Eternal Orbs
I always thought that the most important thing in a loot focused arpg is character progression.
And I also feel That poe currency system with crafting materaials (orbs) is brillant. I love how one can slowly grind it's way And trade up ( alts for chaos for ex etc ) I think the main problem with standard now is what someone has mentioned.. loot proliferation? It can't be helped Unless ggg is willing to tweak it's current vendor system. Exanple - currently We are able to trade full set of rares for either chaos / regal. We prolly need more of such vendor recipe to give the normal players to have more avenues of progression. It also creates a better incentive to loot trash rares or even unique for the matter. Maybe an exmaple like 3 different types of unique vendored = divine? (Just stating an example..) Also Maybe buff the drop rate of ex to prepare for the influx of lower currencies if u were to introduce such vendor recipes. Just a thought.. |
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ITT vast majority of ppl shouting "great" or "best change!" etc have few things in common: They are casuals, who has never seen a single eternal in their life, have absolutely no idea, how crafting top tier items works and prolly dont even know, what does eternal orb actually do. Besides that, theyre poor, hate trading and hate everyone, who was ever actually willing to put effort into farming items, trading, exping or crafting.
The single most hilarious thing is, they are not affected by this change a bit, its just their jealousy towards ppl, who have putted more effort into this game then them. Oh, and for ppl shouting "standard is garbage" or "who plays standard anyway", maybe, u know, there are still some ppl, who like to min max, who like to work towards gearing their toons with good items, or maybe ppl, who like to exp to high level. Now u can go and start new char, level it to 70, never manage to obtain a single decent item and then, in few months, u can just go and do it all over again, again and again. Must be rly fun. U dont like powerful items? U dont want to grind exp to get to high lvl? U dont like trading/learning how the market works? U dont like crafting? Fine, then go play your temp. league and stop finally bitching about something, that doesnt affect you one bit. |
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Games like this bank on people's hoarding disorder. Most people have this psychological problem but it's the severity that differs from person to person. That's why there are permanent leagues so we can retain and accumulate. A game that does not take advantage of this human weakness is a game that will ultimately fail. Like it or not, without standard this game and GGG would fold. Players first coming to this game may like the initial temp leagues, but then they find comfort in knowing that when it ends they get to hoard it all. They might join a new temp league, but they don't truly experience that feeling of total loss. They also have the choice to start anew or continue in standard where they left off. Streamers are really the only tiny base who could care less about perm or temp because their primary goal is to get subscribers and their $$. They will play other games and aren't necessarily loyal to POE. Whatever gets them more viewers is the name of their game. To the small minority bashing perm leagues you should thank the player base that enjoys the game in perm standard or hc, because without this as an option, there would be no POE.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags. |
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" I totally agree with this man. I think mirrors should be removed, they are the core of the problem. |
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" Citation needed, for all of it. Every time GGG posts stats during leagues, the leagues are always insanely more popular than their counterpart. I once saw one where hardcore had <1% of the player population. I don't disagree that there are people who prefer Standard, but I do disagree with your entire line of reasoning. GGG doesn't build the game around the permanent standard league because its predecessors have found the most success focusing on temporary leagues to foster a competitive environment. This model they have been following has clearly shown TIME AND TIME AGAIN that it is successful. PoE is bigger than ever years later after its release. GGG has not forgotten or ignored Standard, but Standard needs to understand that for GGG to be successful, it must press forward, even if the changes are not always positive to the subjective economy of Standard. |
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" What was the intended impact and use as opposed to the current status? |
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I think a solution could be to drop them only in challenge leagues.
1) it encourages more new league play. 2) players have a decision to spend eternals in the league for less than mirror worthy items or try to gather enough to actually craft a mirror worthy item. 3) or players can save them for standard and sell it there. I think the issue would balance itself out. Stopping the drop of eternals in permanent leagues would make crafting mirror worthy items still possible while making it much harder. People playing only challenge leagues might be tempted to cash in their eternals and play standard, everyone is happy with this scenario. |
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I honestly don't think it matters whether or not the folks rejoicing can eternal craft or not. I do think that they're mistaken in their rejoicing though. It doesn't really change standard's economy at all (still wouldn't if you got rid of mirrors too), and adds a barrier to entry into the upper 1% who profited off of eternal orbs to begin with. So who gets screwed the most with eternals removal? Well the people trying to enter the upper 1%. The upper 1% already have enough eternals to continue crafting in standard if that is what they want to do. The folks that aren't there yet now get stuck with a much more random crafting game, and everybody else it doesn't affect at all, because eternals and exalts are both more useful as currency than as crafting items -- and assume this stands true for the temp leagues as well.
I still hold by one of my previous statements, a better solution for all the naysayers would haven't been the removal of eternals but flooding the market. If the market was sufficiently flooded they'd not only know the use for eternals but also know that it only makes crafting easier not instant or cheap -- especially not on items that have a large variety of mods such as rings. Getting the first two or three t1s that benefit you are significantly easier than the last ones, so much so, that without eternals it's almost not worth doing other than for fun -- and that is what yolo exalting is, playing the lottery for fun. Get a drop that good? Maybe, if you're extremely lucky but I doubt it. There is only one target with this change, and that is to make it harder to craft perfect items. Which I also said earlier. If that is what GGG intended, then job well done. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest because I liked the concept of eternal exalting to obtain perfect gear. Gives a man a goal for a standard player like me. Now I'll probably end up settling for maybe 3 or maybe 4 perfect rolls, because that is actually obtainable, rather than hoping for the full 6 someday. |
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" oh my god my sentiments exactly +1 |
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" right, but understand that this change is being made 100% because of standard league, the effect standard league, this is a standard league change from top to bottom. Changes to eternals and if they change mirrors then mirrors too are completely standard league changes. No one is doing anything harmful with eternals or mirrors in a temp league, if this game was only about temp leagues there is 0 problem with these orbs. The problem is people making perfect gear, that doesnt happen in temp leagues. The couple of exceptions to that rule are items that have been made, namely a bow and a dagger, and then the league has ended soon after and the item no longer exists in a temp league. You say GGG doesnt build around standard, this change is 100% built around standard. Its not a case of "this change is needed for temp leagues and its knock on effects for standard arnt a consideration" no, not at all, this is a change 100% for standard league as the effects of the eternal brute force crafting and then mirroring scene are only taking place in standard league. The exact opposite is true, any insignificant use of eternals or mirrors in temp leagues is being ignored in order to press through changes that need to be made for the sake of standard league and its item economy. People need to understand that they do care about standard and they do make changes based on standard, all this talk of it only being balanced around temp leagues is complete nonsense because a change like this makes absolutely no sense from a temp league point of view, neither does power creeping mods like ipd etc. Sure changing probability of mods and break points etc is for everyone, one could argue that allowing more core stats or resists has some overall design reasoning but ultimately a lot of these changes have been standard league changes even if GGG would never admit it for various reasons. They are however open about the fact they care about standard and generally speaking do make changes based on perm leagues, the idea that they dont is just talk from people who want to push that agenda for whatever reason, its not actually true. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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