I wish I had never supported you

_rt_#4636 wrote:
Why do you say that?

- Game lacks basic QoL features
- Artificially created time sinks and difficulty
- Almost the whole game is based on lottery/gambling mechanics (so you understand why so many people "love" to grind in this game)
- Basic QoL is gated behind MTX (currency tab)
- Being able to sell items to players is not built into the game and requires MTX (or spamming trade channel, or 3rd party software which I'm not sure whether or not still works)
- Shady tactics to sell map tabs in PoE 2 (waited 2.5 months to release it, so newer players probably had already spent their 300 coins)
- Artificially created necessity for more MTX as the game develops (old special tabs in PoE 1)
- Every new league comes with a set of FOMO-packs (don't miss out, available only this league)

PoE's monetization model is one of the most disrespectful I've ever seen in gaming.

Subscription? Here's the game, pay to play

P2W? You put money, you get stronger. Whoever has a deeper wallet wins

Gacha? Here are the odds, drops are guaranteed based on the odds too

PoE? Our game deliberately lacks the bare minimum, but don't worry, we sell it on our MTX shop (but don't get your hopes up, even the MTX version isn't super good)

Currency tab? Should've been built into PoE 2 and be able to carry literally anything you can buy/sell on Currency Exchange
Make a tab public with a set price? Should've been built into PoE 2
Map tab? Should've been built into PoE 2 with the option to upgrade for more slots, added functionality like advanced affinity, etc
Tab affinity? Should've been built into PoE 2, with premium tabs having advanced affinity functionality (the current affinity sucks and only works for a handful of item types like currency and essences)
Supporter packs? Discounted price during the league, more expensive once the league ends

PS: At this point, it's becoming clearer that PoE 2 is just a substitute for PoE 1: the previous game became too bloated, so they just created a "new game" to repeat the same cycle they did with PoE 1 the past 6-8 years.

PS 2: Inb4 - the game is F2P, if you don't like it, don't play and don't give GGG money.
Yes, that's exactly what I did regarding PoE 1 and what I'm doing now regarding PoE 2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And shame on me for giving GGG the benefit of the doubt with PoE 2's EA.

Game is balanced around "The Economy" instead of fun as well. It also being on a server limits the build capability. If you remember the old CoC builds, they were still some of my favorite builds.

There was also jewels in PoE 1 that they changed that used to give you extra skeletons. My most fun build I've ever had was walking around with an army of 100 skeletons, and then using Vaal Summon Skeletons to summon more.

The absurdity is what I loved in the game, it added a ton of uniqueness compared to other ARPG's of the time. But it was constantly being removed for the sake of balancing currency in the economy.

I didn't mind supporting the company, they gave me a lot of fun hours, at least at the start, but them selling out to tencent seems to have just sent the game in a downward spiral of trying to take advantage of addicts and their wallets.

The hilarious thing is, you can tell people that this company has become more predatory in this area, in various ways and it's just straight excused away. This is why game companies do it. The players themselves are often oblivious to these simple things. These design decisions are made to keep you playing. Even if you're not enjoying yourself.

I fking hate games like this, but I loved the core of what PoE 1 was, so I'm asking for GGG to bring that back. It's one of the few games that I've played that I care enough about to voice this concern over. Most others weren't worth the time.


Asmongold made a good video about this, a reaction vid to another creators video. He explains how when a game tends to have a MTX store, Everything in the game is designed in such a way that everything funnels you into the store, or is designed to keep you playing longer, so you're more likely to buy something from the store.

Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 21, 2025, 11:37:32 AM
Yah, I hate to say it but I agree.. I am completely tired of the constant trade website upgrading, it is so confined and restricted to how much in game currency you own, and there is absolutely no possibility of gearing up by playing the actual game.

It really is a pay to win game, gross.
And as I said: there's no inherent problem in P2W games. Most of them are very transparent when you take a closer look, so no one is being misled.

This is the most incorrect thing ive ever read in my live and i will go and ignore you from now on. I literally cant believe anyone wrote this.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 21, 2025, 12:04:16 PM
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
And as I said: there's no inherent problem in P2W games. Most of them are very transparent when you take a closer look, so no one is being misled.

This is the most incorrect thing ive ever read in my live and i will go and ignore you from now on. I literally cant believe anyone wrote this.

Pay 2 Win games, I don't think people realize just how much they use psychological manipulation to get you hooked.

He's not wrong, if you actually look at the games, and are knowledgeable about them. They're pretty obvious. But the issue is that P2W games tend to prey on those without this knowledge. Or who may have addictive tendencies.

So, yes. In a perfect world, if everyone was knowledgeable about P2W mechanics, and still choose to play the game. There's really no issue with it. But the problem comes from the fact that very few people do. And the companies know this, and use it to their advantage.

Don't just go off calling other people wrong for one thing they said. Think about it.

This might also be an issue of some games that are heavily P2W, being very obvious, while others aren't. PoE is a good example of a game that subtly hooks you. But something like Clash of Clans, a mobile game is quite blatant that it wants your money. Aggressive even.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 21, 2025, 12:11:14 PM
Akedomo#3573 wrote:
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
And as I said: there's no inherent problem in P2W games. Most of them are very transparent when you take a closer look, so no one is being misled.

This is the most incorrect thing ive ever read in my live and i will go and ignore you from now on. I literally cant believe anyone wrote this.

Pay 2 Win games, I don't think people realize just how much they use psychological manipulation to get you hooked.

He's not wrong, if you actually look at the games, and are knowledgeable about them. They're pretty obvious. But the issue is that P2W games tend to prey on those without this knowledge. Or who may have addictive tendencies.

So, yes. In a perfect world, if everyone was knowledgeable about P2W mechanics, and still choose to play the game. There's really no issue with it. But the problem comes from the fact that very few people do. And the companies know this, and use it to their advantage.

Don't just go off calling other people wrong for one thing they said. Think about it.

This might also be an issue of some games that are heavily P2W, being very obvious, while others aren't. PoE is a good example of a game that subtly hooks you. But something like Clash of Clans, a mobile game is quite blatant that it wants your money. Aggressive even.

You guys are acting like this is Gacha. POE 2 is not pay to win at all. I only spent money to buy the game and Will never need to pay a dime to keep playing it. I can crush any end game content blindfolded. You guys must be trolling and trolling very hard that is. Seriously, the hot takes I'm seeing are out of this world.
Akedomo#3573 wrote:

Asmongold made a good video about this, reaction to another game. He explains how when a game tends to have a MTX store, Everything in the game is designed in such a way that everything funnels you into the store, or is designed to keep you playing longer, so you're more likely to buy something from the store.

I mentioned in another post how this game started going downhill around 2018.

Class-specific ascendancies reduced flexibility and that was the beginning of a series of bloating leagues that added very little meaningful stuff to the game.

The video you linked sums it up well: at some point GGG stopped trying to make a good and balanced game and realized that making it artificially live-service with artificial updates and adding "content" they could rebalance at will and release as MTX later on was more profitable.
And I can't say they were wrong. They were right. Kind of like an abusive relationship: you don't see what it is and how bad it is until you step out of it and look back with a broader horizon.
And PoE makes them a lot of money...

Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
This is the most incorrect thing ive ever read in my live and i will go and ignore you from now on. I literally cant believe anyone wrote this.

Tell me you're an adult with no critical thinking and self control without actually telling me you're an adult with no critical thinking and self control.
But well, what could I expect from someone defending GGG...
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 21, 2025, 12:19:56 PM
You guys are acting like this is Gacha. POE 2 is not pay to win at all. I only spent money to buy the game and Will never need to pay a dime to keep playing it. I can crush any end game content blindfolded. You guys must be trolling and trolling very hard that is. Seriously, the hot takes I'm seeing are out of this world.

We aren't talking about your personal perspective and experience.

I too, Have no issue spending a small amount of money and just playing the game. This isn't the case for other people. The game was designed in such a way that people with addictive tendencies can get very hooked on it.

People aren't claiming it's Pay 2 Win. Even though it is, in some minor ways.

That's not the issue that's being discussed.

What is being discussed is that People are claiming it's using the same tactics that many other games to hook players, and make money off them.

Before you go getting upset at a message. Pause and think about what was written.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 21, 2025, 12:20:04 PM
Akedomo#3573 wrote:
You guys are acting like this is Gacha. POE 2 is not pay to win at all. I only spent money to buy the game and Will never need to pay a dime to keep playing it. I can crush any end game content blindfolded. You guys must be trolling and trolling very hard that is. Seriously, the hot takes I'm seeing are out of this world.

We aren't talking about your personal perspective and experience.

I too, Have no issue spending a small amount of money and just playing the game. This isn't the case for other people. The game was designed in such a way that people with addictive tendencies can get very hooked on it.

People aren't claiming it's Pay 2 Win. Even though it is, in some minor ways.

That's not the issue that's being discussed.

What is being discussed is that People are claiming it's using the same tactics that many other games to hook players, and make money off them.

Before you go getting upset at a message. Pause and think about what was written.

All the MTX are aesthetics aside stash tabs, which are ludicrously inexpensive. You instantly can get those since you got 300 gold when you purchased the EA and be left over with a lot of MTX gold.

I see absolutely zero problem here. If you want to buy a pet or cool robe that has zero impact to win, then please you will need to stop saying its Pay 2 Win because it is absolutely not.
Akedomo#3573 wrote:
You guys are acting like this is Gacha. POE 2 is not pay to win at all. I only spent money to buy the game and Will never need to pay a dime to keep playing it. I can crush any end game content blindfolded. You guys must be trolling and trolling very hard that is. Seriously, the hot takes I'm seeing are out of this world.

People aren't claiming it's Pay 2 Win. Even though it is, in some minor ways.

Oh they aren't now?
_rt_#4636 wrote:
Why do you say that?

- Game lacks basic QoL features

PoE's monetization model is one of the most disrespectful I've ever seen in gaming.

Subscription? Here's the game, pay to play

P2W? You put money, you get stronger. Whoever has a deeper wallet wins

Gacha? Here are the odds, drops are guaranteed based on the odds too

Choyobin#4009 wrote:
Yah, I hate to say it but I agree.. I am completely tired of the constant trade website upgrading, it is so confined and restricted to how much in game currency you own, and there is absolutely no possibility of gearing up by playing the actual game.

It really is a pay to win game, gross.

Also, how is saying "People aren't claiming it's Pay 2 Win even though it is" not sheer trolling?
Oh they aren't now?

Nope. He's explaining the different monetization methods games use.

You're missing the sentences right below that, that's describing how PoE is different.

This is an issue of misunderstanding. Not that he's saying PoE is Pay 2 Win.


Yes, it is in some ways. But they're misguided in where their issues are coming from. Misusing PAY 2 Win to describe them. Because Pay 2 Win games usually have similar game design tactics.

The game is mildly pay 2 win. Buying stash tabs does give you an advantage over others. And in the Chinese client there's more examples of this. Like auto-picking up loot, auto identifying, for a subscription. Small advantages for paid players


But this is not the main issue with the game.

This game is lacking in many quality of life features that would make it respectful of the players. And many of them are designed in such a way that they keep you playing.

Just look at how the Trade system is setup in this game. You need to stay logged in. You need to be present at your computer.

They could just add an auction house instead. Something people have been asking for, for the entirety of PoE's lifespan. Because they don't want to stay logged in to sell stuff.

This is a quality of life feature that this game is missing. It disrespects your time, and in such a way that when interacting with it, well. If PoE is open, and you have to be AT your computer to sell anything. You might as well play more.

And people that play more, spend more in the MTX shop.


PoE is just simply disrespectful of players times in various ways. They have some game design decisions that make it so that you play more.

People tend to call games that use predatory tactics like this "Pay 2 Win", because Pay 2 Win games tend to use a lot of these game design decisions to Pad, or fluff up, your game time. Essentially, keep you playing longer. To steer you towards the shop.

But it's not being used correctly in PoE's case. PoE is only mildly pay to win. The issue is that it's using predatory game design to keep you playing.

Games are often missing Quality of Life features for a few reasons.

Either to get you to pay for those quality of life features. Or, to replace them with mechanics that add sometimes, hundreds of hours of time to your gameplay.

PoE has them both. This is why people are upset. The game is disrespectful of your time, in much the same way a Pay 2 Win game is. In a Pay 2 Win game, you can spend hundreds of hours grinding something out. Or you can just pay for it. PoE is similar in regards to the fact that it makes everything take hundreds of hours to grind. Not that it sells you armor like another game might.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Feb 21, 2025, 1:49:39 PM

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