I wish I had never supported you
" Very easy to tell the type of people on these forums when they make comments like this. |
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" what's the issue with roach man ? |
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" No he does not. He said himself he barely played any MMO besides Guild Wars 2 and thats a pay 2 play MMO. Furthermore he states he only played some PVP Live Service games. In PvP Games you basically only can monetize Cosmetics. Often they also monetize more EXP. If you monetize anything else than cosmetics its pay 2 win. Everyone who says Path of Exile is Pay 2 Win is incorrect. Its not. Furthermore for a f2p game like Path of Exile its a pretty fair monetization. Yes it does have practices to get people to buy which in my opinion is fine. Ive seen way worse than Path of Exile in that regard. Most stuff Path of Exile sells in microtransactions is Cosmetics. The stash tabs in Path of Exile are also Account wide. That is not a given. Other games literally make you buy inventory slots for every single character you play for it to be a fucntional character. Then the game also sells cosmetics/outfits that give you advantages in the game like more exp. Then basically subscruiptions for more exp. That btw. isnt actually pay 2 win. You dont pay so you can win. Its not about who pays the most wins more. Thats not the case. |
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" What are you even saying. It does not make any sense. Well for some it might do, but its mostly nonsense. ARPGs are mostly like MMORPGs and those have loots and drop RNG since they were created. Otherwise the game would be boring really fast. People need something to strife for otherwise a game would not be successfull. From Archeage to WOW to Black Desert to New World. Every game like this has RNG on loot. That gives the core Playerbase of a game something to do. You wanna give different Players different things to do. Some Players search for the perfect roll on Items. Some players wanna get the richest through trade. Some just want PvP. Others might only like the story and others a challenge. A game is more than just a casino simulator. Some person might actually just play through the Campaign in Path of Exile 2 and enjoy it. Other peoples enjoy the Endgame the most and finding the equipment and getting stronger. Others might just want to trade and craft. Others want to create new broken builds. Other might want to level every class to level 100. You reduce a game to a single thing which you simply cant do. |
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Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 22, 2025, 1:31:30 PM
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" This thing lives in a total different dimension LMAO Also, didn't even bother checking whether or not GW2 is F2P before typing sewage out of its keyboard... | |
" Guild Wars 2 was Pay 2 Play when it came out. They make their money through players buying expansions. Only the Base game is free. So if you wanna continue with the story you need to pay. If you wanna play all expansions its over 100€ Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 22, 2025, 1:38:32 PM
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I agree. I regret wasting my time/money supporting POE2.
It's been 2.5 months and POE2 has lost over 80% of its player base, and all we have are vague "maybe a month" for 0.2 as well as 2 crappy uniques being leaked. At this point, we should know concretely that we are getting Act 4, a new class, and probably at least 1-2 new ascendancies. We should also have a rough idea of what is getting nerfed/buffed, without specific details but a general idea. We should ALSO know what their plan is to revamp the horrible endless atlas. The lack of details tell me they are way behind schedule and we probably won't even see 0.2 for 6 weeks. I'm 50/50 on whether they even make the 0.2 release by the end of March. |
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" "Pay to win" (P2W) is a term used to describe a gaming model where players can pay real money to gain advantages over other players. Did you try to play the game without trading in a Trade league? Try to get to the end before everyone else. Tell me how that work for you. That also work for those who use RMT for currency, altought it's said to be illegal by ToS as far as I understand it, GGG still doesn't do much against that. And obviously the more trade stash you have, the more you have power over economy. Wich snowball into the current aweful economy system we have. If that's not Pay 2 Win, then I don't know how to call it. |
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" No, it's not a real ARPG, it just looks like one. I could break it down for you, but that would also probably be nonsense to you. I'm not surprised that this content seems like nonsense to you, that's what happens when you get brainwashed. Here's how the game goes, according to the design. Lack of decent, progress-allowing drops and meaningful crafting pushes you to the crappy trade solution (or RMT, which GGG does not seem to mind for some reason), crappy trade will make some realize they can get OP with some gear, get OP gear and cruise through game, rinse and repeat. No challenge, just zooming. Along the way, a player starts wondering how they should build, looks up latest OP builds, adjust character, continues zooming. Now that they know how to play the game, just get to end game, 0-1 button delete build and watch all the cool pixels drop. Casino simulator, now they're a gambling addict and don't even know it. They THINK they are playing an ARPG, but it's not. This game is not fun if you try to play it AS IF it were an ARPG, as people here are trying to point out. People can try to do what they want in the game, but if you don't play it how it's designed to be played, you will not get the full experience. You probably know that already. If you like what you do, fine, enjoy, but don't expect normal people to settle for a twisted version of what an ARPG is and demand that this game at least allow that. If GGG were smart about it, they would tweak it to give a more authentic ARPG game mode, and see which players net them the most money. I would wager that the authentic side would, because there wouldn't be a need for RMT, therefore more direct money from appreciative authentic fans (not addicts). I would even pay a nominal fee for additions/expansions (leagues), and others have said the same. The elitism is really getting tired, though, constant strawmanning, drama-queening, and acting like they don't know the formula I described above. And, use that along with the esc/logout and other exploits I probably haven't even heard here, since you probably have to be in those special clubs. We see right through you all. You are the ones who don't "understand"...that you are being played. Last edited by GeoFruck#1167 on Feb 22, 2025, 2:32:26 PM
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