pls ... softcore same pull keys ? -.- realy n1 "lottery" streamers ... money spenders .... no life ....
Posted bytunsik6#0994on Apr 24, 2015, 8:43:29 PM
Started 6 hours ago at 10:00 pm, April 25th 2015 GMT+02:00
Finishes in 5 days at 10:00 pm, April 30th 2015 GMT+02:00
Registration open
It is some kind of bug? It's still the same in-game 17 hours left atm i write this message.
Ah and the timer seems to lose his head too.
Last edited by Lyanar#3178 on Apr 24, 2015, 9:13:10 PM
Posted byLyanar#3178on Apr 24, 2015, 9:09:56 PM
H Y P E B O Y S Kreygasm
Posted byTruenight95#7182on Apr 24, 2015, 9:11:57 PM
Demanimal wrote:
kuraijavi wrote:
All this people crying about this race being "unfair" beacuse nolifers will get the keys... well guess what? beign completely honest those "nolifers" would be the best BETA TESTERS beacuse they can play several hours per day meaning the BETA will have more hours played and tested and become ready for launch EARLY!
Us mere mortals that "have a life" are NOT GOOD beta testers, we cannot test the game the same way these "nolifers" can (simply by the sheer amount of time they can expend).
Don't think anyone is saying its "unfair" just that its giving those already experienced at rushing the chance to play the beta, to be honest most people know of those fast racers so why dispense with the race rather than just key those guys instead? Its a distraction method, to keep focus off waiting to get access and spend your time playing to earn pointless things. The thousands that don't get through will have more stuff that will change when awakening releases anyway. In your point that they play for more hours than people with life's (which who are you or any of us to determine what life is about) to get more data, wouldn't more people having access grant the same outcome? I cant say how they work out there test data but I imagine its gathered based on averages and feedback, therefore playing a few race winners in who clearly rush, would gather less data, for example 1 top xp winner = 10 hours a day, 3 people who would take their time and play 3 hours each possibly more = a better average at specific points in the game, like over powered gems at certain levels, mobs hitting to hard etc. This is just my opinion and myself have played for a long time. In no way am I slandering just sharing my idea's.
While granting more people with less playtime will grant the same data outcome, Chris stated that they want to control the amount of people in the beta, perhaps the beta is in another server and they don't want to expand the server to allow more people in without it beign saturated but only GGG knows why they are handling the beta like this.
The other thing i see, and this is just my speculation, is that people think that the closed beta is to enjoy act4 before release but that is not the case. Closed Beta is for testing purposes and to avoid another epic failure like invasion launch... that thing was terrible :S
Posted bykuraijavi#0132on Apr 24, 2015, 10:01:31 PM
It'd be nice if there were some prizes besides the beta keys...
No trade - okay.
No partying? not okay.
Posted by4r3ndur#6010on Apr 25, 2015, 1:33:32 AM
have to work 24 hours and I have 2 full days of school with exams next week. :c gonna skip on this. gl to everyone though.
ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion)
Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more.
I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion.
Posted byVaranice#3105on Apr 25, 2015, 2:05:24 AM
4r3ndur wrote:
No trade - okay.
No partying? not okay.
I guess that way you could still trade with inv to party and dropping stuff to ground... But i guess they could make it so that dropping stuff on ground is visible only to you but that would actually need coding and effort.
Posted byHartsai#7614on Apr 25, 2015, 2:19:20 AM
Challenge accepted! :)
Posted byZalkortis#7661on Apr 25, 2015, 3:26:35 AM
Hartsai wrote:
4r3ndur wrote:
No trade - okay.
No partying? not okay.
I guess that way you could still trade with inv to party and dropping stuff to ground... But i guess they could make it so that dropping stuff on ground is visible only to you but that would actually need coding and effort.
i think no coding would be required, when my brother started playing i gave him some low level uniques and he was not able to return them to me or give me any currency in anyway, no using the trade window, not using the guild stash and not even droping items; when he dropped them items/currency the only pne that was allowed to pick them up was himself
From Orlando, FL, U.S.
Posted byHernanCCS#1709on Apr 25, 2015, 3:29:32 AM