How POE1 felt after coming back from POE2
" True, true. Hey, I was wondering, have you tried No Rest For The Wicked? Any thoughts? IGN: Royal_Princess, Princess_of_Wraeclast, Vaal_Princess, Diamond_Princess
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" Logical consistency: guy plays POE1 presumably to 40/40 in a league that started 8 or 9 months ago then plays POE2 for some months Then comes back to 1 complains about POE1 things that aren't uncommon complaints someone replies with snarky comment about why someone would get 40 out of 40 when they hate the game and so forth. You can see where its not logically consistent to talk about 40/40 or imply a contradiction no? I share several of the complaints and yet enjoy POE1 for what it is when the mood suites me, but also complain really loudly myself quite often. tbh just like anyone who thinks something is good but could be better. You know what I don't do? complain about D4, because I hate it and don't have a passion for it nor do I have a hope that it can be better. The real kicker is sometimes I enjoy POE more and sometimes less, surely this is not an uncommon thing among people in the feedback forum giving feedback? Its not as simple as 40/40 in a game one "hates". Even if that conclusion had been logically consistent. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" i've tried it but back when i bought the game "EA", the game probably had a memory leak so if i died a few times the game would increasingly lag the more i died. real life punishment for sucking hahaha i m not sure if they fixed it now and i almost forgot about NRFTW. now that, we're talking about that. i m not sure if you're aware, but david brevik (one of the devs on diablo1, also main dev of NRFTW) actually voiced out how all the zoom zoom is cheapening the gaming experience. when talking about deliberate combat in an arpg, brevik highlights this very well in NRFTW. i've mentioned many times how i like mace game play in poe2 despite being the worst. i've also mentioned how i believe the only way to make mace (and in an essence trumelee) impactful is everything else got nerfed. NRFTW is a perfect highlight of this. spells and ranged combat are powerful in NRFTW, but their uses are highly limited as a way to balance the game. one of POE1's beauty is the immense power fantasy but with that fantasy you end up blasting everything. players label the act of mapping as "blasting thru maps". but that beauty is something i am not looking for, and in fact i find poe2 mace and NRFTW's combat having the beauty that i want. meaningful combat. there are 2 things i dislike about NRFTW tho. for starters is the art direction. i dont HATE the character design where the limbs are comically huge. but i prefer if it were just "normally proportioned". the second is actually ironic coming from me. which is the stamina system. in NRFTW running, dodging and attacking costs stamina. it is a design choice that makes the combat even more meaningful. many people say poe2 is soulslike. but if compared to NRFTW, NRFTW is way more soulslike than poe2 because of its stamina system. despite prefering a slow combat pace, NRFTW is slightly too slow for my liking. i dont want to micromanage stamina on top of avoiding combat. its also why i dont like souls likes. to me a cooldown is good enough. but that said. i feel NRFTW is quite a good game. if you like meaningful MELEE combat, and you can look past the weird body proportions, its a good adventure. it does have an end game where you challenge dungeons. as for gearing, the options you have are very limited. to translate to poe2 terms, you could trans/aug/regal socket and vaal. its very RNG dependant but imho the simplicity is good. you dont NEED 6 affix items if the game is balanced around gear that has only 2-3 affixes. and to that extent you dont need to many crafting options since its only a few affixes. you roll, you win or you brick. then you move on to your next project. but it can get frustrating as it also has the same issue with poe2 somewhat where you cant easily replace item bases and have to keep hunting them down before you can gamble. i will admit i havent completed the game so i havent even touched the dungeons. but from what i have experienced from the game, is i would recommend it to newer players. [Removed by Support]
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" sometimes i find it tiring. i complain because i m passionate. i WANT the game to be better. but sometimes i feel people only see me a whiner. but i do understand how its like to love a game so much that one would refuse to see or accept any criticism towards the game or the devs. speaking of d4. i was one of the dudes that was rooting for blizz to succeed. i was one of the vocal ones too. sadly on d4 subreddit, there was a huge divide where we had "dad gamers who had sex and touched grass" vs "nolifers/sweaters". it was quite common to see memes and posts where dad gamers casually insulted nolifers. a lot of the posts were also shitting on any comments the nolifers had and saying how the game is good the way it is. for example the npcs in town are arranged in a way that thematically makes sense where each npc would be located in different areas in town. nolifers complained how they had to travel around town to many parts of it just to get minor things done. dad gamers shat on nolifers for wanting to min max the fun out of the game and how it was perfect. which i will admit. thematically it was good. but for a true gamer, we do want things that we commonly interact with to be more closeby. the game eventually had many improvements such as horses being able to sprint in town. some npcs being located closer to the waypoint, multiple stash points in town. so many improvements. in poe1 its quite the opposite as its the top 1%ers who want to keep the game the way it is. either that or its just the diehard fans that would defend the game to the death. i remember back in poe1 forums where people shat on the idea of having an in game clock. "just look at the clock IRL bro! trololol". i do get the notion that every little request would take some dev time/effort away from other things that could be put into more epic features. but i find it sad that instead of letting people speak their piece and letting the devs decide whether or not to implement a feature. some people just prefer to shit on the suggester. this is quite common everywhere. its weird and i m real tired of it. going back to d4. where the gamer dads kept shitting on the sweaters and actively kept "telling" blizzard not to listen to us or streamers. they wanted us to be silent. and i complied. i stopped complaining because i simply did not care about d4 anymore. i do not believe that blizzard can make d4 in a state that i would prefer. and if they did it might take years. i no longer complained. i kept quiet. i must admit my original post in this thread is semi venting and semi feedback. but in any case despite how negative some folk responded to me. i do see some truth to it. why am i caring so much about a game that i resent so much? i've cared for this game for 10 years. i've spent so much time and money on it too. its about time i stay quiet about it. [Removed by Support]
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" Fair enough then, the issue is not where I thought it was. You quoted me, when in fact, your comment was not about me. Did I get it right ? |
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" Oh, nice. I knew about his recent interview, where he said that. I generally agree with him. But, I didn't know he was involved in NRFTW, as well. I like the style and tone of NRFTW. I like the gameplay and itemization as well. I think it might have been my go to, if PoE1/2 wasn't a thing. Why? I'm not sure, but I would guess it's the procedural generation of areas, mods, items, and so on in PoE. I've played D4 and LE, as well. I didn't like D4, but that was before the big items rework. I just can't be bothered to reinstall it, now that I have PoE1 and 2 to play. LE...I want to love it. I wish they made content a little faster. I think they have industry platinum standard for loot filters. Their world design is kind of boring for me, but the writing really isn't that bad. The end game is nice and cruisey, which I like. Ironically, the one big turn off for me in LE is the crafting... I felt it was too deterministic. I think in conclusion, there is no perfect game. There are lots of options for people with different tastes. I think for me, PoE 1 and 2 are still the best, for different reasons. For PoE 2, it's not the writing, haha. But I like the crafting and end game. If people don't like it, then that's cool. Maybe they'll like one of the other great ARPGs out there. Also lastly, honorable mention to Grim Dawn, and you mentioned Wolcen, already. IGN: Royal_Princess, Princess_of_Wraeclast, Vaal_Princess, Diamond_Princess
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" I find it kinda sad, because no matter how hard I tell it to you, you don't want to realize or even try it. Not really a surprise though, that's the thing with "addictions". You may build and push your characters, but in the end it's always the same one, one trick pony. While it's completely fine, play as you want, it doesn't give you matter for conclusions over the game or other players. As I said before, you're so overdosed you can't see clearly. You may end up on the same conclusions as others, doesn't mean your demonstration is right. I'll be honest, I'm lazy now to reread all your really long posts in this thread, to pick it point by point, but there are some things I clearly remember that I could show to illustrate : You're talking about the early viper strike that may be a problem : - It's not, some skills perform early, others don't. My zombies are litteral garbage early, so I adapt their use early. THe game is providing tools to deal with it. Also, with so many skills and scaling mechanics, you are bound to have some variation in power. Perfect balance doesn't exist and would be boring. Some shake up from time to time is easier to design and more interesting overall. - You say viper strike has a early problem, but you quit at 74. Way past the starting phase, it got you to 74. May I say that majority of players won't get to that level regardless of skill used ? You're not quitting because of early game. That's just an excuse. - I actually got to watch a new player from 0 this event. He took 6 different skills early, and kept them, playing with 6 1-link skills. He stopped picking up new skills only when he realized he didn't have more room in the skill bar. You are projecting your issues, new players test skills, don't have a favourite one yet, and the early power is the least of their concern. And I'll stop there, because it's already way too long, and I'm probably beating a dead horse. I already said what I had to say before. Yes, your obsession over 1 gameplay is an issue when you are trying to point at potential issues. Your problem is over 1 skill, new players problem is the overwhelming number of skills / mechanics. The irony is that your way of playing is probably the best for a new player, go in with a plan to follow, ignoring everything else at first, picking up knowledge as they go, here and there out of curiosity. You're stuck here, without curiosity for other mechanics, thus you don't have enough context to judge for the hole thing. You are right on 1 thing. Quiting may be your solution. I just find it odd, because you have options before this binary conclusion. You have a sugar addiction problem which makes you miserable, but your conclusion is "I'll just stop eating at all". Well yeah, that will solve the problem, but that's not the problem. That's the best I can put it, I won't find better analogy :D Good luck hf anyway. Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Feb 26, 2025, 3:24:22 AM
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" i want to like d4 and i actually do think it is without doubt a GOOD game. just that as a "diablo-like" it doesnt deliver what i want. to me season 4 was it's peak where they fixed alot of stuff such as itemization. it really gave me a lot of hope. but once they dropped their expansion i felt disgusted how the devs "listened to their players" and didnt fix the in game exploits leading to spiritborns doing quadrillion dps where others were barely going up to 1 million. if you like poe1 then theres really no reason to play d4 as poe1 by itself delivers so much more than d4. d4 only "wins" in the cutscene category as poe barely has any. d4's story also is kinda pitiful as blizzard neutered the story so that they can drag it out and sell expansions. oh but wait they do have better side missions, if you're into side missions with some stories and cutscenes. i too actually wish LE could improve more. personally the biggest issue i have with LE are 2 fold. 1, is gear and skills are classlocked. poe1 has no classlocks. 2nd is the graphics. i actually prefer GD's graphics over LE despite LE being an older/dated game. GD goes without saying. i really love it and i would actually drop back into GD once in a while even without any temp leagues. wolcen is a big shame. it had huge potential. as for NRFTW if u like randomization then yeah i guess POE has random maps while NRFTW would use recycled layouts. also i think its coz in poe we actually have a skill tree. NRFTW sorely lacks a proper skilltree. it doesnt need one but thats a big reason why i play diablolikes. if you like something very basic, akin diablo 1.5, you can try AnimA arpg. its very... basic. but can be a good time waster on mobile. [Removed by Support]
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" tbh i read thru and i ll just accept it as you have an opinion that differs to mine. but i ll agree with you. there i do have issues with the game and i do complain about it a lot. i actually decided to leave poe1 behind "proper" after realizing how great poe2 was and how much i preferred poe2 over poe1. so its not merely an overreaction. i've been bitching about the game for years. and i only came back purely because of the mtx. you can pretend you can identify the issues i have with the game but other forumers who have been reading me bitch about the game have much better insight on my pov than you. your analogy of being addicted to sugar and just cold quitting. i'd say its more of i already decided to quit sugar months ago. came back. tried it, remembered why i hate sugar. and now i quit again. as much as you point out that i cant see the issue because i m too close to it. i can very much say the same to you. you already identified that i've been playing this game for years and "one build with variations". and despite me literally telling you its not the problem you insist it is. oh well. [Removed by Support]
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" Cool, thanks. I haven't heard of that one. :) IGN: Royal_Princess, Princess_of_Wraeclast, Vaal_Princess, Diamond_Princess
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