But yeah, I can see that you're supportive of adding tradeless even in a "sure, whatever, suit yourselves" kind of way, which is already appreciated, even if I seem unable to convince you of the logic behind it.