PoE Forums Are Broken – How to Fix Toxicity & Engagement

Randall#0850 wrote:
Coming here is like a trip to the zoo when you go to the monkey enclosure and the monkeys are running around screeching and flinging their shit at at wall. No amount of stickied threads or forum format changes are going to change that, this place stopped being a place to gather any sort of worthwhile feedback a long time ago. The forums could close tomorrow and it wouldn't matter in the slightest.

I can be insanely toxic at times. When i give feedback tho im constructive. Otherwise its not Feedback. What should the devs do when i scream remove the fog from delirium and make 10 posts for that. Completely useless. One Post mentioning that you think the fog should be removed is fine and then bump it sometimes. Once every week at best when they are in office.
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
Randall#0850 wrote:
Coming here is like a trip to the zoo when you go to the monkey enclosure and the monkeys are running around screeching and flinging their shit at at wall. No amount of stickied threads or forum format changes are going to change that, this place stopped being a place to gather any sort of worthwhile feedback a long time ago. The forums could close tomorrow and it wouldn't matter in the slightest.

I can be insanely toxic at times. When i give feedback tho im constructive. Otherwise its not Feedback. What should the devs do when i scream remove the fog from delirium and make 10 posts for that. Completely useless. One Post mentioning that you think the fog should be removed is fine and then bump it sometimes. Once every week at best when they are in office.

The funny thing is, if you are op of a post, you can bump your post for free every 48 hours I think. Under your name, where you find the "E" for "edit", you will also see a "B" as "bump" under your name. With this, your thread gets bumped.

Like some people said already: Certain topics that generate alot of threads should get their own sticky, so that people can post their thoughts and suggestion in there. It would also help the devs to organize the whole feedback structure here and make it also better for us.
AintCare#6513 wrote:

Imagine ordering coffee with milk and hearing "nope, we have standards here, how dare you. Take what we have, pay and behave". How many customers would remain in such fine establishment?

try flying to Japan, and asking for ketchup in a sushi bar. see how that goes for you.

devs explained reasons behind their decision many times, but people like you are not here to understand those reasons. the few of you that even acknowledge them will use them to pick them apart.

you have to realize this game is not and never will be tailored specifically to you.

Even if thats the case. People can criticise the decisions of the developers. Everyone can have their own opinions. Thats not a reason to personally attack someone. Which you do right here. Stop this.
AintCare#6513 wrote:

you are denying me my right to express my own opinion about their own opinion which means you are personally attacking me. if i wouldn't know any better i would tell you to stop

Not really i ask you to stop using personal attacks. If you need personal attacks in an argument, then your argument has zero value.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 15, 2025, 11:53:36 AM
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:

If you need personal attacks in an argument, then your argument has zero worth.

+1 Well put!
AintCare#6513 wrote:

devs explained reasons behind their decision many times, but people like you are not here to understand those reasons. the few of you that even acknowledge them will use them to pick them apart.

you have to realize this game is not and never will be tailored specifically to you.

Okay, for clarity's sake, lets not dig years old videos and speak only about poe2. Also lets start with single controversial topic among those people argue about the most to avoid derailing and toxicity.

The only explanation from GGG employee about why poe2 still must have exp penalty I heard was about people would zerg rush race events while dying all the time.

Fine, makes sense, especially if race events can feature IRL prizes if sponsored by streamer. But this does not explain why standard softcore league must still have same penalty, gameplay has nothing to do with racing and IRL prizes. Especially when poe2 is still in rough shape and people die to bugs. GGG has already fixed things like "on-death effects not rendered visuals if target was shattered", "monster X did excessive dps" and "that bird boss with tornado".

Could you please cite another explanation from GGG about why exp penalty should be everywhere? What problem does it solve? Maybe I missed something?

If not, the only reasons behind decision I see is GGG wanting to screw players solery in hopes to keep them in the loop longer, endlessly trying to recoup their losses. Which is exactly the unethical attitude to playerbase I mentioned in previous posts, because game remains rigged so RNG deaths are unavoidable regardless of player's efforts.

Okay, for clarity's sake, lets not dig years old videos and speak only about poe2. Also lets start with single controversial topic among those people argue about the most to avoid derailing and toxicity.

The only explanation from GGG employee about why poe2 still must have exp penalty I heard was about people would zerg rush race events while dying all the time.

Fine, makes sense, especially if race events can feature IRL prizes if sponsored by streamer. But this does not explain why standard softcore league must still have same penalty, gameplay has nothing to do with racing and IRL prizes. Especially when poe2 is still in rough shape and people die to bugs. GGG has already fixed things like "on-death effects not rendered visuals if target was shattered", "monster X did excessive dps" and "that bird boss with tornado".

Could you please cite another explanation from GGG about why exp penalty should be everywhere? What problem does it solve? Maybe I missed something?

If not, the only reasons behind decision I see is GGG wanting to screw players solery in hopes to keep them in the loop longer, endlessly trying to recoup their losses. Which is exactly the unethical attitude to playerbase I mentioned in previous posts, because game remains rigged so RNG deaths are unavoidable regardless of player's efforts.

The Post was not for me, but I think an EXP Penalty can exist for the sole reason of people being actually careful of how they play. It changes how people approach the game. From the developers sight of view that might be a reason.
Even if they just want the exp penalty to exist its also completely fine reason. They are making the game.

Why would Early Access be a reason to change the exp penalty? Yes stuff is buggy and unfinished, but having an exp penalty does not actually change the experience of EA.

Why would Early Access be a reason to change the exp penalty? Yes stuff is buggy and unfinished, but having an exp penalty does not actually change the experience of EA.

The xp penalty per say does not. It's the feeling of always taking 1 thousand step back, for 2 step foward that's breaking the experience.
Thaynime#8492 wrote:

Why would Early Access be a reason to change the exp penalty? Yes stuff is buggy and unfinished, but having an exp penalty does not actually change the experience of EA.

The xp penalty per say does not. It's the feeling of always taking 1 thousand step back, for 2 step foward that's breaking the experience.

I have not a single issue surviving everything. I can run 100 Maps without dying. At the moment i dont even do maps tho.
And my Equipment is not worth a lot. Its under 100 divs. Including Jewels. Well if i ignore one Time-Lost. But you can replace that one with a rare easily. If you have issues surviving, then you do something wrong.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 15, 2025, 12:48:54 PM
I think some topics get extremely inflated because of frustration and ppl forgetting crucial points.

So, "Path of Exile 2" is under development before full release, right!?

Has the game balance issues - like some things being completely broken (OP) and some being a wet fart? Yes.
Has the game many bugs - like interactions not working or game crashes? Yes.
Has the game poor crafting - like not really satisfying methods and the good ones extremely rare? Yes.
Has the game only a part of its content released - like 6/12 classes, 12/36 ascendancies, half the uniques/weapontypes/bosses/mobs/acts? Yes.
Has the game no real endgame - like a great "Atlas Passive Tree" (PoE1) and many mechanics to play with? Yes.
Has the game for some too many punishments - like 1 death per map? Yes.

All the problems the game has now are widely known and some reported them as feedback to GGG - so the only thing we can do now is wait.

BUT - some things appear way worse than they actually are.

A lot of frustration comes from the fact that a lot of characters are in a horrible state because of balance, bugs, crafting, yadda yadda.

If GGG is able to fix a huge chunk of these problems the overall experience and even more importantly progress will get better.

For example, if crafting is "fixed" more ppl will be able to get better gear and thus more power - so the game becomes easier.
Now levelling is a slog because there is literally not a single mechanic that's good for levelling in the game atm. We exceed the monster/area levels so far and don't have a good mechanic to farm exp - it feels like, well, PoE1 levelling 10 years ago.
If someone dies now they "lose 1-2 hours" of farming - while dying in PoE1 on the same level would only punish you with 10-30 minutes to get the exp again.

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