Leap Slam
Well I died earlier from a Dominus fist in a map with no range bonuses at the very end of my jump, well outside his normal range. This was not being hit mid-air unless I had 2 seconds of lag at that exact moment and no other time in the map. If that was still qualifying as being in range the location needs to be tightened up significantly.
Last edited by DerHuhnTeufel#5368 on Sep 5, 2017, 8:42:59 AM
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Oh Booooooooo... it doesnt support dual wield claws.. Whirling blades sucks, it cant hurdle obstacles..
GGG should make a leap slam for dual wielding claws. Instead of slamming, it should strike with 1 claw and Double Strike with 2 claws. Call it Furious Assualt! Dex Gem |
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These are the weapons that I use with lightning strike.
LS uses both weapons and has a dps of 70-120k. My leap slam has 12k and uses the weapon that would be considered the stat stick. Please don't make me use Whirling Blades. It gets stuck rocks and twigs and can't cross gaps. This was hard enough when I could cross gaps. Look at the minimap to see where they are. ![]() Berek's Grip Ice Spear
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/780707 Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1211543 |
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Suggestion allow usage with wands and in that case have the attack count as unarmed. The pain of playing with wands is real...
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" This. Please! |
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I feel leap slam need at least a minor change.
Its AOE should adjust as the weapon the wielder is holding. Its underwhelming that you hold a 2H weapon and when you slamdown turning (gayling) upon yourself (duelist) you just spread the effect at dagger range. Oe maybe stop the ballet movement, and keep the manly marauder movement and make a shockwave forward in an 120°. As is it now, is one of the top movement gem, but as combat wise it serve not that much and as a panic button its suicidal as it get easely interupted |
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Yeah, cast at maximum range, if cast point is not reachable would be a huge quality of life improvement. Also the damage could be increased a little bit, so that possible "charge-barb" builds can come up with the new melee improvements :D
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For everyone wanting Leap Slam to begin immediately, even when the target is out of range: this behaviour already exists in game.
Click Leap Slam on your toolbar, then above the choices of skills, and click the 'Always Attack Without Moving' toggle. |
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3.7 movement skills rework was great.
Using Leap Slam feels almost as good as it was pre 2.0 (before animation rework, lockstep implementation and leap range nerf). It could be even better if the skill doesn't queue a leap twice at the same place, currently it happens even while using a script that prevent original system keystroke, for some reason the game (sometimes) perform a leap twice even if got only single key press event. Range is not sufficient. For me the game is movement, and therefore a movement skill is the main build-defining property. I had to skip so many interesting builds over the years just because there was no possibility to fit them with a non-bugged, non-shitty movement skill aka "not Lightning Warp". Since 3.7 Leap Slam and Whirling Blades are totally usable during early game. Leap Slam leap range is fine right up to Act 4. From Act 4 to endgame you'll face the same issue over and over — here's an unwalkable gap — from user perspective it looks like it's possible to leap over — the gap is one fucking unit longer than leap slam range — the skill fails to leap over and performing a bunny hop at the current character location (because any sane person would activate attack in place by default for all movement skills and you can't deactivate the feature with Shift button). I assume you don't want to fill up your playerbase gameplay experience with pain and frustration, don't you? As for the current skill constants Area Design pattern should be a lot more precised. A skill should be enjoyable at first place, game balance and leap range restriction are not that much important. Problem: impostor syndrome Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Jun 29, 2019, 2:27:09 PM
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