Elemental Hit

Sairony wrote:
I use this + multiple projectiles on my bow ranger. The mana cost is very steep, but the added damage output puts it way ahead of split arrow, and as I have enough mana to support the combo it's a net win. What perhaps isn't evident at first is that the gem scaling is terrific.

The crit chance% mod from quality is also very decent, a 20% probably having +60% if it scales linearly.

I'm not AoF, but the synergy of elemental dmg% on this puppy would be through the roof.

I feel like if you were able to get enough crit gear, a max qualtiy elemental hit could be a lot of fun even on a ranger with multiple projectiles.

You could even link a crit support to it as well to make it even more effective.
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just to be perfectly clear, even though the tool tip wont show the bonuses from passives/items it will in fact apply the appropriate bonuses (wand elemental passives, elemental damage passives and similar bonuses from items) once an element is actually selected when the skill is used?
wommbatt wrote:
just to be perfectly clear, even though the tool tip wont show the bonuses from passives/items it will in fact apply the appropriate bonuses (wand elemental passives, elemental damage passives and similar bonuses from items) once an element is actually selected when the skill is used?
All feedback after this point is for 0.9.6.
Balance & Design
Used this skill almost exclusively on my bow Ranger through Merciless, but when I started trying to do solo chaos, I ran into problems of either low power if I took off my Fire+Elem damage support gems, or mana cost issues if I used all the supports needed for it (61 a shot when my MP pool was 350 or so). I actually ran into one boss in chaos who had regen and curse immune and fire resist, and I literally could not damage him enough to defeat his regen with Elem Hit.

When I switched my build to Frenzy my dps went up significantly and my mana costs went down, so maybe I should have been using it from the start. I like Elemental Hit a lot so I was sad to see it not perform efficiently enough for the current endgame - it's true that my gear is not the best and I have little mana leech but Frenzy is doing fine with what I have so maybe there's an imbalance somewhere.
Used this one with a wand build thinking that it will work nicely, then i noticed that as the skill gem levels up, it also requires more +dexterity

Please change or remove the +dexterity requirements on it so wand builds can also work?

I like it right now. Damage is high enough to not rely on the weapon damage. With the Elemental damage bonuses from the templar part of the tree and a high speed Bow(ilvl 60 Carrion) and faster attacks you can reach over 3 attacks per second without frenzy.
i estimate my dmg to be ~10k dps with multiprojectiles.

Also the survivability is quite high.

Most stuff in chaos just dies after 1-3 shots. only energy shield and elemental resist bosses pose a thread to me.

with all resistances at 75% the Elemental reflect bosses are a joke because i have life leech and ~20 life gain per hit
Headhorr wrote:
I like it right now. Damage is high enough to not rely on the weapon damage. With the Elemental damage bonuses from the templar part of the tree and a high speed Bow(ilvl 60 Carrion) and faster attacks you can reach over 3 attacks per second without frenzy.
i estimate my dmg to be ~10k dps with multiprojectiles.

Also the survivability is quite high.

Most stuff in chaos just dies after 1-3 shots. only energy shield and elemental resist bosses pose a thread to me.

with all resistances at 75% the Elemental reflect bosses are a joke because i have life leech and ~20 life gain per hit

I'd actually like to see your build if you have a link to it. It sounds like I didn't put myself in the right part of the tree for Elem Hit build. Also how much mana leech% do you have and are you using 4,5, or 6 link for elem hit? Thanks.
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Just an idea I've had running though my head as of late (since I'm in love with Templars at the moment) is to try an Elemental Hit sceptre build - unsure whether to dual-wield or grab a shield.

Could easily grab AoF + %Elemental Wep Damage going through the Templar tree, also grab +% One-hand (Dual-wield) Damage etc. Could also consider the Elemental Weakness curse for added damage and status effects (eg. burn, freeze, shock)

I'll probably give it a go, unless someone replies otherwise, telling my how terrible my idea is :/

EDIT: Should have added that I was considering sceptres due to their innate +%Elemental Damage, wish I figured would be synergistic with Elemental Hit.
Beta since 8/2/2012.
Last edited by Leoncer#4760 on Feb 25, 2012, 2:47:02 AM

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