I wish I had never supported you

Title says it all. I bought one of the big packs based on friend recommendations and good will towards your company. I see now that this faith was misplaced and that you are indeed like every other greedy company out there. If I could refund my purchase I definitely would.
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 12:05:43 AM
Why do you say that?
Why do you say that?

- Game lacks basic QoL features
- Artificially created time sinks and difficulty
- Almost the whole game is based on lottery/gambling mechanics (so you understand why so many people "love" to grind in this game)
- Basic QoL is gated behind MTX (currency tab)
- Being able to sell items to players is not built into the game and requires MTX (or spamming trade channel, or 3rd party software which I'm not sure whether or not still works)
- Shady tactics to sell map tabs in PoE 2 (waited 2.5 months to release it, so newer players probably had already spent their 300 coins)
- Artificially created necessity for more MTX as the game develops (old special tabs in PoE 1)
- Every new league comes with a set of FOMO-packs (don't miss out, available only this league)

PoE's monetization model is one of the most disrespectful I've ever seen in gaming.

Subscription? Here's the game, pay to play

P2W? You put money, you get stronger. Whoever has a deeper wallet wins

Gacha? Here are the odds, drops are guaranteed based on the odds too

PoE? Our game deliberately lacks the bare minimum, but don't worry, we sell it on our MTX shop (but don't get your hopes up, even the MTX version isn't super good)

Currency tab? Should've been built into PoE 2 and be able to carry literally anything you can buy/sell on Currency Exchange
Make a tab public with a set price? Should've been built into PoE 2
Map tab? Should've been built into PoE 2 with the option to upgrade for more slots, added functionality like advanced affinity, etc
Tab affinity? Should've been built into PoE 2, with premium tabs having advanced affinity functionality (the current affinity sucks and only works for a handful of item types like currency and essences)
Supporter packs? Discounted price during the league, more expensive once the league ends

PS: At this point, it's becoming clearer that PoE 2 is just a substitute for PoE 1: the previous game became too bloated, so they just created a "new game" to repeat the same cycle they did with PoE 1 the past 6-8 years.

PS 2: Inb4 - the game is F2P, if you don't like it, don't play and don't give GGG money.
Yes, that's exactly what I did regarding PoE 1 and what I'm doing now regarding PoE 2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And shame on me for giving GGG the benefit of the doubt with PoE 2's EA.
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 21, 2025, 7:57:10 AM
I agree with almost all of your points and I agree, some of the things are scummy. At the same time, i have spent over $100 on MTX and invested into the game because I think it has great potential. I would give it some time and maybe come back 6 months or a year later.
Fhaf33z#8407 wrote:
I agree with almost all of your points and I agree, some of the things are scummy. At the same time, i have spent over $100 on MTX and invested into the game because I think it has great potential. I would give it some time and maybe come back 6 months or a year later.

I've seen this game since its release, back in late 2013, so I know how GGG works by now. Since around ~2018 things started going downhill in all aspects.

By the way, you shouldn't financially support something based on "potential", specially on today's day and age. Do it for things you already know are worth your money.
Also, GGG has had a lot of money for a long time now, they don't need support based on good faith. Even less now that Tencent fully owns it
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 21, 2025, 8:20:38 AM
_rt_#4636 wrote:
Fhaf33z#8407 wrote:
I agree with almost all of your points and I agree, some of the things are scummy. At the same time, i have spent over $100 on MTX and invested into the game because I think it has great potential. I would give it some time and maybe come back 6 months or a year later.

I've seen this game since its release, back in late 2013, so I know how GGG works by now. Since around ~2018 things started going downhill in all aspects.

By the way, you shouldn't financially support something based on "potential", specially on today's day and age. Do it for things you already know are worth your money.
Also, GGG has had a lot of money for a long time now, they don't need support based on good faith. Even less now that Tencent fully owns it

I agree and usually I don't. I played D4 and it was one of the games I played during launch. I didn't purchase their expansion and never went back. However, this is the first game in a long time that has me hooked and I have the discretionary funds. So I am OK with throwing $100 for what is now 400 hours of fun I had from this game.

I am now a bit burnt out and will wait for 0.2. I spent the money for me to make the game more enjoyable and it's a good ROI. I hope they port over some of the QOL that are in the Chinese version over to the rest of the world.
_rt_#4636 wrote:

- Game lacks basic QoL features
- Artificially created time sinks and difficulty
- Almost the whole game is based on lottery/gambling mechanics (so you understand why so many people "love" to grind in this game)
- Basic QoL is gated behind MTX (currency tab)
- Being able to sell items to players is not built into the game and requires MTX (or spamming trade channel, or 3rd party software which I'm not sure whether or not still works)
- Shady tactics to sell map tabs in PoE 2 (waited 2.5 months to release it, so newer players probably had already spent their 300 coins)
- Artificially created necessity for more MTX as the game develops (old special tabs in PoE 1)
- Every new league comes with a set of FOMO-packs (don't miss out, available only this league)

For the first Point. Yes game lacks massive QOL Stguff the Chinese Version has some of it.

Second. Yes that is a bit annoying and i hope they change that.

Third. That is mostly an issue because Omens and Greater Essences are so rare. When you make them more Common it becomes less of an issue. And Crafting is way more predictable.

Fourth. I disagree here. Yes currency Tab is QOL, but its really not necessary. You can dedicate a stash tab for currency through affinities that is not a currency tab. And game will be free to play when it comes out. I prefer it would be Pay 2 Play and we get all the Stash tabs for free. But this is an okay monetization system. Its not bad.

Fifth. Yes that a huge Point. Especially because the Chinese Version of POE has an auction House.

Sixth Point. Thats not shady at all. It just was not ready for shipment and i believe that.

Seventh. Calling those necessities isnt really true. Its more or less just saving you time. That does not make it a necessity.

Eighth. Okay then sure whats wrong about that? Nothing in those Packs gives you an advantage in the game.


PoE's monetization model is one of the most disrespectful I've ever seen in gaming.

I want to adress this Point seperately cause it does not seem you are familiar with many MMOs.
I played a lot of MMOs/live service in my 14 Years of gaming and POE 2 does not have bad monetization. Naming some games with way worse monetization practices are Black Desert, Neverwinter, all the gacha games, Once Human, recently Riot Games, Fifa and if i think more about it find a lot more i forgot over the years.
Last edited by Niphalem#1433 on Feb 21, 2025, 9:51:27 AM
Nice thread hijack, OP still haven't answered anyone and we got someone else coming up with his laundry list of issues...okay, who asked you specifically? if people want list of issues there's already big thread about it.

OP probably won't come back to answer anyway so this thread can die, if you have feedback use the appropriate threads please.
Tech guy
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
Third. That is mostly an issue because Omens and Greater Essences are so rare. When you make them more Common it becomes less of an issue. And Crafting is way more predictable.

Omens and Greater Essences are basically "improve your odds at gambling" items. Which goes to show how ridiculous your odds really are: even with these items, modding items still feels extremely "gambly"
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
Fourth. I disagree here. Yes currency Tab is QOL, but its really not necessary. You can dedicate a stash tab for currency through affinities that is not a currency tab. And game will be free to play when it comes out. I prefer it would be Pay 2 Play and we get all the Stash tabs for free. But this is an okay monetization system. Its not bad.

Currency tab is a must have at this point. Currency has a very low stack size outside of the currency tab to the point where it's impossible to play properly without it after the campaign.
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
Sixth Point. Thats not shady at all. It just was not ready for shipment and i believe that.

It's not that hard to see it.
- Map tab has been a thing for years
- PoE 2 has been in development for years
- Atlas has been in development for months (maybe years?), so they knew what they were going to have as an endgame
- PoE 2's map tab is the same as PoE 1's, so very easy to port
- GGG had options to mitigate new players being misled: announce in-game that map tab is a thing and will be released at a later date, make the map tab included in PoE 2's early access. There are probably more ways I'm not even thinking right now.

What they did? Waited 2+ months, waited stash tab sales and then released it. I wouldn't be surprised if they were even looking at the new players' progression and decided to release it when they're mid-mapping and starting to be overwhelmed by waystones.

You're free to have any opinion about GGG. I have seen too much to have any faith in them. I even gave them the benefit of the doubt about PoE 2 and I regretted it

Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
Seventh. Calling those necessities isnt really true. Its more or less just saving you time. That does not make it a necessity.

You're technically right, but if that's your argument, I'll give you that point. My explanation is much more nuanced to a point where discussing this would get us nowhere.
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
Eighth. Okay then sure whats wrong about that? Nothing in those Packs gives you an advantage in the game.

The issue is the strategy. You know what FOMO stands for, right? When I say "FOMO-packs", I mean they're using a low-effort sales tactic to force you into a decision in fear of missing out on a good supporter pack.

You see a supporter pack you like? You can't wait a couple more leagues and see what's released to decide whether you'll buy that or buy one the new releases. You're "forced" into buying it now because there's a possibility you miss that opportunity and it never comes again. This is even worse if you're a responsible spender.
This also allows them to arbitrarily control pack quality because you never have a readily available catalog of supporter packs to choose from. Instead of always striving to deliver the best product possible, this strategy actually rewards them for releasing increasingly better products arbitrarily.
And this lack of a catalog even makes it harder for you to see what's happening, because they never show you the new packs side by side with older ones.

Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
I want to adress this Point seperately cause it does not seem you are familiar with many MMOs.
I played a lot of MMOs/live service in my 14 Years of gaming and POE 2 does not have bad monetization. Naming some games with way worse monetization practices are Black Desert, Neverwinter, all the gacha games, Once Human, recently Riot Games, Fifa and if i think more about it find a lot more i forgot over the years.

I don't play MMOs because they're kind of boring and not challenging enough for me.
The MMO I've played the most was Guild Wars 2, and mostly for raiding. Monetization was actually very good: paid expansions, good QoL MTX that were not mandatory, but very helpful, and cosmetics.

I've played one gacha and it was Ragnarok Origin. It was very transparent: your odds suck, but if you roll 200 times without success, we'll guarantee you the good drop. It was a pretty chill game, what made me quit it was the excessive daily/weekly stuff and the fact it was too P2W for my expenditure (most of the fun content was outright PvP or competition among players)

And lastly: the live services I've played, aside from PoE, are all purely competitive PvP and they only monetize cosmetics.
And as I said: there's no inherent problem in P2W games. Most of them are very transparent when you take a closer look, so no one is being misled.
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 21, 2025, 12:15:26 PM

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