I wish I had never supported you
" I am livid at GGG and if you look at my post history you will see plenty of posts as such, but complaining about the mtx model of GGG is truly, truly absurd. They are the least invasive, least predatory monetizer around, and it's not close. You can get every tab you will ever need for about $30 and you never need to spend a cent past that. I'm interested to see how you think the company should monetise at all if these things aren't reasonable. The most recent PoE1 leagues came with built-in currency storage rather than releasing extra tabs, and the vast majority aren't needed at all. Should they have had the map tab updated for PoE2 prior to launch? Probably.. but only because the game sucks without it. There is barely anything to spend credits on in PoE2, so pretending like they did it intentionally to suck the credits out before releasing it is absurdism. They could have just not put credits on the early access packs at all and they still would have sold as many as they did, so it's hard to make a reasonable argument they did it out of a desire to take more money. The only reason I have ever given GGG money is precisely because their model is not overly predatory. I don't like loot boxes or the delayed release of their contents, but most other things they have done to monetise are completely reasonable, and the minimum cost for full function in the game is absurdly low (and hasn't risen for a long time). Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Feb 23, 2025, 6:21:05 AM
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" Yep. That's 40% of my issue with GGG's strategies. The other 40% is the excessive gambling-like designs to keep players hooked to the game loop. The other 20% is the fact this game has near-zero value as a videogame. PoE is kind of like Black Jack: go to Google, learn the best strategy, braindead implementation of a checklist, repeat it forever. This game can literally be played at random: teach a monkey to smash Q and WASD and it'll eventually clear a map. A half-assed Python script you can cook with chat GPT can full-auto clear maps and pick up loot by simply sending random inputs to the game and then seeking the loot on the ground. " Are you also from that gangster kid's dimension? The monetization is so extremely invasive that it invaded the core game's design to force you into HAVING to buy at least some MTX to properly play the actual game (because campaign is like 5-10% of your total playtime). Proper selling your items to other players? Sorry, premium-tab-users only Being able to properly store currency you'll usually want to have dozens/hundreds of each? Sorry, currency-tab-users only Being able to properly store the endgame's core system items? Sorry, map-tab-users only I have zero issues with the game having only the minimum for a F2P player to fully enjoy the game and, if the game actually has quality to it, for it to monetize on extra QoL stuff or cosmetics. I have zero issues with a game having a price tag, being a full-content product and monetizing on extras. I have zero issues with a game being F2P, fully functional, and having money-for-power monetization. I have zero issues with a game being a subscription service and even monetizing on extra cosmetics. What I have an issue with is a game being deliberately designed to lack the basics in a subtle way, hooking players with gambling systems instead of fun, and then selling basic videogame features as MTX. It doesn't matter if it's F2P or not. You saying it's not even close to other games is also a comically misinformed, since there are a multitude of F2P games that monetize solely on cosmetics... You can also go check Last Epoch. - You can have "unlimited" stash tabs - All tabs are premium - Fully functional tab affinity (to the level of having item mod affinities) - Built-in loot filter creator - Mostly-deterministic crafting (no gambling) - Item drops are identified (devs don't force you into wasting your time picking up trash and identifying it) - More transparent development roadmap - Game has full offline play (so even if EHG closes the game, you'd still be able to at least back up a copy and play the last patch forever) - Game costs a little over an EA key - Extra monetization is only for cosmetics so far And please, don't BS me with "PoE is F2P, you paid for EA to support the development of PoE 2". We all paid to have early access to the game, period. GGG is owned by Tencent and their financials up to 2023 are public. They've had a 30-50% EBT margin every year for years now. They could've shut down PoE 1 completely in 2024 and would still have money to develop PoE 2 until at least 2028-2030 with zero extra revenue. PoE 2, at this point, has a price tag for a closed beta, so it SHOULD be compared to any other game with a price tag on it. Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 23, 2025, 7:12:40 AM
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In the same boat as OP.
I tried POE1 a few times, was aware of GGG's stellar reputation among gamers, and then Jonathan Rogers even said the game runs "solid & smooth at 40fps on a Steamdeck". So I bought the early access pack. Then I find out the game runs like sh*t on the Deck, GGG is fully owned by China, and to add insult to injury, they can't even be bothered to communicate with their own customers. At all. This is the most pathetic early access I've ever had the displeasure to be part of, and I'd happily take a refund and never look back at this point. |
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" To point 4, yes i agree. To participate in the economy you do need a couple stash tabs. Its not necessary to participate. You can finsih the whole game until the last Tier Boss with an ssf character it requires more Time tho. But some people like it. Many even prefer it because teh Trade system is just annoying af To Point 6, youre being unreasonable. To Point 7. No its not. You have to put effort into the game itself, you cant just buy a finsihed character and then play with that with real money. Well we should ignore RMT. That is a whole different issue. And i said before. The game has no PVP. So its not pay 2 win, you have no other person to win against. Race is a competition yes, but additional stash tabs dont really help you in race. Its more about knowledge than anything else. No the person complaining about POE being pay 2 win never played actual pay 2 win games. More stash tabs give an advantage over not paying players yes. Is it and unfair advantage i dont think so. POE 1 in China for example is actually pay 2 win. Its a different client. " Those comments are definitely bullshit. I had a long argument before that POE 2 is not a skill based game. I did argue that it does not need skill to reach level 100 it just needs time. The game has some really unfair mechanics, but that has nothing to do with pay 2 win anymore. Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 23, 2025, 9:40:48 AM
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" Are you talking about poe 1 or 2 now. Cause 1 is free 2 play. and 2 is actually early access and if he said POE1 is running smooth then that might be true. Poe 2 is mostly between 33 and 53 FPS on Steamdeck. Its not that bad. Most time its an average of 40. So yes hes correct. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjtKxtOjpj0 Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 23, 2025, 9:45:12 AM
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" First last epoch is actually a fully released game. Second its Buy 2 play which POE 2 wont be. Its a bad comparison. Try looking at Diablo Immortals, Torchlight Infinite or undecember. All those are f2p ARPGs and all of those have way worse monetization that POE 2 Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 23, 2025, 9:50:48 AM
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" He said obviously that POE2 is running smoothly. And no, in endgame maps you will never see those frame rates you're mentioning. Not even in city hubs. [Removed by Support] |
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" Completely ignored the last line... But let's play this game. Let's compare $35 on F2P PoE with $35 on Last Epoch $35 on PoE: - Ability to trade (1 upgrade to premium tab) - Currency tab - Map tab - 110 extra coins to get more tabs or upgrade more tabs to premium - Being under GGG's whim on whether or not your tabs will actually be useful in the future (e.g. Essence tab is useless and unnecessary now, would gladly exchange it back for the coins I've spent on it in the past) - Having no clue what is the game's development roadmap and what's going to be added and how much more MTX will be "QoL" except it's almost mandatory due to deliberately poor game design - Braindead 1-button gambling-grinding videogame that has no respect for your time $35 on LE: - Ability to trade - No need for currency tab - No need for map tab - "Unlimited" premium stash tabs - Fully functional tab affinity (to the level of mod and mod tier affinities) - Built-in loot filter creator - Identified item drops (no wasting your time picking up trash and identifying it) - Button to automatically organize your inventory or stash tab - 1-click pickup whenever a loot fountain of "currency-like" items drop - Auto gold pickup - More transparent roadmap - Full offline play available (EHG can't take the game away from you anymore) - Cosmetics-only monetization (so far) - Videogame that respects the time you invest playing Yep... it's not close indeed " " " " Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 23, 2025, 10:41:34 AM
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" Jesus, you don't get it... These games are made to ENDLESSLY waste your time so that the devs tell you "here, you can buy this QoL bullshit for real money from the store to help you not waste half your life playing our bullshit tedious game" That's how it works... and that's the reason they made the game as tedious and unfun as possible!!! |
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" But there is reasonable RNG and broken RNG... and PoE2 has broken RNG... Sorry but even at low levels you NEVER find a single useable item on the ground... ever!!! Which means you either P2W (you can even buy exalts for real money from external websites... total P2W) or trade from the external website for useable gear which makes the game a joke since you NEVER get power by playing!!! So if you think this regular video game RNG then you're goddamn stupid... |
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