Elemental Hit
"sure sure, but if I have a bow that deals 100phys+100ele damage and I fire EH am I adding the DPS of EH to that of the bow or just doing the EH damage alone? In that regard having a good or bad bow would be irrelevant and that would be pretty good for marauders or templars, classes that have easy access to +%ele damage in the skill tree but suffer to use end game bows due to dex requirements Last edited by xmaniac#1808 on Oct 28, 2013, 2:47:00 PM
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"by using elemental hit, you deal weapon damage PLUS the skill damage, BEFORE passives. |
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" Already answered. :) Attacks use your weapon damage; Spells do not. Elemental Hit is an Attack, so it uses your weapon's damage. The Character Sheet also makes this instantly obvious, if you already have a copy of the gem handy. |
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I haven't tested this but Does anyone know if the physical portion of the attack (from weapon base damage) gets boosted by melee physical damage support gem? Or is it simply not compatible because the EHit gem is only elemental damage |
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What the gem does, doesn't matter. Melee Physical Damage is Melee Physical Damage.
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I have been unable to make this gem viable but that is probably because I have not used it with the templar starting nodes. I used the brightbeak with weapon ele damage and multistike and was unable to get this to kill very fast with a mid level marauder and high level shadow. The shadow experimented with elemental equilibrium as well.
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Im kinda disappointed with GGG at the moment.
Elemental hit still has a really high manacost, this manacost was not adressed in the patch. The reason this skill had such a high manacost was due to its damage scaling with attack speed(?). However, the damage according to the patch - has been nerfed while retaining its manacost. Furthermore... Elemental hit still has a standard, boring, unappealing visual appearance. There has been zero notes on any plans to actually give this skill its own look, feel, sound and more. Third. This skillgem is for melee aswell. But it seems the devs even admits the skillgem was originally intended for wands and ranged. What happened to objective reasoning for balancing and designing skills? Elemental hit has extremely high oppurtunity cost. Alot of nodes are required in investment to make a vialbe Ele hit build, especially melee HC characters suffer. Im surprised Elemental Hit was even in the patch notes. Im guessing the meeting went like this: "Didnt we have a skill gem called elemental hit?" "Oh thats right! Is it any good?" "No clue, never used it" "Seems we forgot to add a visual theme, sound and... hell everything with this gem..." "Did... we even finnish it?" "No.. But hey, I have an idea! If we nerf its damage, then coupled with lacking visuals, sounds and uber manacost. Noone will use it" "And thus noone will judge us for neglecting it, cause since noone will use it, noone can complain about it because they wont remember the skill in 3 months time?" "Brilliant right?" *Chris enters the room* "What are you guys talking about?" "Elemental hit" Chris: "Elemental what?" "Uhm its ..." Chris: "Whatever it is - Lower the damage, I dont want people using anything but spectral throw" |
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" ThemFeels.jpg At first I thought they did it because it's now a mundane quest reward. " Gots to have dat Anger and Wrath aura for dat flat elemental attack speed synergy. You won't have enough mana to use this skill a single freakin' time, but who expected us to even try using it? The generic Projectile% in the ranger area seems like the primary way to use this thing. Like, with melee, you're probably way better off using Dual Strike with its innate built-in +110% effectiveness to Anger and Wrath. As a bonus, you'll be able to actually attack. And leech a significant amount of mana from your physical damage. Which you can then use... to actually attack some more. Good lord who was abusing this thing that made it deserve this. Was it some horrifying fear that a Scion+Witch combo could get enough Mana and Mana Regen to spam this thing without requiring Mana Leech? And getting the vast benefits of another damage support and its ~+20% more power? Was that it? Or, that they wanted only witches and scions able to use this thing? That's the only thing I can think of that makes a lick of sense.. maybe Empower had some influence.... really grasping in the dark here........ At least every single monster in Act 3 resists every element in case no one got the memo. Last edited by LimitedRooster#5890 on Nov 1, 2013, 3:04:26 AM
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Dear GGG,
please undo the increase in manacost of Elemental Hit at least at lower levels. It is IMPOSSIBLE, im-fucking-possible to use the skillgem linked to anything but reduced mana below like charlvl 65 due to a lack of mana and manaregen. The damagereduction of roughly 10% is fine, but the manacosts are INSANE. It simply is unfeasible to make anything out of it. And if, by any chance, you nerfed the gem due to the new rings (Berek´s and The Taming) then why not nerf it harder at higher levels? But you crapped on low-lvl builds! You have shat in the face of everyone who liked this skill! Not because it was oh-so-OP, but mainly because you could ACTUALLY USE IT to attack with a wand below charlvl 65! As of now, the manacost of Elemental Hit have been increased by 300% at lvl 1. 300! Percent! It was the only useable wandattack skill for lower levels! Why have you destroyed it? Why? I so loved the concept of attacking with wands, you really did something genuinely innovative there, but the nerf to this skill killed it for early- and midgame. That is so sad. Please please rethink it. yours sincerly an Elemental-Hit-fan Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty! IGN: Trapsdrubel Last edited by Azdrubel#6242 on Nov 1, 2013, 6:16:49 PM
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When GGG balances an overpowered skill they do it throughly - to the point that it becomes completely unusable. Check out Shocking Nova and Righteous Fire as well :) . The only sad thing is that while they removed the dual totem build from their game they also spat in the face of everyone who used the skill in a normal build and had fun while doing it.
When will gaming companies relize that proper balancing must be achieved through multiple small tweaks and not through fell swoops that more often then not misfire? Last edited by azmodael#0736 on Nov 6, 2013, 10:54:03 AM
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