Dominating Blow
" Yeah, I have a punching build with a blood magic gem to support it (I have little mana and that is for auras) I am spending 124 life a hit currently. This is sustainable, but feels like living on the edge. The hardest part is killing one to two guys. After that the rest of the pack seems to fall easy and then turn in my favor. Just need lots of attack speed and hope. Making all kinds of gains. |
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Yes, with blood magic and good health regen/life leech (i even added a life on hit gem on support with it), it works great!
Not having trouble so far and really enjoying it (i'm far from high end though, only at the end of act 3 normal right now). In multiplayer however it can be hard if other builds use frost as monster are destroyed and thus not converted. |
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This is one of the most awesome skills. I love setting up epic brawls between the greek statues.
The only thing I hate about it is forced to choose to convert and get no loot, vs kill normal and get drops. Why was it decided dominated foes don't drop loot? |
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" They do. >.> I killed loads of Rare bosses and got loot for them while having them as minions. (i last played my templar 3-4 days ago though mind you). |
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Just a kind of bug report- the sandcrab spitter thingie, if you convert one, it when the duration ends it 'dies' and then resurrect as a hostile de-shelled sandcrab. Very awkward. Not sure what a work-around would be.
I'm lv 50 Dominating Blow Marauder atm and loving this skill - however the AI for ACT 3 mobs are just so bad. It's pretty funny as I play from Normal to Cruel to Merciless and feeling the little hump of struggling in ACT 3 due to bad AI |
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I've been playing around with this skill for the last few days... And I quite like it, despite the high mana cost. However, certain mobs aren't worth dominating because they just end up being slow husks with mediocre damage. The two I've run into recently, that encouraged me to make this post:
>> Golems >> Dominated golems don't use their rolling attack. This makes them pretty much worthless because of their slow move and attack speed. >> Necromancers >> Some necromancers have a curse, which makes them worth converting. However, curse or not, none of the necromancers will revive undead for you. I understand that this could be considered over-powered, because you could end up getting 10-15 minions for the cost of one dominating blow... But the Carrion Queens in Act 3 aren't that different, they'll spawn out dozens of those little scuttlers. A happy compromise would be allowing necromancers to ressurrect undead if: a) The undead mob was converted with Dominating Blow b) The undead mob was killed in combat by other mobs c) The undead mob still has time left on the skill effect Example being Dominating Blow with 60 seconds duation: Convert a Necromancer, convert a skeleton archer, he fights for 40 seconds then dies, the necromancer revives him and he fights for the remaining 20 seconds of his time, then dies again when the skill times out. Sorry if this ended up being a bit of a wall of text, but I quite like this skill and just wish it worked a bit better. edit: Been playing a bit more and I just had a Dominated golem who used his roll attack... The rare (who had the roll skill) earlier wasn't using it though. Odd. edit2: New theory, I don't think golems use the rolling attack against other golems. Gonna keep investigating though. Or maybe a dev will reply and make me feel silly, either one works for me. :) edit3: I got a golem to roll against another golem, so that's not it. I think it's just Rare golems in general, haven't seen one use roll yet. Blah. IGN: CorpsejackMenace Last edited by Munsie#0415 on Feb 16, 2013, 9:43:54 PM
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I'm now level 55, still loving Dominating Blow. But I'd love some quality of life changes.
It's damn hard to target. It's fine when you're slamming down Vaal's huge body but in other situation you're screen is crowded with small, quick moving monkeys, spiders and god know what else. On top of that your party members are spaming graphic intensive flashy skills that lags AND clutter up your entire screen. So hitting anyone at all becomes a chore at that point. And when you're not targeting anything properly, a single target skill just lets you stand there swinging away at thin air doing 0 DPS, doing 0 Life Leech and more often than not, dying. What I'd love is something like Flicker Strike, where if you're not targeting anything, it targets the closest available mobs. There - no more standing around like an idiot. At least if you cant hit something you want, at least you're hitting something. |
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Dominating blow + supp minion life + some extra ...
with minion instability would it work in facebreaker build ? Just for minion blowing away enemy |
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Already posted, but sb else got this bug aswell?
" Last edited by Slayerchen#2723 on Feb 18, 2013, 12:52:28 PM
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" It's not the ideal solution, but you can address this partially by putting Dominating Blow (and other single-target skills) on your left mouse button. That way if you misclick your character will execute a move command instead of wasting mana casting on nothing. The downside of course is that if you desync you could end up moving into a pack of monsters and dying. |
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